FAQ-24: CSPP RFA 2024-25
California State Preschool Program Request For Applications 2024-25 Frequently Asked QuestionsAnswers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024–25 California State Preschool Program (CSPP) Expansion Funds Request for Applications (RFA)
Desired Results Developmental Profile
1. How do we familiarize ourselves with the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) system?
For information and resources on the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) and the Desired Results System, visit the Desired Results for Children and Families website at the DRDP web page .
Family Childcare Home Education Network
1. What is a Family Childcare Home Education Network (FCCHEN)?
Pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 8205(k), Family Childcare Home Education Networks (FCCHENs) are entities organized under law that contract with the California Department of Education (CDE) to make payments to licensed family childcare home providers and provides educational and support services to those providers and to children and families eligible for California State Preschool Program (CSPP) services. Further, pursuant to EC Section 8223, CSPP contractors approved to provide CSPP services through a FCCHEN must provide curriculum that includes, but is not limited to, all the following:
- Age and developmentally appropriate activities
- Care and supervision for children
- Parent engagement and strengthening
- Identification of child and family health or social needs, provision of appropriate referrals for services, and follow-up to ensure the child and family health and social service needs have been met
- Culturally and developmentally appropriate nutrition services
- Training and support for the FCCHEN’s providers and staff
- Assessment of each FCCHEN provider to ensure high quality of educational program activities, including completing an annual Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) observation by a certified CLASS observer
- Assessment of each child enrolled in the program using the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) System
FCCHEN’s may be operated and administered by either public or private agencies, or local educational agencies. Once approved by the CDE, Early Education Division (EED) to provide services through a FCCHEN, CSPP contractors may provide early education services to eligible children under the CSPP requirements.
2. Will Family Childcare Home providers providing California State Preschool Program (CSPP) services via a Family Childcare Home Education Network (FCCHEN) be required to meet the child development permit required for teachers?
Yes. Family childcare home providers providing CSPP services in a FCCHEN operated under a CSPP contract, must meet the child development permit requirements outlined in the Education Code (EC) Section 8295.
Fiscal Worksheets
1. For Full-Day/Full-Year CSPP Worksheets A-1 and A-2: What if an agency serves a child that falls under multiple adjustment factor categories? Should that child be reported multiple times?
No. If a child falls under multiple categories, choose only one adjustment factor. Do not report the child more than once. Consider choosing the appropriate adjustment factor that will allow for maximum reimbursement for your agency.
Note: The mental health adjustment factor may be claimed in addition to any other adjustment factor category.
2. For Part-day/Part-year Worksheet B-1: Should the total certified children be the capacity of one session or two sessions?
If you are proposing to operate more than one session at a part-day/part-year site, the “Total Certified Children” on Part-Day/Part-Year Worksheet B-1 should reflect the total number of children you propose to serve for all sessions at the site.
Funding Eligibility
1. Are community-based organizations (CBOs) eligible for funding?
No. Because this funding was appropriated to the California Department of Education (CDE) as Proposition 98 Education General Fund, state law limits who the CDE can award this type of funding to. Funding is limited to local educational agencies (LEAs), which are defined as: school districts, county offices of education, community college districts, and direct-funded charter schools.
1. If an agency has a licensed facility, on what date can services begin?
Services may begin upon the agency’s receipt of a fully executed contract. A contract is executed only after both the CDE’s authorized representative, and the agency’s authorized representative have signed the contract.
Maximum Reimbursable Amount
1. Is Start-up Allowance additional funding and separate from the contract Maximum Reimbursable Amount (MRA)?
No. Start-Up Allowance is not additional funding and is a part of the total contract MRA. Remember that start-up allowance is a “service level exemption,” which allows for reimbursement of expenses an agency incurs prior to full enrollment of children in a new or expanding program.
Operating Days
1. How does an agency report the minimum days of operation (MDO) if they have more than one site? For example, if the agency has three sites open on the same day, is that counted as three days of operation?
Service at any one site is considered one day of operation for the agency. Therefore, if an agency operates one day multiple sites, it is still considered only one day of operation. Do not double report days of operation.
2. Can an agency submit an application to operate less than 246 days?
An agency proposing to operate less than 246 days must include in the application a justification for operating less than the required Minimum Days of Operation (MDO). In accordance with Education Code (EC) Section 8207(c), the MDO for California State Preschool Program (CSPP) full-day/full-year programs is 246 day per year, unless a lower MDO is approved in the contract.
1. If teachers have applied for a permit to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), does that count as holding a permit?
No. Teachers must possess appropriate child development permits issued by the CTC. The CTC permit matrix is available on the CTC web page .
Service Eligibility
1. What determines if a family and/or child is eligible for California State Preschool Program (CSPP) services?
Laws related to eligibility can be found in the California Education Code (EC) Section 8208 and in California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5 CCR) Sections 17750 and 17751. The most recent changes to eligibility and need criteria for California State Preschool Program (CSPP) services can be found in Management Bulletin 23-01.
2. What determines if a child is eligible for early enrollment transitional kindergarten (TK)?
A child is eligible for early enrollment transitional kindergarten (TK) if their fourth birthday will be between the June third and September first preceding the school year during which they are enrolled in a TK classroom. Local educational agencies (LEA) are not required to offer early enrollment TK, however any LEA that offers early enrollment to TK children shall concurrently offer enrollment in a California State Preschool Program (CSPP) that is operated by the school district or charter school if the school district or charter school operates a CSPP and if that program is not fully subscribed, and may, notwithstanding Education Code (EC) Section 8208, enroll an early enrollment child in a CSPP operated by the school district or charter school, regardless of income, after all other eligible children have been enrolled as outlined in EC Section 48000.15.
1. Can a local educational agency (LEA) apply for funds and subcontract a portion of its funds to a community-based organization (CBO)?
Yes. Subcontracting requires written approval from the Early Education Division (EED) as well as other conditions outlined in the RFA.