Curriculum, or course of study, is the content and plan for instruction. It is made up of the instructional resources, methods, and assessments needed to help students develop critical skills and knowledge. Along with high-quality and effective instruction, curriculum is an essential element that enables students to learn and thrive.
These tools are provided as resources to support implementation of the Quality Schooling Framework (QSF). Their use is not intended as a requirement for schools and districts.
- Executive Summary: English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework
The executive summary provides a glimpse into the ELA/ELD Framework and the guidance it provides for educators, including descriptive snapshots and vignettes of grade-level instruction to support education in English language arts and in literacy in history/social studies, science and technical subjects. It is a starting point for professional learning, a concise but still deep overview of student learning and expectations under the California State Standards and a resource for understanding the instructional shifts in English language arts/English language development learning. - Executive Summary: Mathematics Framework
The executive summary highlights essential information and guidance in the Mathematics-Framework and is intended to introduce the reader to the wealth of information and support for teachers, administrators, and parents/guardians. It is a starting point for professional learning, a concise but still deep overview of student learning and expectations under the California State Standards and a resource for understanding the instructional shifts in mathematics learning. - P21 Common Core Toolkit – A Guide to Aligning the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) with the Framework for 21st Century Skills
This Toolkit is designed to support efforts of district and school site leaders who are implementing CCSS within P21’s comprehensive 21st century skills framework. It provides an overview of how the P21 framework and CCSS align and support each other through examples and sample lessons. The toolkit identifies useful resources and links for education leaders.
- California Department of Education (CDE) CCSS Implementation Guide
This online CCSS systems implementation guide was developed to support local plan development. It includes numerous suggestions and resources organized by the seven guiding strategies of the CCSS Systems Implementation Plan for California. These resources support the full implementation of CCSS in the context of a continuous learning process. Also visit the CCSS web page and the Common Core Searchfor additional resources to support the implementation of the CCSS.
- CCSS Resources for Parents and Guardians
CDE resources that have been compiled for parents and guardians interested in learning about CCSS and how to support their child's attainment of these standards. - Common Core Leadership Planning Guide
This guide offers support and recommendations that address 10 key areas of the new state standards. - ELD Implementation Plan
The CDE English Language Development Standards Web page provides links by grade level for descriptions and indicators for effective ELD.
Promising Practices
- Evaluation of the Expository Reading and Writing Course: Findings From the Investing in Innovation Development Grant
This report is an independent evaluation of the Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC). The ERWC was developed by California State University as a full-year grade twlve English course for college-readiness. The ERWC emphasizes an in-depth study of expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing. The report reveals a positive impact of the ERWC on student achievement. Educational leaders and teachers will find this document useful. Its extensive description of the ERWC, including curriculum, professional learning, materials, and implementation offers suggestions for improving instruction. - Implementing the Mathematics Framework
Four local educational agencies discuss their implementation work during the July 2014 State Board of Education meeting. - California CareerZone Workbook
The California Career Zoneoffers this free student workbook PDF that educators can use to help students begin using CareerZone. For additional career development information and resources, visit the California Career Resource Network.
- California Career Center
This resource is focused on serving students and provides resources for counselors, teachers, and parents. The Classroom-Ready Curriculumincludes 17 lessons to help students map their futures. Some highlights: Lesson 1 is an introduction to the California Career Center for middle school students and Lesson 10 is an introduction to the California Career Center for high school students.
- Collaborative Curriculum Development in Teacher Design Teams
Educational reform processes in which a large group of teachers are actively involved, that are focused on curriculum as a main driver of change in a school-wide context, seems to be the advisable move forward. This article discusses this process. - High-Quality Curriculum Implementation: Connecting What to Teach with How to Teach It
This guide provides an overview of curriculum implementation challenges, and strategies to overcome those challenges.
Excerpted from CDE’s External Linking Policy: The CDE is providing these external links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any external link does not imply endorsement by the CDE or any association with the sites' operators.