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April 2016 State Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the April 26, 2016 meeting of the Interstate Council on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.

California State Council for the
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
General Business Meeting

April 26, 2016
Bonsall West Elementary School
Oceanside, CA 92057


State Council Members

Members Present:

Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner; Kelli May, Department of Defense (DOD) Liaison Representative; Kelly Frisch, DOD Liaison Representative; Jacie Ragland, State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) Designee; Jerry Dannenberg, State Council Member, and Nancy Frawley, Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin Designee.

Members Absent:

John Burns, Task Force Chairperson; Patricia Rucker, State Board of Education (SBE); and Senator Marty Block or Designee.

Invited Participants:

Annie Arthur, Stacey Bengtson, Tina Calabrese, Sylvia Crowder, Justin Cunningham, Patricia Kalaye, Chanin Massaglia, Rose Soluman, and Maria Swanson.

Welcome and Introductions

  • Jacie Ragland, SSPI Designee: Opened the meeting of the California State Council for the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (State Council) at 1:20 p.m. at Bonsall West Elementary School in Oceanside, California.

Opening Remarks

  • Kelli May, DOD Liaison Representative: Read opening remarks by Colonel John J. Gamelin, Marine Corps Installations West (MCI West).
  • Jacie Ragland, SSPI Designee: Provided a list of items included in the meeting packet.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • Jerry Dannenberg, State Council Member: Made a motion to approve minutes from the October 27, 2015, State Council meeting; the motion was seconded by Jacie Ragland, SSPI Designee. The State Council voted unanimously to approve the minutes from the October 27, 2015, meeting.

Commissioner’s Update

  • Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner: Provided information regarding the incoming Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) Executive Director, Cherise Imai, whose term begins June 1, 2016.
  • State Council Member Jerry Dannenberg: Announced his retirement and resignation as State Council Member. Commissioner Wren Gavlak thanked him for his service. The State Council will work to fill his position as school district superintendent representative.
  • Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner: Provided a brief synopsis of an issue between Washington D.C. and Texas that involves the granting of physical education credit for a competitive swimmer. She shared information regarding issues on the national level, regarding the granting of half-year credit for full year courses and missed registration opportunities for charter/magnet schools when students move due to a Permanent Change of Station, commonly referred to in the military community as “PCS-ing.”
  • The State Council briefly discussed transitional housing issues, and agreed to place this topic on a future agenda. Kelli May, DOD Liaison Representative, added that Senate Bill 1455 highlights the need for support on this issue.

Review Updated Draft of State Superintendent of Public Instruction Letter

  • The State Council approved the draft of a letter the State Council will request the SSPI to send to school administrators. The letter would encourage administrators to become familiar with and adhere to the provisions of the Compact. The State Council recommends the letter be distributed biannually, in August and April.

Appointment of the Military Family Education Liaison

  • Jerry Dannenberg, State Council Member: Made a motion to appoint Sylvia Crowder to the position of Military Family Education Liaison; the motion was seconded by Kelli May, DOD Liaison Representative. The State Council voted unanimously to appoint Sylvia Crowder to the position of Military Family Education Liaison.

Military Child Lobby Display Poster

  • The State Council thanked Jacie Ragland, SSPI Designee, and Kelli May, DOD Liaison Representative, for their work on the Military Child Lobby Display Poster, and agreed to annually seek approval to place a display recognizing April as Military Children’s Month in the California Department of Education (CDE) lobby area

State Council Member Comments

  • Kelli May, DOD Liaison Representative:
    • Provided an update on SB 1455 (Block). The current version of the proposed bill, along with a fact sheet, was included in the meeting packet. Jacie Ragland, SSPI Designee, suggested posting sample policies regarding resolution of enrollment issues addressed within the bill, on the State Council Web page on the CDE Web site.
    • Announced that MCI West would like to host the annual State Educator's Reception and seeks support on legislative issues. She would like to engage with superintendents and other stakeholders to provide sample policies.
    • Provided an update on Assembly Bill 306 (Hardley) regarding interdistrict transfers for active military-connected students.
  • Jacie Ragland, SSPI Designee: Updated the State Council on the participation of SBE Member Patricia Rucker. She confirmed that Ms. Rucker is still actively engaged as the representative from the SBE to serve on the State Council.
  • Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner:
    • Announced that she spoke with California Interscholastic Federation Executive Director Roger Blake, and he is interested in attending State Council meetings. She also spoke with Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Executive Director Sherry Griffith. As the PTA does not work directly with students, it may not be appropriate to include a representative as a member, but could possibly be sent an ongoing invitation to be a guest. She also suggested inviting representatives from the Association of California School Administrators and the California School Boards Association.
    • Distributed the Technical Assistance Report. Announced that Kelli May, DOD Liaison Representative, will work with liaisons to seek additional case study information to update case study data, which was last updated in 2012.

Public Comments

  • There were no public comments.

Next Meeting Scheduled for November 1, 2016

  • The October 25, 2016, meeting conflicts with the MIC3 annual meeting. The State Council agreed to change the date to November 1, 2016.


  • Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner: Adjourned the meeting at 2:28 p.m.
Questions:   Lisa Clark-Devine |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, March 14, 2024
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