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Transportation Instructor Bulletin #01:05

February 8, 2001

Employer Notification/Pull Notice Program

Effective January 1, 2001, Senate Bill (SB) 1403 amended California Vehicle Code (VC) Section 1808.1 to require all specified motor carriers to obtain one "pull notice" for each driver every twelve months from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Previously, motor carriers that employed less than 501 drivers were required to obtain one "pull notice" for each driver every six months.

Section 1808.1(c) reads:

The employer of a driver of any vehicle specified in subdivision (k) shall, additionally, obtain a periodic report from the department at least every 12 months. The employer shall verify that each employee's driver's license has not been suspended or revoked, the employee's traffic violation point count, and whether the employee has been convicted of a violation of Section 23152 or 2313. The report shall be signed and dated by the employer and maintained at the employer's principal place of business. The reports shall be presented upon demand to any authorized representative of the Department of the California Highway Patrol during regular business hours.

Any questions regarding this Instructor Bulletin, please contact the Department of Motor Vehicles, Employer Pull Notice Program at 916-657-6346 or the California Department of Education, Office of School Transportation at 916-375-7100.

Questions:   Anna Borges | | 916-375-7100
Last Reviewed: Friday, October 25, 2024