News Release
News Release
May 8, 2019
State Superintendent Tony Thurmond Commends New Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan
SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent Tony Thurmond praised the recent adoption of California’s Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan by the State Board of Education, stating that it’s a critical step in preparing students for the jobs of tomorrow.
“This guidance document will help districts and schools implement California’s recently-adopted Computer Science Standards, so that more students can learn skills to compete in the high-tech workforce in the future,” said Thurmond. “In addition, this implementation plan will help improve access and equity in computer science education, by expanding computer science offerings throughout the state, and broadening participation.”
The development process for the plan began more than a year ago, with a panel including teachers, administrators, a public school student, higher education faculty, parents, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, CDE’s Instructional Quality Commission, and private industry. California Education Code required the panel to make recommendations to broaden California’s pool of computer science teachers, define computer science education principles, and ensure that all pupils have access to quality computer science courses.
In California, student participation in computer science courses and employment in computing occupations does not reflect the demographic makeup of the state. Students enrolled in computer science courses are also disproportionately male. California’s Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan provides guidance to expand computer science offerings in California and places a strong emphasis on equity by providing educators with examples of ways they can broaden participation in computer science to include traditionally underrepresented students.
Another recent effort to expand computer science education in California is the University of California Office of the President’s decision to accept certain approved computer science courses to count toward UC admissions. For additional information about these courses, please visit the Alliance for California Computing Education for Students and Schools website
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Tony Thurmond —
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Communications Division, Room 5602, 916-319-0818, Fax 916-319-0100