AEPD RFP Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers for Adult Education Professional Development (AEPD) Request for Proposals.February 16, 2023
All references to Request for Proposals (RFP) in this document are to the Adult Education Professional Development (AEPD) Request for Proposals that was released on January 11, 2023. The answers have been organized by sections of the RFP, as submitted by the potential bidders, without reference to the individual or company asking the question.
Section 1 – Purpose and Background
- Pages 5-6, Background: Section references both the California Adult Education Program (CAEP) and Workplace Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA). Is the intended professional development audience for this contract WIOA Title II funded providers or the entire CAEP consortium membership or both? The number of member agencies in CAEP is considerably larger than WIOA Title II which could impact resource allocation in the budget and Cost Proposal.
Answer: Refer to Addendum 1.
- Page 6, Background: Section states that “Adult education in California serves anyone age eighteen and above as specified in California Education Code (EC) Section 8510.” Since WIOA Title II AEFLA allows services to emancipated and out of school youth ages 16 and 17, will there be limitations in providing professional development to agencies related to these populations or to agencies that specialize in these populations?
Answer: Yes. California adult education (Per Education Code Section 8510) serves anyone ages eighteen and above.
Section 2 – General Proposal Information
- Cover page, pages 5, 10, 38, Project End Date: Will California Department of Education (CDE) confirm the end date of the project? It is listed variously as August 31, 2025 (cover page, page 10, page 38) and August 31, 2026 (page 5)
Answer: The contract end date is August 31, 2025 per Section 2 General Proposal Information, subsection 2.4.2 Time Period. Per RFP Section 2.4.3 Option to Renew, at CDE’s discretion the contract may be extended for an additional year.
Section 3 – Proposal Specifications
- Page 13, 3.1 Technical Proposal Requirements; Page 29, 3.5(b) Submission of Proposal: Is there a page limit for the Technical Proposal? There does not appear to be a page limit referenced in the RFP.
Answer: There is no page limit.
- Page 17, 3.1.3, Item 10. Subcontractor Labor Hours by Task and Subtask: Section states “A staffing labor hours worksheet must be completed for each fiscal year contained in this contract or part thereof.” If a subcontractor will only be utilized for year one of the contract, is a staffing labor hours worksheet for the subcontractor required for years 2 and 3 indicating that no work will be performed?
Answer: Yes. Refer to RFP, Section 3 Proposal Specifications, subsection 3.1.3, Item 10; and subsection 3.2.2.
Section 7 – Scope of Project
- Page 43, Task 1.6: Will a new successful bidder have full access to the existing modules, assessment tools, and technology (web and online platforms) that are part of the current CALPRO project as part of the transition to a new vendor?
Answer: Refer to RFP, Section 7 Scope of Project, Task 1 Coordination and Communications with the CDE, subtask 1.6 Transition of Contracts.
- Page 51, Task 4.1.A. Recruit Facilitators/Trainers: Does CDE have specific limitations regarding the hourly rates for facilitators and trainers hired as consultants by the vendor for this task?
Answer: There are no limitations for hourly rates for facilitators and trainer, however requirements of RFP Section 3 must be met for subcontractors performing services.
- Pages 54-55, Task 4.4.B. Professional Learning Communities: Does CDE have a specific expectation for whether the 5 days/30 hours of training are offered in an intensive single week format or delivered over time (as in 5 one day sessions)? Does CDE prefer that the sessions are face to face or virtual or have a specific ratio of in person to virtual session time?
Answer: Refer to RFP, Section 7 Scope of the Project, Task 4 Professional Development Activities (Page 50), Subtask 4.4 Professional Development Trainings (Pages 53-55).
- Page 56, Task 4.4.D. Training of Trainers Institute: Section states that “Honoraria and substitute costs will not be reimbursed by the CDE for this task.” Can CDE confirm that this presumes participant’s schools or home agencies are responsible for honoraria or costs for substitute instructors?
Answer: Per RFP, Section 7 Scope of the Project, Task 4 Professional Development Activities, Subtask 4.4.D, “Honoraria and substitute costs will not be reimbursed by the CDE for this task.”
- Page 58, Task 4.6.A. Annual Leadership Institute: Are participant agencies responsible for their own travel costs for the LI, or should the bidder budget for these costs in its proposal?
Answer: Per RFP, Section 7 Scope of the Project, Task 4 Professional Development Activities, Subtask 4.6.A. Annual Leadership Institute, “The Technical Proposal must acknowledge and ensure that the costs for all professional development training, including travel of participants (excluding CDE staff), are to be provided by the successful bidder.”
- Page 60, Task 4.8: State Leadership Activities; Page 61, Task 4.8.A. Collaboration with WIOA State Leadership Projects: In the introductory paragraph (page 60) the section references CAEP, but does not reference CAEP in sections 4.8.A or 4.8.B which funds the CAEP Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) and WestEd both of which provide TA and PD to CAEP consortia and members. Can CDE clarify the relationship between the contractor funded under this RFP and these other CAEP funded leadership.
Answer: Refer to RFP, Section 7 Scope of the Project, Task 4 Professional Development Activities, Subtask 4.8 State Leadership Activities (Pages 60-62).
Adult Education Office | | 916-322-2175
Last Reviewed: Monday, May 13, 2024
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