Using the CMD System—Educational Agency
Instructions for registered users to add, manage, and retrieve Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents (CMD) data.CMD Instructions
Logon instructions
- If you are not registered as a CMD user, you must first Register as a new user on the main CMD web page.
- If you are registered in the CMD system, log on by using the Registered user logon on the CMD web page. Use your CMD registration email address and your personal password that you created when you first registered for the CMD system.
- If you forgot or lost your CMD personal password, use the "Forgot your personal password?" link on the logon page for help.
New user registration
- Enter information into the appropriate fields.
- Enter the Agency Access Code (a combination of the agency identification number followed by the access key). The agency access codes are obtained from your local CMD administrator or from the state CMD administrator.
- Enter a personal password of your choice. The personal password must be 6 to 12 alphanumeric characters long.
Registration information can be modified after logging on by using the "Update my information" link on the "Main Menu" page.
Before entering data for translated documents
Contributors of translated documents must comply with any proprietary, intellectual property, or copyright restrictions imposed by the owner or copyright holder of all translated documents. Agencies that use documents translated by another organization should ensure that they may share those documents with other users without violating applicable contracts, licenses, or agreements that they have entered into for the translation of those documents.
Enter data for translated documents
From the main menu, select the "Enter data for translated document" link. On this page, you can enter data about translated documents.
- Original English Document Name: Enter the title of the document in English.
- Topic: Select the topic from the drop-down menu. If the document topic is not in the topic list, select “Other Topics” and add a comment in the comments box at the end of the page.
- Program: Select one or more programs to which the document applies.
- Description of English Document: Enter a description of the document, its use, and purpose.
- Web Link of English Document: If the document is posted and available online, enter the web address.
- Language of Translated Document: Select the language from the drop-down menu.
- Translator Type: Select a response from the drop-down menu that most closely describes who translated the document.
- File Format of Translated Document: Select the file format in which the translated document is stored.
- Font used in translated document: Enter font name.
- Revised/updated as of: Enter the date that the translated document was created or last revised.
- Web Link of Translated Document: If the document is posted and available online, enter the web address.
- Comments about the Translated Document: Enter any additional information here, including names that were not available in a drop-down menu for the topic, program, language, or file format.
Search for CMD records
- After logging on to the CMD database, go to the main menu and select the "Search/edit/delete documents" link.
- This link will take registered users to the "Multilingual Documents Search" screen, which allows users to request a broad search (all the records) to a narrow search (a few records) of the CMD database.
- The "Any of these words" and "All of these words" parameters can be used together to narrow a database search.
- Search parameters can be further narrowed by using one or more of the nine other fields available to registered users. These fields specify the following details: language, topic, program, county, document reference identification numbers, CDE Branch, contact first name, contact last name, and the option to search only a user’s own agency. The "Search My Agency" field allows users to find CMD records that belong to their educational agency or records entered by the requesting user.
- Results from the database search will be shown on the screen below the search window. To view more information about the document translation, select the link to access the database record.
Edit and delete CMD records
- If you are searching for CMD records to edit or delete, use the search function to locate the record.
- Open the desired record by selecting the link on the search results screen.
- From the next screen you can edit the data or delete the record. To edit or delete a record for your agency, you must be either the record's owner (person who created the data record) or the local CMD administrator.
Manage users
As the agency CMD administrator, you can use the "Manage users" link to edit or delete user records for your agency.
- From the main menu, select the "Manage users" link.
- Enter a registered-user's name or agency name to find users in your agency.
- Select the name to see all of the registration information, then edit or delete as needed.
Questions: Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Monday, April 22, 2024
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