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Food Pantries in Schools

Food pantries in schools provide children facing food insecurity with easy access to nutritious food. This web page provides information regarding the benefits, operations, policies, resources, and trainings related to school food pantry programs.


In many communities, the school is the hub of activity and trusted resource center for families. School staff who have close relationships with students and their families are often aware of the family’s struggles with food insecurity. A school pantry becomes a safe, supportive way for schools and communities to provide students and their families access to nutritious food, either during or outside of traditional school hours. School food pantry programs can inspire healthy habits and build resilience, which in turn helps children to become more successful in school.


The California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division (NSD) supports schools interested in providing additional nutrition services to food insecure students and their families through school food pantry programs. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) strongly encourages Child Nutrition Program (CNP) operators to reduce school food waste by collecting excess wholesome food after mealtimes to donate to food pantries. Schools and districts across the state have adopted school food pantry programs that partner with local charitable organizations, food waste management agencies, and community food banks to offer food pantries and backpack programs in schools. The NSD is working with partners to promote equity and access to nutritious food, and identify best practices for food pantries in schools.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 9, 2024
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