Search California Department of Education (CDE) funding by various criteria.
Note: We are reorganizing funding information, and everything may not be presented.
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Standard Search - Search funding by fiscal year, status, type, and topic.
Available Funding - Search programs currently accepting applications for funding.
Funding Results - Search information about recipients of funds.
Projected Funding - Search programs expected to accept applications in the future.
CPA: Green Technology Partnership Academies (added 26-Dec-2024) Funding results for the California Partnership Academies (CPA) Green Technology Partnership Academies for the fiscal year 2024.
Recip-22: CAASPP and ELPAC (updated 19-Dec-2024) Recipients for FY 2022-23 California Assessment of Student Performance (CASSP) and English Language Proficiency Assessments for California and Progress (ELPAC) funding.
Res-19: Financial Distress Funding - One-Time (added 18-Dec-2024) Financial Distress Funding - One-Time Funding program apportionment and letter detailing funding information for Inglewood Unified School District for fiscal year 2019–20.
Res-24: LSPD (updated 18-Dec-2024) Funding results page for the Literacy Screenings Professional Development program from fiscal year 2024-25.
Recip-24: SPED ADR Grant (added 18-Dec-2024) Funding information for the Special Education Alternate Dispute Resolution grant for fiscal year 2024.
Res-24: Title I, Part A (updated 17-Dec-2024) Funding results page for the Title I, Part A program for fiscal year 2024-25.
Res-23: CSI LEA (updated 17-Dec-2024) Funding results page for the Comprehensive Support and Improvement Local education Agency program for fiscal year 2023-24.
Res-24: Title I, Part D (updated 17-Dec-2024) Funding results page for the Title I, Part D program for fiscal year 2024-25.