Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear County Superintendents of Schools:
First Apportionment for Special Education
Mental Health Services
Fiscal Year 2021–22
This apportionment, in the amount of $198,167,000, is made from funds provided in Provision 14 of Item 6100-161-0001 of the Budget Act of 2021 (Senate Bill 129, Chapter 69, Statutes of 2021). The purpose of these funds is to provide all mental health related-services to students with or without an individualized education program in accordance with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and as described in the California Education Code sections 56363 and 56836.07.
This first apportionment equals 50 percent of the total $396,334,000 budget appropriation, and is distributed to special education local plan areas (SELPAs) based on a rate per unit of average daily attendance (ADA) multiplied by the ADA reported for the SELPA for the 2019–20 Second Principal Apportionment (P-2). The rates per ADA for this apportionment are $0.2474084604 for the Los Angeles Court Schools SELPA and $33.5882471714 for all other SELPAs. Information pertaining to this apportionment, including the schedule of apportionment, is available on the California Department of Education web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/se/sep1appnform04.asp.
The remaining 50 percent of the appropriated funds, also based on the 2019–20 P-2 ADA, will be calculated and paid in the 2021–22 First Principal Apportionment certification. In subsequent fiscal years, all appropriated funds for the program will be calculated and distributed to SELPAs through Principal Apportionment.
Warrants will be mailed to each county treasurer approximately three to four weeks from the date of this letter. For standardized account code structure coding, use Resource Code 6546, Special Education, and Revenue Object Code 8590, All Other State Revenue. County superintendents of schools are requested to inform their school districts of this apportionment immediately.
If you need assistance, or have any further questions, Principal Apportionment staff may be reached by email at PASE@cde.ca.gov.
Wendi McCaskill, Associate Director
School Fiscal Services Division