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CCSPP Implementation Grant FAQs

California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP) Implementation Grant Cohort 4 Request for Applications (RFA) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
  1. What is the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP)?

The California legislature appropriated over $4 billion for the CCSPP, to support and expand community schools until June 30, 2032. Implementation grants will be funded for five years, at a rate of up to $500,000 annually per school site determined by school enrollment levels.

  1. Where can LEAs find legislation about the CCSPP?

The CCSPP funding has been appropriated as part of the California Community Schools Partnership Act (California Education Code 8900–8902 ) and the Budget Act of 2021 and 2022.

  1. Are there planning grants available?

No, two cohorts were awarded in 2021 and 2022.

  1. How long will implementation grants be available?

There will be one more cohort of implementation grants; the application will take place during the 2024-25 school year, with the program starting on July 1, 2025. There were three cohorts of implementation grants between 2022–24. Previously awarded planning grantees will be prioritized for the implementation grant.

  1. Who will be prioritized as a Planning Grantee in Cohort 4?

Pursuant to California Education Code (EC) 8902(j)(3), the CDE will prioritize funding schools within CCSPP Planning Grantees for the Cohort 4 CCSPP Implementation Grants. To the extent that sufficient funding is not available to fund implementation grants for all planning grantee applicants, the CDE will use the priorities described in EC 8902(f) to determine which planning grantee schools receive implementation grants.

  1. How does the CCSPP define a community school?

The CCSPP defines a community school as a public school serving preschool, transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, or any of grades one to twelve, inclusive, with strong and intentional community partnerships ensuring pupil learning and whole child and family development, and specifically includes the following:

  1. Integrated supports services, including the coordination of trauma-informed health, mental health, and social services that ensure coordination and support with county and local educational agency resources and nongovernmental organizations, and early screening and intervention for learning and other needs.
  2. Family, pupil, school site staff, and community engagement, which may include home visits, home-school collaboration, culturally responsive community partnerships to strengthen family well-being and stability, and school climate surveys.
  3. Collaborative leadership and practices for educators and administrators, including professional development to transform school culture and climate, that centers on pupil learning and supports mental and behavioral health, trauma-informed care, social-emotional learning, restorative justice, and other key areas relating to pupil learning and whole child and family development.
  4. Extended learning time and opportunities, including before and after school care and summer programs.

The CCSPP is also guided by the new California Community Schools Framework (Framework) (DOCX) adopted by the State Board of Education at its January 2022 meeting. This Framework identifies the essential elements of a California Community School and expands upon definition set out in statute.

  1. Who is eligible to apply for the CCSPP grants?

LEAs located in and operating public schools in California are eligible to apply for CCSPP funds. The CCSPP defines an LEA as a school district, county office of education, or charter school. A consortium of more than one qualifying LEA may apply together.

The CCSPP defines a Qualifying Entity as an LEA or a consortium that meets any of the following criteria:

  1. Fifty percent or more of the enrolled pupils at the LEA or the consortium are unduplicated.
  2. The LEA or the consortium has higher dropout rates than the state average.
  3. The LEA or the consortium has higher suspension or expulsion rates than the state average.
  4. The LEA or the consortium has higher rates of homelessness, foster youth, or justice-involved youth compared to the state average.

A LEA or consortium, on behalf of one or more schools within the LEA or consortium that satisfy any of the criteria listed above is also considered a Qualifying Entity.

  1. Can a qualifying school within an LEA that does not meet the overall qualifying criteria receive a CCSPP grant on its own?

No. A qualifying school can make an otherwise not qualifying LEA eligible to apply for a CCSPP grant. However, since the CCSPP is funded through Proposition 98 funds, only an LEA can apply for and receive funding as the fiscal agent through this grant.

  1. How do cooperating organizations support the CCSPP? Can a cooperating organization be the sole applicant for a CCSPP grant?

Cooperating organizations are critical partners in the implementation of the community schools’ model. Since the CCSPP is funded through Proposition 98 funds, only LEAs are eligible to apply for this funding and to serve as the fiscal agent for grant awards. Cooperating agencies and early childhood education providers such as Head Start Programs are encouraged to partner with an eligible LEA(s) to apply for a CCSPP grant, in order to provide support and services via service contracts.

  1. Does a community school grant applicant have to be a partner in a consortium?

No. Eligible applicants can apply on behalf of a single LEA and/or for a single community school.

  1. Are matching funds required for funding?

Yes, grants shall be matched by the qualifying entity or its cooperating agencies with a local match equal to one-third (33 percent) of the grant amount.

  1. Can in-kind contributions be used as a match?

Yes, the CCSPP will consider an in-kind match as a match of funds. Matching funds may be from the LEA, cooperating organizations, and/or provider partners. This is especially important in the CCSPP because partners provide many important support services such as medical, mental health and social services.

  1. Can grant funds be used to contract with outside organizations to provide services to students and families?

All services contracted with grantees over 50 percent of the total grant award will be reviewed for sustainability and supplanting purposes. The grantee is expected to manage the grant and services provided with grant funds. Budgets that propose a large amount of funds being contracted out to other entities will be reviewed.

  1. How do LEAs submit the CCSPP application?

The CCSPP application must be submitted in two parts:

  1. CCSPP Application Questionnaire (online)
  2. Supporting Documents; submitted via exFiles include:
  • Form A: Applicant Info Sheet
  • Form B: Project Abstract
  • Attachment I: CCSPP LEA and Site Participation Sheet
  • Attachment II: CCSPP Program Budget Worksheet
  • Attachment III: Community School Implementation Plan(s)
  • Attachment IV-a: Community School Planning Artifacts–Community Asset Mapping and Needs/Gap Analysis
  • Attachment IV-b: Community School Planning Artifacts–CCSPP Shared Decision-Making Council
  • Attachment IV-c: Community School Planning Artifacts–Alignment to the Framework
  1. When will applicants be notified if they have received a grant and when will funds be distributed?

Successful applicants will receive notification of their grant following the May 2025 meeting of the State Board of Education. Funds are released after the grantee signs and submits the Grant Award Notification letter. Due to processing, it can take more than 45 days for funds to reach the LEA.

  1. Should LEAs anticipate monitoring or auditing of CCSPP funds?

Yes, the CDE will monitor the use of the CCSPP funds to ensure compliance with program guidelines. In addition, the CCSPP grantees are required to provide the CDE with data in order for the CDE to provide annual comprehensive reports to the legislature.

Questions:   Community Schools Office |
Last Reviewed: Friday, October 18, 2024
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