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Errata 2

Scaling Up Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) Statewide (SUMS) Partner Entity Grant Request for Applications (RFA) errata.

Scaling Up Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) Statewide (SUMS) Partner Entity Grant

To County and District Superintendents and Interested Parties:

Please use this Errata to update your copy of the RFA. This Errata hereby revises as follows:

4. Application Procedures and Processes

A. Application Timeline (pp. 17–18)

Deleted Application Timeline
Activity Date
RFA Release Week of November 1, 2021
Application Workshop Webinar November 15, 2021
Application due to the CDE December 17, 2021, by 4 p.m.
Intent to Award posted January 14, 2022
Last day for Appeals to be received by the CDE January 21, 2022, by 4 p.m.
Final Awards posted January 31, 2022
Program Start Date February 15, 2022


Current Application Timeline
Activity Date
RFA Release Week of November 1, 2021
Application Workshop Webinar November 15, 2021
Application due to the CDE December 17, 2021, by 4 p.m.
Intent to Award posted January 14, 2022
Last day for Appeals to be received by the CDE January 21, 2022, by 4 p.m.
Final Awards posted Week of January 31, 2022
Program Start Date February 15, 2022
Questions:   Professional Learning and Innovations Office | | 916-323-6269
Last Reviewed: Friday, July 21, 2023
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