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Expenditure Reports for Fiscal Year 2018-19

Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Program Proposition 56 Annual Expenditure Report California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Act of 2016 Fund.

Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Program

Proposition 56 Annual Expenditure Report

California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2016 Fund

Proposition 56, approved by the California voters in the November 2016 general election, increased, by $2.00 the tax on each pack of cigarettes sold in the state. The initiative increased the tax on other tobacco products by an equivalent amount, including e-cigarettes for the first time. This tax is deposited into the California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2016 Fund.

The 2018–19 State Budget appropriated funds from the California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2016 Fund for several purposes, including tobacco-use prevention education in schools. California Department of Education (CDE) receives fifteen percent to prevent and reduce the use of tobacco and nicotine products by young people as described in Section 104420 of the Health and Safety Code.

State Operation

The 2018–19 State Budget appropriated $1,125,000.00 in State Operation from Revenue and Taxation Code section 30130.57(b)(1) and (f). The State Operation funds are used to augment services provided by Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) Office staff, to support the purposes and objectives of Proposition 56, provide travel expenses for expanded onsite monitoring of grants and conferences, training for staff, and costs associated with the ongoing services related with the program administration. From the total State Budget Appropriation, CDE TUPE Office expended $911,115.98 that represents 81% from the State Operation Funding.

Local Assistance

The 2018–19 Budget Act appropriated $21,736,000 in Local Assistance projects as described in Revenue and Taxation Code section 30130.57(b)(1). The TUPE Program distributed funding to local education agencies (LEA) through several competitive and formula-based programs:

  • Tobacco Prevention and Control Grants –have been allocated $15,308,984.00 and expend $11,838,220.00, that represents 77% from the allocated funding, that have been awarded as competitive grants for Tier 2-Cohort K and Cohort L, to enforce tobacco-free policies and administration of the CHKS ;provision of services to pregnant minors and minor parents; implementation of an evidence-based curriculum; cessation services and activities that promote youth engagement and advocacy in addressing tobacco education and tobacco-related policies both at the school and in the community. The goal of these grants is to prevent and/or reduce student tobacco-use and nicotine addiction by funding local educational agency (LEA) programs to provide education for young people to make healthful decisions through tobacco-specific, evidence-informed educational instruction, social skills, youth development assets, and to accelerate and monitor the rate of decline in tobacco-related disparities for the purpose of eliminating tobacco-related disparities.
  • American Indian Education Grants–have been allocated $300,000.00 and expend $ 285,652.67, that represents 95% from the allocated funding, that been awarded to implement supplemental prevention education, intervention and cessation programs, and youth development programs directed at the reduction of commercial tobacco use among youth. TUPE funds are only intended for the enforcement of Commercial Tobacco-Free Policies, administration of the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), and support for activities that prevent the use of all tobacco products by youth.

  • County Technical Assistance for Tobacco Use Prevention Education (CTAT) grant–have been allocated $5,427,016.00 and expend $5,427,016.00, that represents 100% from the allocated funding, that had been awarded as non-competitive grants to support the COEs in providing leadership, administrative oversight, training, and technical assistance (TA) to local educational agencies (LEAs) in each county for planning, preparing applications for TUPE grant funds, and implementing approved TUPE programs. The role of the COE TUPE Coordinator is to help ensure that LEAs implement effective and compliant TUPE funded programs in coordination with the California Department of Education’s (CDE) TUPE Program. The purpose of the funding is for the county offices of education to plan, develop, and implement capacity building, technical assistance and training, and program monitoring and improvement services for TUPE activities implemented by local educational agencies

  • Contracts awarded for technical assistance, implementation strategies, and regional coordinating activities related to tobacco use prevention pursuant to subdivision (l) of Section 104420–have been allocated $700,000.00 and expended $ 544,441.79, that represents 78% from the allocated funding.

Summary Reports

Summary of Expenditures (2018-19) (XLSX)

Questions:   Elena Cristina Bardasu | | 916-319-0286
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, August 21, 2024
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