Statement Regarding SB 937
The California Department of Education (CDE) has received a significant number of inquiries from school districts and their counsel regarding how Senate Bill (SB) 937 impacts the ability of school districts to collect developer fees on residential projects before the final inspection or certificate of occupancy. In response, the CDE is publishing this statement. Please note this statement is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. School districts are strongly encouraged to consult with their own legal counsel with any questions they may have regarding the impacts of SB 937 and the available options.
Video: Creating Age-Friendly Communities with Green Infrastructure: How Addressing Needs of Children and Older Adults Benefits All
On April 9, 2024 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hosted a free webinar with presentations from the California Department of Education (CDE), Green Schoolyards America, and the National Housing Trust on how children and older adults are at a higher risk for exposure to environmental factors due to climate change such as excessive heat and flooding.
Creating Age-Friendly Communities with Green Infrastructure
(Video; 1:31:20)
Topics included how thoughtful design of communities and schoolyards that incorporate green infrastructure practices can protect children’s health while strengthening a community’s social infrastructure and benefit all.
Please visit the EPA
web page for more information and presentation slides.
Field Representative Exams are now available!
Are you interested in working for the California Department of Education (CDE) as a field representative and helping California school districts address their facilities needs? CDE will be filling a vacant a field representative position in the near future. Interested individuals must first take an online exam to qualify. More information about these job classifications and their exams are available online:
Assistant Field Representative
For more information, contact John Gordon at
Supporting America's School Infrastructure (SASI) Grant Program
The United States Department of Education announced that the California Department of Education (CDE) is among the recipients of the Supporting America’s School Infrastructure (SASI) Grant Program. Through a SASI Grant, CDE will receive $4.99 million over a 5-year period toward improving and maintaining school facilities in small school districts across California.
CDE's vision for the SASI Grant is to provide direct technical assistance to a select number of high-need small school districts, develop a system of support on supporting small school districts with their infrastructure needs and create online resources related to asset management.
Please visit our SASI Grant Program web page for more information.
Attorney General Bonta Announces Statewide Guidance on School Closures
California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced statewide guidance on school districts’ legal obligations and best practices when considering school closures, including mergers and consolidations. School districts that follow the legal mandates and best practices described in the Guidance Regarding Laws Governing School Closures and Best Practices for Implementation in California (Guidance)
(PDF) will take a step towards providing equal educational opportunity to all students.
New CDE Staff Assignments
The School Facilities and Transportation Services Division (SFTSD) recently updated their county assignments. Please visit our School Facilities Staff web page for more information.
All Access Restroom Guidance is now available!
This guidance is the product of an internal working group that spent nearly two years of research and outreach on design considerations of a restroom facility accessible to all students. The intent of the guidance is to provide planning and design considerations when districts and architects explore designing more than one than one water closet (i.e. toilet facility) adjacent to each other. There are several challenges districts and architects face when creating these facilities. Namely, decision makers must balance the tension of creating a design that addresses both student security/safety and supervision concerns. This work is in response to architects who contacted the California Department of Education (CDE) seeking guidance.
Coalition for Adequate School Housing (CASH) 45th Annual Conference of School Facilities
With changes in the current educational landscape, the importance of developing safe and advanced learning environments to enhance student achievement is clear. From pre-kindergarten and transitional kindergarten education, to all-access restrooms and other facilities matters, the California Department of Education’s (CDE) Office of Learning Environments (OLE) provided this session to discuss and engage on current school facilities issues, and provide tips for the plan submission process.
February 23, 2023 Presentation Slides (PPTX)
Video: Introducing the California Schoolyard Forest System Webinar
On Tuesday, October 4, 2022 the CDE, Green Schoolyards America, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), and Ten Strands
presented a free webinar of the California Schoolyard Forest System
(Video; 58:45). The new statewide initiative seeks to increase tree canopy on public school grounds across California to directly shade and protect PreK-12 students from extreme heat and rising temperatures due to climate change.
Topics included the following:
- Schoolyard forests as critical infrastructure that make schools more resilient to climate change
- How this initiative will center equity and advance California’s climate and education goals
- Initial research findings and long-term strategies to scale up the impact
- New public funding opportunities that will be available through CAL FIRE to create schoolyard forests
For more information about the initiative, please visit the California Schoolyard Forest System
Guidance during Extreme Heat
The September 2022 historic heat event is yet another reminder, along with widespread smoke from wildfires, of the importance of maintaining facilities and systems, including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, in good repair and in compliance with applicable standards to protect the health and safety of students and staff. “Good repair” is defined by California Education Code Section 17002(d)(1)
The California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE
) provides funding to upgrade HVAC systems in public schools and replaces noncompliant plumbing fixtures and appliances that fail to meet water efficiency standards. Eligibility for Funding Round Three of the CalSHAPE programs has been expanded. All schools in a funding category are now eligible to apply via the California Energy Commission. The application deadline for both programs is October 31, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.
Complaints about facility conditions that pose an emergency or urgent threat to the health and safety of pupils or staff can be made using the Williams Uniform Complaint Procedure (UCP). The Williams UCP is a formal written complaint process that is first filed locally with the school principal or their designee. Learn more about this process on the CDE’s Williams Facilities Complaints and Appeals web page.
Heat-related illness poses a serious risk to children's health. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) provides information about the risks of heat events as well as ways to monitor conditions and take precautions to protect school communities on the CDPH Interim Health Guidance for Schools on Sports and Strenuous Outdoor Activities During Extreme Heat
web page. For additional support, including assistance in determining the most appropriate response to high indoor temperatures at schools, schools and districts are advised to consult with their local health department.
Video: Designing and Constructing Sustainable Facilities and Outdoor Spaces Online Workshop
On Friday, September 9, 2022 the California Department of Education (CDE), the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC), the Division of the State Architect (DSA), and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) conducted a free workshop
on school planning, design, and the availability of state funding to help LEAs build sustainable facilities and outdoor spaces
(Video; 2:03:21).
Topics included the following:
- Green Building and Energy Codes and Standards
- DSA’s education and outreach program
- Educational Specification Considerations
- Funding opportunities for green buildings and school yards
- Case Study – A School District Perspective
Video: Applying for the California State Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten and Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program Funding Workshop
On February 3, 2022, the California Department of Education (CDE), the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC), and the Division of the State Architect (DSA) conducted a free workshop to provide information on how to apply to the California State Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten and Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program
(Video; 1:54:48).
Topics included the following:
- Overview of each state agency’s role in the school construction process
- How to plan for a project using the program
- Tips and guidance from each agency on how to successfully navigate the program
- A case study from a local education agency that has successfully completed a project
Webinar: Using Assembly Bill (AB) 86, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) I/II, & Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) I Funding for Capital Improvement Projects
On May 19, 2021, the CDE provided information on how school districts may utilize AB 86 and ESSER I/II & GEER I funding for capital improvement projects. An LEA representative shared how they used this one-time funding for their construction projects.
Funding for Capital Improvement Projects Webinar PowerPoint (PPTX)
Funding for Capital Improvement Projects Webinar (Video; 53:16)
Please visit CDE’s Capital Expenditures Frequently Asked Questions page for federal stimulus funding.
AB 841
The California Energy Commission (CEC) is responsible for developing, administering, and implementing the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE) authorized by AB 841
(Chapter 372, Statutes of 2020). CalSHAPE includes two new grant programs—the CalSHAPE Ventilation Program and the CalSHAPE Plumbing Program.
The CalSHAPE Ventilation Program will provide funding to upgrade heating, air conditioning, and ventilation (HVAC) systems in public schools. The CalSHAPE Plumbing Program will pay to replace noncompliant plumbing fixtures and appliances that fail to meet water efficiency standards. Local educational agencies and interested stakeholders can subscribe to the CEC’s list serv and learn more about these programs on their CalSHAPE Program web page
The California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) Launches the Preparedness Ambassadors Program
The Preparedness Ambassadors curriculum is designed to engage 4th grade students to develop and promote disaster preparedness guidelines for their homes, schools, and local communities. For more information, please visit the CalOES Preparedness Ambassadors
web page.
Changes in County Assignments
The SFTSD has made changes in the counties assigned to each Field Representative. Three new field representatives have been assigned counties allowing the SFTSD to provide greater technical assistance to districts and County Offices. The analysts assigned to each Field Representative have also changed. These assignments can be seen on our School Facilities Staff web page.
Projects submitted to the SFTSD for review on and after, July 1, 2020, will be reviewed based on these new assignments. Some projects received after July 1, 2020 may remain with the currently assigned Field Representative for continuity of services and to make the transition easier for districts.
Please contact the Field Representative currently (until June 30) assigned to your county with any questions about the transition.
Proposition 51 CTE Facilities Program
The Career Technical Education (CTE) Funding Cycle 6 scores are now available: CTE Facilities Program web page. Applications scoring 105 or higher should submit documentation online to the Office of Public School Construction by June 30, 2020 for funding consideration. Previous unfunded applications scoring 105 or higher from Cycles 4 and 5 are also eligible to apply. For more information, please go to the OPSC web page
Collaborative Learning in 21st Century Learning Environments: Leveraging the Assets of Student Diversity
Flexible learning environments play a significant role in facilitating 21st century learning and improving student achievement. The following Power Point presentation (PDF) was featured during a workshop at the 2020 Coalition for Adequate School Housing Conference and includes a review of the literature on collaborative and interdisciplinary learning, linguistically and culturally responsive asset-based teaching methods, and school facilities research and best practices that optimize learning for diverse students.
Classroom Definition Policy: Updated January 1, 2020
This updated policy guides CDE’s review of plans and the number of classrooms noted in the CDE approval letter used in applying for funding from the School Facility Program.
Please check out the Classroom Definition Policy web page for the updated policy.
AB 203
Pursuant to the requirements of California Education Code Section 17254,
the CDE, and the Department of General Services’ (DGS) Division of the State Architect and the Office of Public School Construction are
submitting a report titled “AB 203 Report: The Feasibility of Using a Common
Application or Application Software for the Public School Construction Programs
Administered by the California Departments of Education and General Services" regarding "the feasibility of using one application, or using a common application
number" and "the feasibility of using a common software" for applicants to the agencies’ respective programs related to public school construction.
In keeping with our commitment to encourage sustainability and conservation, this
report is posted on the Office of Public School Construction
web page and is also linked on the CDE and DGS websites.
Senate Bill 541 (Chapter 811, Statutes of 2017) required the State Water Resources Control Board, in collaboration with local water quality control boards and the Division of the State Architect, to recommend best design and use practices for stormwater and dry weather runoff water capture practices on school sites. "The Guidance for Stormwater and Dry Weather Runoff CAPTURE at Schools – California Practices to Use Runoff Effectively", is now available on the State Water Resources Control Board web page
School districts are encouraged to review these best practices as they plan school construction and modernization.
Assembly Bill 1082
At the end of 2017, the California State Legislature passed, and the governor signed, Assembly Bill (AB) 1082
which authorizes electric utilities to file applications to pilot the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles (EV) at school facilities and other educational institutions.
To discuss the EV charging opportunities provided by AB 1082 and what future EV pilot programs may offer, the CDE facilitated a webinar featuring Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) on Monday, March 5, 2018 at 1:00 pm.
School Disaster Recovery
Natural disasters have the ability to affect hundreds of thousands of students, families, and school communities in California. Please visit the School Disaster Recovery web page for a compilation of resources to assist local educational agencies in emergency response and recovery efforts. The web page California Wildfires Statewide Recovery Resources
from the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) includes a Schools FAQ: Reopening Schools After Wildfires
(PDF) developed jointly by CDE and Cal OES.
Other relevant resources are being developed and added as they become available for all types of disasters.
State Agency Workshops: School Planning, Design, and Funding Updates with Focused Assistance for Small School Districts
The CDE, the Division of the State Architect (DSA), and the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) are conducting free workshops across the state to provide information on school planning, design, and the availability of state funding to help Local Educational Agencies address their facility needs. These funds are from the recently passed Proposition 51. There will also be an opportunity for small school districts to directly address concerns and receive assistance.
Topics include the following:
- Master planning and educational specifications
- The process and requirements for each agency
- Grant Agreements
- Application processes moving forward
- Career Technical Educational Facilities Filing Rounds
Each workshop will include a presentation by the agencies, a question & answer session, and breakout opportunities for school districts with more unique circumstances.
Schools for Health: Foundations for Student Success, A Report from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
More than 40 years of scientific research has led to many insights about how the indoor environment influences student health, well-being, and productivity. School building conditions such as ventilation, indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort, lighting and views, and acoustics and noise play an important role in a student’s ability to focus, process new information, and feel engaged at school. This report examines when and how these various building conditions affect a student and pays special attention to articulating the nuanced effects these parameters have on how our students feel, think, and perform. The full report can be found at the Schools for Health website
Title 5 School Siting and Design Standards Review
The current Title 5 regulations are available at Title 5, California Code of Regulations. An audio archive of the October 4, 2016 stakeholder presentation is available at Title 5 webinar. This presentation provides a brief background on the Title 5 standards and the major concepts expressed previously by stakeholders.
Please periodically check the “What’s new page” for updates. Comments may also be submitted at: or via US Mail.
For questions, contact Title 5 Team at
Clean Water for Schools Program
For more information, please see the Waterboards website
Tire Recycling, Cleanup, and Enforcement Grants
CalRecycle's tire grant programs
are designed to encourage activities that promote reducing the number of waste tires going to landfills for disposal and eliminating the stockpiling of waste tires. Activities include tire pile cleanup and enforcement, market development and demonstration projects. Revenue for the grants is generated from a tire fee on each new tire sold in California.
CDE School Facilities Social Media Links
For the latest CDE school facilities news and information, follow us on social media.
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