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Funding Results

ESSA Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Office of Education

Note: Recipients and funding amounts are subject to budget and administrative adjustments.

Section 1003 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides resources and assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) to locally develop and implement a plan to improve student outcomes in schools that meet the criteria for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI). School planning and LEA support and assistance for each school receiving comprehensive support is incorporated into the Local Control and Accountability Plan and the School Plan for Student Achievement.

Consistent with the system of support’s focus on increasing the capacity of LEAs to meet the needs of all students, the Budget Act appropriates ESSA, Section 1003 funding to county offices of education (COEs) for the purpose of supporting the statewide system of technical assistance and support for LEAs in their county that serve schools meeting the criteria for CSI.

Program Questions: April Tormey, email:, phone: 916-319-0226

Fiscal Questions: Ryan Bell, email:, phone: 916-319-0833



Fiscal Year 2019–2020 Schedule of Final Funding for ESSA CSI COE (XLSX; Revised 6-Apr-2020)


Final Apportionment

Letter of the Final Apportionment (Dated 15-Nov-2022)

Schedule of the Final Apportionment (XLSX)

Seventh Apportionment

Letter of the Seventh Apportionment (Dated 27-Sept-2022)

Schedule of the Seventh Apportionment (XLSX)

Sixth Apportionment

Letter of the Sixth Apportionment (Dated 20-Apr-2022)

Schedule of the Sixth Apportionment (XLSX)

Fifth Apportionment

Letter of the Fifth Apportionment (Dated 10-Nov-2021)

Schedule of the Fifth Apportionment (XLSX)

Fourth Apportionment

Letter of the Fourth Apportionment (Dated 09-Aug-2021)

Schedule of the Fourth Apportionment (XLSX)

Third Apportionment

Letter of the Third Apportionment (Dated 19-Apr-2021)

Schedule of the Third Apportionment (XLSX)

Second Apportionment

Letter of the Second Apportionment (Dated 20-Jan-2021)

Schedule of the Second Apportionment (XLSX)

First Apportionment

Letter of the First Apportionment (Dated 15-Apr-2020)

Schedule of the First Apportionment (XLSX)


More about ESSA Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Office of Education

Last Reviewed: Tuesday, May 07, 2024
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