- Why can I not access CDEbox for School Facilities?
External users cannot access CDEbox without California Department of Education (CDE) authorization in the form of an invitation to collaborate on a specific project, or by sharing a specific file within a project.
CDEbox for School Facilities is not scheduled to go live until Summer 2015. In order for you to have access you must first be invited to collaborate by CDE. To receive this invitation submit a CDE-100SF-Project State Notice. A project folder will be set up and an invitation to collaborate will be sent at that time.
- Why did I not receive an invitation to CDEbox for School Facilities when I was expecting it?
The invitation comes from a "no-reply" source and might have been filtered to the "Junk" or "Spam" mailbox. Check these locations. CDEbox for School Facilities is considered a networking site and security controls may be blocking access. The network administrator should be consulted for resolution.
- The link on the CDE Website sends me to the Box.com Website, not CDEbox. How can I access CDEbox for School Facilities?
To have access to CDEbox for School Facilities you must first be invited to collaborate by CDE. To receive this invitation you must submit a CDE-100SF. A project folder will be set up and an invitation will be sent to allow collaboration.
- Why can I not download a file?
You must have Viewer permission to download files. Check with our Document Controllers to verify that your permissions allow you to download. You must also have the most current version of your Web browser installed. If you are still having issues, check with your network administrator to determine if you are being blocked from downloading from this site.
- Why can I not upload a file to CDEbox for School Facilities?
You must have Viewer/Uploader permissions to upload a file. CDEbox for School Facilities is a cloud-based service accessed using your Web browser. You must have the most current version of your Web browser installed. If you are still having issues check with your network administrator to determine if you are being blocked from downloading from this site.
- How can I find where my uploaded file was stored?
Use the search field at the top of the screen to enter the name of the file and click on the spyglass. It will display where the file is located.
- How can I move a document to the correct folder if I uploaded it to the wrong folder?
Users must contact our Document Controllers to have a file moved, as only Document Controllers can move files. Alternatively, both internal and external users who upload to the wrong folder can resubmit the document to the correct folder and then ask our Document Controllers to delete the previous, incorrectly uploaded file.
- I can't remember my password. Can it be reset?
CDE cannot reset passwords. Every user (internal and external) must select the "Reset Password" on the Box logon screen. A reset message is then sent to the user's designated e-mail address with a link to reset the password.
- Why can I not delete my own file which I uploaded to CDEbox for School Facilities?
Only CDE Document Controllers can delete uploaded files. NO EXTERNAL USERS CAN DELETE FILES THEY UPLOADED TO CDEbox for SCHOOL FACILITIES. Contact the CDEbox Document Controller to delete the file. Alternatively, you can upload a new version to the CDEbox for School Facilities with revisions but the older version will remain.
- I have a shared link to a file in CDEbox for School Facilities that no longer works? How can I view the file?
If a shared link no longer works that means that either the link has been deleted by CDE or an expiration date has passed causing the link to become disabled. Contact CDE's Document Controllers for assistance. Shared links cannot be restored and must be recreated and sent to all that were using the previous link.
- How can I tell if a collaborator has viewed my uploaded file?
If you uploaded a folder where the collaborators have been invited they will be notified of the upload through their "Recent Updates" page in box.com. You can see if they have viewed or downloaded the file by checking your own recent updates (i.e. the globe at the top of the screen). This page tells you all activities that have occurred. If you sent a shared link to a collaborator you cannot view their activity on the file. If it is required to know who viewed the document and when always use a collaborator invitation.
- How do I use CDEbox for School Facilities preview?
Preview allows the user to see a file before downloading it to their computer. If you are an invited collaborator, you can click on the file in your account and view it directly. If you have a shared link you can view the file the same way by clicking on the link to the file.
- Why are there several versions of the same file in my folder?
Versions are created when a new version of a file is uploaded to the same folder with the identical name of an existing file in the folder. If this was done unintentionally the Document Controllers can restore the previous version of the file as the current version.
- Can I have copies of my files in several different project folders?
No, there is only one place for each document type. Unless the document is relevant to more than one file, a unique and discrete version will be in each project folder.
- What naming conventions should be used for a document and its attachments when they are uploaded separately?
Documents that have appendices or attachments must be combined as one file prior to being uploaded to CDEbox for School Facilities. The single file must adhere to the CDE standard file-naming conventions. A complete list of all file-naming standards can be found on the CDE Website.
- How can I upload a document with attachments into a folder?
Each document and all of its attachments must be combined as one file prior to being uploaded.
- Where do I find the CDEbox for School Facilities document file-naming standards?
A complete list of all file-naming standards can be found on the CDE Website.
- What happens if I do not use the CDEbox for School Facilities file-naming protocols?
CDE may not be able to locate the documents you are required to submit. If the document is uploaded to an incorrect folder CDE will not be able to search for it to move it to the correct folder.
- What happens if we change collaborators on our project? (e.g. Architect, Consulting Firm, or internal project manager)
An amended CDE-100SF must be submitted with new names. This will notify the CDE Document Controllers of the change of staffing, and the collaborators being removed will have their access to the project folder revoked. However, the files will remain available for viewing by all parties still on the project.
- How do I submit a Supercede or Renewal Request?
The process for submitting a supercede or renewal request may be found at the CDEbox for School Facilities External Library, Module 2, 2.15 Submitting Supercede and Renewals.
- I am an external user. How can I create my own project folders in CDEbox for School Facilities?
When you are invited to CDEbox for School Facilities you are considered a collaborator and no licensing fee is required. This level of permission allows you to view, download, or upload documents stored in CDEbox for School Facilities. Only CDE Document Controllers have permission to create project folders in CDEbox for School Facilities using the standard project folder template. However, if you sign up for your own Box.com account and upgrade, by paying a monthly fee, you can have administrative rights to your own Box account, though it will be independent of CDEbox for School Facilities.
- Is there a general Help section?
Yes, there is a Help tab on your CDEbox for School Facilities screen in the top right corner, click on the downward arrow next to your name.
- Why am I not able to invite collaborators to view my folder?
Only CDEbox Document Controllers have permission to invite collaborators. These invitees are determined by the project participants listed on the CDE-100SF.
- How can I sort my list of Files that is displayed when I log on to CDEbox for School Facilities?
Located to the right of the "Upload" and "new" tabs, on the right of the screen, is a "Sort By" function with an icon that looks like an eye. Click on this icon and select the sort criteria (e.g. Name, Date, Size). These are the only sort options available.
- How can I restore a file I deleted?
Files that have been deleted remain in the "Trash" folder of the CDEbox for School Facilities for a period of 60 days. If your deletion was within that time frame contact CDE Document Controllers to have the file restored. Files deleted more than 60 days are not retrievable.
- Can I view the list of all collaborators in a folder or file?
Yes, on the right of the CDEbox for School Facilities screen is a complete list of those collaborating in a folder or on a specific file.
- How do I make a previous version of a document into the current version?
CDEbox for School Facilities keeps all versions of documents that are uploaded with the same file name. Contact the CDE Document Controllers to have a prior version restored as the current version.
- Can more than one person share a general log-in in CDEbox for School Facilities?
CDEbox for School Facilities allows a single user log-in via an e-mail address. CDEbox for School Facilities tracks user activity via the log-in (each e-mail can have only password). If shared, a single e-mail address would indicate all activity in CDEbox for School Facilities under that log-in as a single user. If a single e-mail address was used by multiple individuals, neither CDE nor our stakeholders would have the ability to verify which individual actually uploaded, downloaded, or edited files. For security reasons, at this time CDE does not advise stakeholders to share user names or folders for which they have upload permissions. CDE anticipates several users within a single stakeholder's office (e.g. architects, consultants, project managers) for each project. Additional or replacement staff may be added to CDEbox for School Facilities if CDE is notified accordingly.
- Why can I not see all of the Folders on which I am collaborating?
You may have more than one e-mail address/CDEbox for School Facilities account. When you log on you can only see the folders for which you have been invited under that specific account. In order to view all folders you have access to you must have only one CDEbox for School Facilities account.
- Why am I receiving e-mails from CDEbox for School Facilities every time a change is made in a folder on which I am collaborating?
You can change the amount of e-mail notifications you receive by going into your Account Settings. You can also customize what notifications you receive. See the "2.4 Managing CDEbox Notifications" document in the CDEbox for School Facilities Resource Library for more information.
- Why is there a pop-up on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen when I am logged into Box?
The pop-ups that appear on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen are called Real-Time Notifications. You can change how often you receive those notifications by going into your Account Settings. See the "2.4 Managing CDEbox Notifications" document in the CDEbox for School Facilities Resource Library for more information.
- Where do I find a contact list of CDE Document Controllers?
Call the School Facilities and Transportation Services Division at 916-322-2470 or by e-mail at SchoolFacilitiesBox@cde.ca.gov.
CDEbox for School Facilities Team | SchoolFacilitiesBox@cde.ca.gov | 916-322-2470
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 4, 2024
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