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SACS2004ALL Software Readme

The following contains the latest information about the SACS2004ALL software. It is in addition to or supersedes information that may be found in the SACS2004ALL Software User Guide.
What's New

Listed below is a summary of the changes made to the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software this year. We incorporate changes requested by users wherever possible; you may recognize one of your suggestions being implemented here.

Last year the SACS Software User Guide, the SACS Instruction Manual, and the COE and district versions of the financial reporting calendars were included in the SACS software installation for the first time, which proved to be very beneficial to users. Not only did it guarantee that each user received his/her own copy, but the electronic documents also provide for quick electronic search on key words or terms to help locate specific topics, rather than manually searching through the hard copy documents. Again this year, upon installing the software, these documents will be copied to subdirectory C:\SACS2004ALL\Calendars and Manuals.

Many of the software additions will have a significant impact this year, such as: the ability to report for individual charter schools; additional and revised technical review checks; and the new Appropriations Limit Calculations (GANN) form.

Below is a summary of the changes made this year. For additional information on each of the changes, refer to the relevant sections of the SACS User Guide and the SACS Instruction Manual.

Enhanced Features
  • Charter School (School Code) Reporting
    • Software processes and forms were modified to allow for individual charter school reporting, by including the school code portion of the county-district-school (CDS) code in the LEAID table. The LEAID number will now be 14 digits instead of 7 and will appear as CC-DDDDD-SSSSSSS where CC is the county code, DDDDD is the district code, and SSSSSSS is the school code. For districts, counties, and JPAs the school code portion of the LEAID will be zeros. The 14-digit number will display on all screens and printouts, as well as in the export file name. For additional information, see our "SACS Financial Reporting and Software Status," letter dated February 11, 2004, posted on CDE's Web site at
    • A School Maintenance table was added under the File menu where charter school information can be added or updated, but not deleted. Provisions for two types of charter schools (district operations and county operations) have been developed in the software. (Note that CDE will perform further analysis to refine the charter school types).
    • For this year, all charter schools can access all fund forms (except Forest Reserve Fund), many supplemental forms (both the county and district attendance and revenue limit forms are available for all charter schools until we determine how these forms should be modified for charter schools), and all of the reports (Program by Resource, Government-wide Reporting, and Special Education MOE). Forms CEA/CEB, CORR, XXCS, GANN, ICR, MYP/MYPI, ROP, SEA and TRAN are not available for charter schools.
    • Forms required for a charter school Official export and submission of unaudited actual data to CDE include: A fund form for any fund that is used by the charter school; attendance; revenue limit; certification; and any supplemental form that is tied to general ledger data being reported (such as 51A, ASSET, DAY, DEBT, JUV). Attachment A of this user guide has been modified to identify the forms and reports available to/required from charter schools.
    • A new fund (Fund 62) was added for nonprofit public benefit charter schools (see New Fund Forms below).
    • All of the Import (except the ending fund balance checks) and General Ledger technical review checks are available to validate the general ledger data, and applicable Supplemental and Export checks are available as well. For this year, the technical checks will validate charter school general ledger data using both the county and district account codes and combinations.
  • Import
    • During import, seven zeros will automatically be added to the LEAID number (to fill the new school code field) if the imported file does not include all 14 digits. When charter school data is reported separately, the import file must include all 14 digits in the LEAID number.
    • Added a message at the end of the import process to remind users of the automatic calculations during import, and balances that should be reviewed before printing forms or exporting data.
Update Tables Process
  • An Update Tables selection was added under the File menu. This new process is primarily for use by CDE to update the tables in the software database with prior year data before the software is distributed. However, there may be instances where it is necessary for LEAs to use this process to update their software with data provided by CDE. This year, several LEAs may have to use this process to load prior year Gann data that has not yet been received by CDE.
Updated Processes
  • Validation Tables – The July 2, 2004, validation tables are included in the SACS2004ALL unaudited actuals software release.
  • Printing – The option to choose a different print orientation (landscape vs. portrait) has been reinstated. However, whether or not it works properly is dependent on your system set up and the print driver being used. Unfortunately we can't revise much of the printing functionality in the software, as the third party software we use for the forms and reports controls it. We will continue to work on printing issues as time permits.
New Fund Forms
  • Added two new funds – Effective FY 2003-04:
    • Form 20/20I – Special Reserve Fund for Postemployment Benefits – This fund is optional and may be used to account for amounts the LEA has earmarked for the future cost of retiree benefits but has not contributed irrevocably to a separate trust for the retiree benefit plan.
    • Form 62/62I – Charter Schools Enterprise Fund – This enterprise fund may be used to account for non-profit public benefit charter schools on a full-accrual basis. Capital assets and long-term debt are recorded in the fund, as well as all revenues and expenses (rather than expenditures), regardless of when they are received or paid. (Not valid for JPAs.)
Deleted Fund Form
  • Form 72I – Article XIII-B – This fund ends June 30, 2004. Form 72 is still available for 2003-04 estimated actuals in the budget period and to close out 2003-04 unaudited actuals, but the interim form 72I has been deleted. Form 72 will be deleted next year.
Revised Fund Forms
  • Added object codes to funds:
    • Object 5440, Pupil Insurance – Effective FY 2003/04
      Added to Fund 12
    • Object 7438, Debt Service - Interest, Object 7439, Debt Service - Principal and Object 8972, Proceeds from Capital Leases – Effective FY 2003/04
      Added to Fund 14
    • Object 7699, All Other Financing Uses – Eff FY 2003/04
      Added to funds 25, 40, and 51
    • New Object 8099, Revenue Limit Transfers - Prior Years – Effective FY 2003/04
      Added to funds 01, 09, 11, 13, and 61
    • Objects 8781, 8782, and 8783, All Other Transfers from Districts, County Offices, and JPAs – Eff FY 2003/04
      Added to Fund 09
    • New Object 8997, Transfers of Restricted Balances – Effective FY 2003/04 only, to record only the transfers made pursuant to Assembly Bill 1754
      Added to funds 01, 09, and 13
    • Object 9664, Other Postemployment Benefits – Eff FY 2003/04
      Added to funds 61, 63, 71, and 73
    • Object 9740, Legally Restricted Balance – Eff FY 2003/04
      Added to funds 21, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 49
  • Deleted Object 7619, Other Authorized Interfund Transfers Out,from funds 71 and 73 - Eff FY 2004/05
  • Deleted capital outlay object codes (6100, 6200, 6300, 6400, and 6500) from Fund 73 – Effective FY 2004-05
  • Revised titles of existing lines and object codes:
    • Line F1e – changed from Net Beginning Balance to Adjusted Beginning Balance
    • Object 8091 – changed from Revenue Limit Transfers to Revenue Limit Transfers - Current Year
    • Object 8998 – changed from Flexibility Transfers to Categorical Flexibility Transfers per Budget Act Section 12.40
  • Deleted obsolete Fund 72, Article XIII-B Fund for the budget year; still available for estimated and unaudited actuals.
  • Adjusted resource ranges, as applicable, in the Other Federal Revenues and Other State Revenues sections.
New Supplemental Form
  • Form GANN – Appropriations Limit Calculations (Unaudited Actuals only)
    • Required form for all county offices and districts; must be completed for an Official export of unaudited actuals data.
    • General ledger data will extract into the form; very few lines to enter.
    • Because general ledger data is needed for both the current year and the budget year, budget data must now be included in the unaudited actual submission.
    • Prior year appropriation limit and Gann ADA data reported in the 2003 Gann software have been preloaded into the SACS software to automatically load into the forms.
    • Adjustments columns have been provided (at least for this year) to allow necessary corrections to prior year Gann data and extracted revenue amounts that need to be adjusted for the purposes of Gann reporting.
Deleted Supplemental Form
  • Form CSR – Class Size Reduction – This was an optional form provided to meet state reporting requirements. The Program by Resource reports can now be used instead.
Revised Supplemental Forms
  • Form A/AI – Average Daily Attendance
    • Based on the Principal Apportionment software attendance forms, the charter school section was revised to include all components of day school (county form only) and the county supplement section to include NPS, nonsectarian for elementary and high school (district and county forms).
  • Form ASSET – Schedule of Capital Assets
    • Ending balances reported in the prior year unaudited actuals will load as current year beginning balances and may not be overwritten. If prior year balances exist but were not reported last year, beginning balances will have to be entered as audit adjustments/restatements.
  • Form BRL – Base Revenue Limit (county form only)
    • County operated charter ADA for Juvenile Court and County Community Schools was added to Juvenile Court and Community School (Column A).
    • Extraction of County School Tuition data was moved from Non-ADA driven programs (Column D) to ADA driven programs (Column C).
    • Extraction of BTSA data was moved from ADA driven programs (Column C) to Non-ADA driven programs (Column D).
  • Form CAT – Schedule for Categoricals
    • In the state and local worksheets, replaced line 1 with lines 1a, 1b, and 1c to provide for AB 1754 Restricted Balance Transfers (Object 8997).
    • In the state worksheets, renamed Flexibility Transfers to reflect the new name of Categorical Flexibility Transfers per Budget Act Section 12.40 (Object 8998).
  • Form CEA/CEB – Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation
    • Updated the resources in Column 4a and Row 12a reductions to include new resources 3012, 3035, 3172, 3241, 3411, 3928, 4036, 4046, 4050, 4123, 5035, 6380, 7256, and 7259.
    • Added a new section to calculate the difference between the LEA’s actual and statutory percents and then apply that difference to total expenditures to determine the amount out of compliance (deficiency amount), if any.
  • Certification Forms (Forms CA/CB/CI)
    • Unaudited actuals certification (Form CA, Data Summary Worksheet - districts only)
      • A new line was added to identify any deficiency amounts calculated in Form CEA, or that the district is exempt from the requirement.
      • Three new lines were added for the new Form GANN to identify the Adjustments to Appropriations Limit, the Adjusted Appropriations Limit, and the Appropriations Subject to the Limit.
    • Added new charter school budget (Form CB - optional), interim (Form CI - optional), and unaudited actual (Form CA - required) certifications.
  • Criteria and Standards Forms
    • Deleted references and calculations for Fund 72.
    • Deficit Spending and Reserves thresholds were adjusted based on the prior year's 1.86 percent cost of living adjustment (COLA), per the Criteria and Standards (county form only).
  • Form DAY – Community Day Schools
    • Revised the extraction of program revenues data to include new Object 8099, Revenue Limit Transfers - Prior Years.
    • Included extraction of charter school funds 09 and 62. Because there are county charter schools operating community day school programs, charter school funds must be included for compliance testing.
  • Form DEBT – Schedule of Long-Term Liabilities
    • Ending balances reported in the prior year unaudited actuals will load as current year beginning balances and may not be overwritten. If prior year balances exist but were not reported last year, beginning balances will have to be entered as audit adjustments/restatements.
  • Form ICR – Indirect Cost Rate Worksheet
    • Expanded objects (text and coding) from 7310-7350 to 7310-7380, in Part II Section C, Part III Section A line 2, and Part III Section B line 7 (line 8 for COEs) to reflect the changes to Transfers of Indirect/Direct Support Costs object codes.
  • Form JUV – Juvenile Court and County Community Schools Account (county only)
    • Modified title of Object 8091, Revenue Limit Transfers, to include " - Current Year."
    • Added new Object 8099, Revenue Limit Transfers - Prior Years.
    • Added Object 8699, Other Local Revenue.
    • Modified for changes in Transfers of Direct Support Costs and Transfers of Indirect Costs (objects 7310, 7350, 7370, and 7380).
    • Included extraction of charter school funds 09 and 62. Because there are county charter schools operating county community school programs, charter school funds must be included for compliance testing.
  • Form L – Lottery Report
    • Added language at the bottom of the form clarifying the use of lottery dollars for instructional materials (Resource 6300).
    • Modified the lines for objects 5000-5999, Services and Other Operating Expenses, to separately display duplicating costs for instructional materials (Resource 6300).
  • Form MYP/MYPI – Multiyear Projections
    • Deleted references and calculations for Fund 72, Article XIII-B.
    • Added a new line in the expenditures section for "Other Adjustments" for the two subsequent fiscal years (not budget year) and modified text to request explanation of input in these new cells.
    • Modified to display the recommended reserve percentages and amounts from the budget year into the two subsequent fiscal years, with overwrite capability.
  • Form PCR – Program Cost Report
    • To reflect the new definitions of the Transfers of Indirect/Direct Support Costs object codes, the Schedule of Other Costs (OC) and the Program Cost Report were modified to replace Object 7350 (Direct Support/Indirect Costs for Interfund Charges) with new Object 7380 (Transfers of Direct Support Costs - Interfund).
  • Form RL/RLI – Revenue Limit Summary
    • Reformatted forms to coincide with Principal Apportionment Revenue Software forms.
    • Added deficit factor calculations (budget year factors can be overwritten).
    • Changed EDP references to new Principal Apportionment Revenue Software Data ID numbers.
  • Form SEA – Special Education Revenue Allocations
    • Updated to reflect changes in the 2003/04 P1 SELPA Special Education Funding Exhibit.
  • Form SIAA/SIAB – Summary of Interfund Activities - Unaudited Actuals/Budget
    • Added new Fund 20, Special Reserve Fund for Postemployment Benefits.
    • Added new Fund 62, Charter Schools Enterprise Fund.
    • Added new Object 7380, Transfers of Direct Support Costs - Interfund, to the Direct/Indirect Support columns (SIAA only; SIAB was modified last year).
    • Deleted Fund 72, Article XIII-B Fund (SIAB only; SIAA will be modified next year).
  • Form TRAN – Annual Report of Pupil Transportation
    • To ease workload and reduce the reporting burden, the non-essential supporting schedules for reporting services provided (SP1, SP2, SP3, and SP4) and services received (SR) were deleted. In place of the schedules, a few lines must be completed in Schedule I of the TRAN form to provide information about buses used and pupils transported.
New Reports
  • Report SEMA
    • A new Special Education Maintenance of Effort report for prior year actual vs. current year actual expenditures has been added to the Reports Menu. The report is still in development and will be released some time in August.
Revised Reports
  • Government-wide Reports
    • Updated functionality to ignore obsolete codes such as Function 9000, Other Outgo.
    • Modified Entry CE016 to include interfund transfers of internal service funds.
    • Reclassified program revenues recorded in Object 8699 from Charges for Services to Operating Grants and Contributions.
    • Reclassified Object 8677, Interagency Services Between LEAs, from Miscellaneous to Interagency Revenues.
    • Modified extractions to capture new Resource 7710 and applicable interest earnings as Capital Grants and Contributions.
    • Changed extractions to ignore revenue limit transfers when identifying program revenues.
    • On the Statement of Net Assets, combined Due To and Due From Other Funds onto the same row.
  • Special Education Maintenance of Effort Reports
    • Last year's new SEMOE report for budget vs. actual has been renamed to SEMB to differentiate between the existing budget vs. actual report and the new actual vs. actual report. The SEMB report released in the SACS2004ALL software is last year's report. A revised version will be released some time in August.
    • The SEMA and SEMB reports will have a new "local" test added, and both will include adjustments for the federal resources being used for state programs (workability, etc.).
Technical Review Checks
  • Changes were made to the definitions of technical review checks to further stress that incorrect data must be corrected:
    • F - Fatal (must be corrected; cannot be explained)
    • W/WC - Warning/Warning with Calculation (if data is not correct, correct the data before submitting it; if data is correct, an explanation is required)
    • O - Informational (if data is not correct, correct the data before submitting it; if data is correct, an explanation is optional but encouraged)
  • New Fatal Checks
    • ASSET-PY-BAL – Supplemental check during unaudited actuals period, unaudited actuals data only, for all LEAs, including charter schools, that requires Form ASSET be completed if prior year Form ASSET balances were reported.
    • CEFB-POSITIVE – General Ledger check during all periods and for all LEAs, including charter schools, that displays any negative components of ending balance objects (9700-9789), by resource and fund, with a $10 rounding allowance. (Warning during interim periods, for projected year totals data only.)
    • DEBT-PY-BAL – Supplemental check during unaudited actuals period, unaudited actuals data only, for all LEAs, including charter schools, that requires Form DEBT be completed if prior year Form DEBT balances were reported.
    • GANN-PROVIDE – Export check during the unaudited actuals period only, for counties and districts, that requires the GANN form be completed for an Official export.
    • LOT-CONTRIB-IMPORT – Supplemental check during unaudited actuals period only for all LEAs, including charter schools, that requires completion of Form L if state lottery dollars (Resource 1100) are contributed to other resources (Object 8980).
    • RESTR-BAL-TRANSFER – General Ledger check during all periods and for all LEAs, including charter schools, to verify that Transfers of Restricted Balances (Object 8997) net to zero by fund. (Warning during interim periods, for projected year totals data only.)
  • New Warning Checks
    • ASSET-ACCUM-DEPR-NEG – Supplemental check during budget and unaudited actuals periods, estimated/unaudited actuals data for all LEAs, including charter schools that checks for positive accumulated depreciation amounts in Form ASSET; accumulated depreciation should be negative.
    • DEBT-POSITIVE – Supplemental check during budget and unaudited actuals periods, estimated/unaudited actuals data for all LEAs, including charter schools that checks for negative long-term liability ending balances in Form DEBT; long-term liability balances should be positive.
    • JUV-END-BAL – Supplemental check during unaudited actuals period only, unaudited actuals data only, for counties and county charter schools only, that compares the ending balance calculated in Form JUV to the general ledger ending balance (resources 2400, 2410, and 2420, Object 979Z).
    • PASS-THRU-REV=EXP – General Ledger check during all periods and for all LEAs, including charter schools, to verify that pass-through revenues from all sources (objects 8287, 8587, and 8697) equal transfers of pass-through revenues to other agencies (objects 7211 through 7213, plus 7299 for resources 3327 and 3328), by resource with a $10 rounding allowance.
    • PCR-ALLOC-NO-DIRECT – Supplemental check during unaudited actuals period for all LEAs, including charter schools, that checks for goals in Form PCR that have allocated costs greater than $1000 but no direct costs.
  • Deleted Checks
    • FUND51-IMPORT – This check was deleted for estimated actuals data during the budget period only since this information is not always available then.
    • PY-ECA=CY-BCA – This check verified that Fund 96 prior year ending capital asset balances equaled the current year beginning balances. With the implementation of GASB 34, Fund 96 is no longer available. Form ASSET is used instead, within which prior year ending balances automatically load as current year beginning balances.
    • PY-ELTD=CY-BLTD – This check verified that Fund 97 prior year ending long-term liabilities balances equaled the current year beginning balances. With the implementation of GASB 34, Fund 97 is no longer available. Form DEBT is used instead, within which prior year ending balances automatically load as current year beginning balances.
    • TRAN-EQUAL – This check required input to the TRAN form if equalization funding was reported in the general ledger data. Since there is no equalization funding, this check is not needed.
    • TRAN-REIMB – This check required input to TRAN supplemental schedules that are no longer part of the TRAN form.
    • TRAN-REPAIRS – This check required input to a TRAN supplemental schedule that is no longer part of the TRAN form.
    • TRAN-SERVICES – This check required input to a TRAN supplemental schedule that is no longer part of the TRAN form.
  • Warning Checks Changed to Fatal – These checks must now be corrected rather than explained:
    • CHK-FUNDxFUNCTION – Check split into two; see Revised Checks section below for details.
    • CHK-RESOURCExOBJECT – Check split into two; see Revised Checks section below for details.
    • OTHER-ADMIN-NOT-ZERO/OTHER-ADMIN-NOT-ZERO-C – Changed for districts and county offices only; still Warning for JPAs.
    • PERS-REDUCTION – Changed for budget and unaudited actuals reporting periods only; added as Warning for interim periods, projected year totals data only.
  • Revised Checks
    • BD-SUPT-NOT-ZERO – Changed name to IC-BD-SUPT-NOT-ZERO to more closely associate it with the supplemental form that it is checking (Form ICR).
      • Changed name to IC-BD-SUPT-VS-ADMIN to more closely associate it with the supplemental form that it is checking (Form ICR).
      • Removed object range 7310-7350 from being checked to reflect the changes to Transfers of Indirect/Direct Support Costs object codes.
    • BD-SUPT-VS-ADMIN-C – Changed name to IC-BD-SUPT-VS-ADMN-C to more closely associate it with the supplemental form that it is checking (Form ICR).
    • CAT-TRANSFER – Revised the description of the check to more closely resemble the title of Object 8998, Categorical Flexibility Transfers per Budget Act Section 12.40.
    • CHK-FUNDxFUNCTION – Split into two separate checks:
      • CHK-FUNDxFUNCTION-A – Checks funds 01 through 12, 19, 57, 62, and 73 only, and will remain a Warning check.
      • CHK-FUNDxFUNCTION-B – Checks all other funds not checked in CHK-FUNDxFUNCTION-A, and is Fatal for budget data only. The exception messages for estimated and unaudited actuals data were modified to state that the check will be Fatal for 2004-05 estimated/unaudited actuals data.
    • CHK-RESOURCExOBJECT – Split into two separate checks:
      • CHK- RESOURCExOBJECTA – Excludes objects 8998, 9650, and 9711 through 9790, and will remain a Warning check.
      • CHK-RESOURCExOBJECTB – Checks only objects 8998, 9650, and 9711 through 9790, and is Fatal for budget data only. The exception messages for estimated and unaudited actuals data were modified to state that the check will be Fatal for 2004-05 estimated/unaudited actuals data.
    • CU-CENTRAL-ADMIN – Changed name to IC-CU-CENTRAL-ADMIN to more closely associate it with the supplemental form that it is checking (Form ICR).
      • Changed name to IC-DP-OVERDISTRIBUTE to more closely associate it with the supplemental form that it is checking (Form ICR).
      • Revised object ranges being checked from 7310-7350 to 7310-7380 to reflect the changes to Transfers of Indirect/Direct Support Costs object codes.
    • EFB-NEGATIVE – Revised text message only, to clarify that it is checking ending fund balances by fund and resource.
    • EXP-POSITIVE – Revised to check for positive balances by function, fund, and resource instead of just by function and fund, with a $10 rounding allowance.
    • FUND01-PROVIDE – Renamed to FORM01-PROVIDE and text message changed to clarify that Form 01 (Form 01I for interims) must be opened and saved.
    • FUND51-IMPORT – Revised to check for unaudited actuals data only, not for estimated actuals, because this information is often not available during budget adoption.
    • IC-PCT
      • Revised to alert LEAs when indirect cost rates are less than two percent or higher than nine percent.
      • Text was also added identifying key function codes to review if the check fails.
    • JUV-CCS-COMPARISON – Revised since the budget software release to compare the "before deficit" Juvenile Court Schools & County Community Schools and Homeless Children revenue amounts from Form RL (lines 1 and 2) against the "after deficit" revenue amounts in general ledger Object 8091.
    • OBJ-POSITIVE – Revised to check for positive object balances by fund and resource instead of just by fund, with a $10 rounding allowance, and to exclude objects 5710, 7310, 7370, 7380, 8099, 8980-8999, 9110, 9711-9789, 9791, and 979Z.
    • OTHER-ADMIN-NOT-ZERO – Changed name to IC-ADMIN-NOT-ZERO to more closely associate it with the supplemental form that it is checking (Form ICR).
      • Changed name to IC-ADMIN-NOT-ZERO-C to more closely associate it with the supplemental form that it is checking (Form ICR).
      • Removed object range 7310-7350 from being checked to reflect the changes to Transfers of Indirect/Direct Support Costs object codes.
    • PY-EFB=CY-BFB – Revised to include new Fund 20 and, for FY 2003-04 only, exclude new Fund 62 since this is the first year charter schools are required to report unaudited actuals and beginning fund balances may be reported in charter school funds that were not reported as ending fund balances last year. Next year funds 09 and 62 will be added to this Fatal check and the Warning check for Fund 09, CH-PY-EFB=CY-BFB, will be deleted.
    • REV-POSITIVE – The SACS2004 Budget Software was revised to no longer exclude Contributions (objects 8980-8999) from the check. However, after further consideration due to comments from the field, we are again excluding objects 8980-8999 for all periods.
    • RL-TRANSFER – Revised to verify that prior year revenue limit transfers (new Object 8099) net to zero in addition to current year revenue limit transfers (Object 8091).
  • Existing Checks Added to the Interim Periods as Warning Checks
    • The following existing checks were added to the interim periods for projected year totals data only. These checks were not added last year when other General Ledger data checks were added for interims because they check all funds, and all funds are not required for interims. It was suggested, however, that those LEAs that report all funds should have the benefit of the checks. Those not reporting all funds can explain any checks that do not pass.
  • Checks Made Available for Charter Schools
    • All Import checks except PY-EFB=CY-BFB and CH-PY-EFB=CY-BFB
    • All General Ledger checks
    • Warning Supplemental checks:
      • FUND51-IMPORT
      • JUV-IMPORT (county charter only)
      • JUV-END-BAL (county charter only)
      • DAY-ADA (county charter only)
      • DAY-NO-ADA (county charter only)
    • Fatal Supplemental checks:
      • LTD-IMPORT
      • ASSET-PY-BAL
      • DEBT-PY-BAL
    • Warning Export checks:
      • A-PROVIDE
    • Fatal Export checks:

Installation of the software may take up to 15 minutes, several times during which the user may be prompted to reboot the machine.

Probable Cause

To install the SACS software, the user's PC must have ODBC, MDAC, and DCOM. If the user's PC does not already have these components, the SACS software installation program must first install each component, then reboot after each component is installed, before the SACS software installation can proceed.


Once the three components are installed on the user's PC,they will not need to be installed again (even if the SACS software is uninstalled).


If prompted, please reboot the PC.


Run-time error 429 when trying to open the software.

Probable Cause

MDAC application did not get installed.


Close all applications. Download the mdac_typ.exe file from the SACS2004ALL Software: Known Problems/fixes page. Once downloaded, double-click on the mdac_typ.exe file. When the MDAC setup is complete (be sure to read the prompts thoroughly) the software should open properly.


TRC text window - width of text exceeds window size.

Probable Cause

Text formatting set to match printer settings.


Horizontal Scroll Bar added so that window can be viewed.


Set screen resolution to 800x600 or higher for best viewing.


GPF error or system runs very slowly.

Probable Cause

The computer runs out of physical/virtual memory.


Under investigation.


Avoid opening too many windows concurrently. If the error is received, shut down the application and reboot the machine.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 23, 2024