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Funding Results

Strengthening Career & Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)

Note: Recipients and funding amounts are subject to budget and administrative adjustments.

These 2019-20 allocations are a part of the state's Vocational Education Basic Grant Award from the U.S. Department of Education under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).

Program Questions: Michelle McIntosh, email:, phone: 916-322-5050

Fiscal Questions: Sarah Chambers, email:, phone: 916-322-5050

Allocations Allocation Description
131 Allocations (Regular) (XLSX) Section 131 allocations for all unified and union high school districts receiving allocations exceeding $15,000.

131 Allocations (Consortiums) (XLSX)

Section 131 allocations for all unified and union high school districts participating in a consortium.
132 Allocations (Regular) Section 132 allocations for all adult schools and Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCPs) receiving allocations exceeding $50,000.

132 Allocations (Consortiums) (XLSX)

Section 132 allocations for adult schools and ROCPs participating in a consortium.
112 Allocations
Section 112 allocations for state institutions: Corrections and State Special Schools.

More about Strengthening Career & Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)

Last Reviewed: Monday, December 18, 2023
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