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Transportation Administrator Course

Since its inception in the early 1930s, the California school transportation industry has traditionally selected and prepared individuals to act as transportation administrators through an informal system of on-the-job training and education. The California Department of Education (CDE) acknowledges the need for formal education and standardized training for passenger transportation administrators.

The Transportation Administration Course is designed to provide an introductory level of knowledge and required skills to individuals who have recently acquired the responsibilities of transportation administration or to prepare those who desire advancement into a career of passenger transportation administration. This program is comprised of several subject areas to be conducted over five days. The course subject offered is as follows:

  • Introduction to Passenger Transportation Administration and Legal Resources
  • Motor Carrier Responsibilities and California Highway Patrol Regulations
  • Transporting Students with Special Needs and Mandated
  • Transportation Handbook/Policies Writing and Design
  • Driver Certifications and Operation Evaluations
  • Transportation Funding and Fleet Regulations

Passenger transportation in California is a multi-million dollar industry with the potential for enormous social and economic losses due to inadequate safety programs and/or management. The transportation administrator is in the pivotal position of any passenger transportation organization whose performance directly impacts the safety and efficiency of the operation. The Transportation Administrator Course will provide the essential training necessary for transportation administrators to become safe and efficient passenger transportation professionals.

The course is conducted at the training facility in West Sacramento. The total cost for the one week course is $1,200.00. Transportation, food, and lodging are the responsibility of the participant or the participant's employer.

Questions:   Lisa Middlekauff | | 916-375-7100
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
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