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California Department of Education FAQ

Frequently asked questions regarding general education topics.

If you are unable to find the answer to your question below, please visit additional California Department of Education (CDE) Frequently Asked Questions web Pages or contact us using our CDE Contact Form.

General Education Information | Complaints | District/School Boundaries | District Transfers | Education Funding | Education Statistics | Resources | School Curriculum | School Information | Special Education | Student Records | Student Testing | Teachers | Additional Helpful Information

General Education Information

How do I find general information about education in California?

CalEdFacts is an electronic compilation of statistics and information on a variety of issues concerning education in California. CalEdFacts replaces the annual Fact Book.

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How do I file a complaint?

The California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 4610 authorizes the California Department of Education (CDE), through the Uniform Complaints Procedures (UCP), to process only complaints regarding student discrimination and/or categorical programs that are mandated by certain federal and state statutes and regulations as appeals of the local education agency decision or, in certain specified situations.

Special Education complaints are handled through the Special Education Complaint Process.

Complaints against a district, school, principal, teacher, or school personnel are not within the jurisdiction of the CDE. Each local district governing board has ultimate authority over general education processes. Please contact your local school district administration to determine what local processes govern the resolution of complaints. If your complaint is against a principal, teacher, or school personnel, you may want to ask your local district administration for information on their employee grievance process. If your complaint is against a principal or teacher, you may also contact the Commission on Teacher Credentialing External link opens in new window or tab..

Procedures for filing a complaint against the National School Lunch, School Breakfast, Special Milk, Child and Adult Care Food, Summer Food Service, or Commodity Supplemental Food programs are handled by the United States Department of Agriculture.

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District/School Boundaries

How do I find information regarding district/school boundaries/maps?

You can find information about district/school boundaries on the CDE District/School Boundaries web page.

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District Transfers

How do I find information regarding district transfers?

You can find information about district transfers on the CDE District Transfers web page.

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Education Funding

How do I obtain a grant or scholarship?

Grants for local educational agencies – Information about funding can be found on the Available Funding web page.

Student grants and scholarships – The California Department of Education does not allocate grants or scholarships to students. Information about grants or scholarships for college can be found on the California Colleges website External link opens in new window or tab..

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Education Statistics

Where can I find demographic data?

The California Department of Education has demographic data about students, schools, districts, and education staff in the kindergarten through twelfth grade public school system on the California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) web page.

Additionally, DataQuest allows users to create their own reports of demographic data for public schools, districts, counties, or the state.

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How do I find an educational movie or book that is published by the California Department of Education?

The California Department of Education publishes the Educational Resources Catalog, which lists publications and other educational resources from CDE Press, the Department's publications office.

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School Curriculum

Are California standards and content frameworks available in a language other than English?

Currently, the frameworks are available only in English. Spanish translations of the English-language arts, mathematics, and history-social science standards are available on the CDE Resources, Standards, and Language Group Data web page. A link to an outside source for the science standards in Spanish is also provided.

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School Information

How can I find school contact and performance information?

Use your zip code as the search criteria to find your local school and district contact information in the California School Directory.

School performance information can be found on the School Performance web page.

How do I find out if a school is accredited?

The CDE does not accredit schools or programs. Schools are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) External link opens in new window or tab..

How can I find information on private schools?

For information regarding private schools please visit the Private Schools and Schooling at Home web page.

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Special Education

How can I find out general information about Special Education?

The Procedural Safeguards Referral Service (PSRS) is available to assist and to answer questions by phone at 800-926-0648 from Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Who do I contact regarding my child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

Special Education issues are handled through the Special Education Complaint Process.

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Student Records

How do I obtain copies of my student records?

The California Department of Education does not collect and/or store student transcripts, records, or cumulative files for students in California public schools.

To obtain records from:

  • A California public school (K-12), contact the school directly. If the school is closed, contact the local school district where the school was located for assistance. To find contact information for a school or local school district, visit the California School Directory.

  • A private school (K-12), contact the school directly. If the school is closed, contact the governing body of the school.

  • To obtain a transcript from the California Youth Authority, an individual must contact the school directly. If the school is closed, you can contact the California Youth Authority Education Services, by phone at 916-322-5759.

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Student Testing

How can I find information about testing in California schools?

Information regarding statewide testing programs in California is available on the Testing web page.

How do I obtain a copy of my test results?

The California Department of Education does not maintain copies of student test results. For information regarding test results, refer to the following:

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How do I become a teacher in California?

The California Department of Education (CDE) does not credential teachers; however, you can find information for individuals interested in pursuing a teaching career on the Becoming an Educator web page. Teachers are credentialed by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) External link opens in new window or tab..

How can I find a teaching job in California?

The CDE maintains the TEACH California website External link opens in new window or tab. to assist schools and organizations to bring new teachers into California classrooms.

How do I know if I am a No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Highly Qualified Teacher?

For more information about teacher requirements, visit the Promoting Equitable Access to Teachers page.

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Additional Helpful Information

How do I find general information about the California Department of Education?

For further information about the California Department of Education please visit the Department Information web page.

How do I contact the California Department of Education?

For information regarding physical location, phone number, and other general contact information regarding the California Department of Education please visit the Contact Us web page.

How do I obtain information regarding permits or licenses and how to have an application granted by the California Department of Education?

For information regarding permits or licenses and how to have an application granted by the California Department of Education please visit the FAQ - Applications, Licenses, & Permits web page.

How do I get assistance, as a small business or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE), in contracting with the California Department of Education?

Small Business and DVBE Advocates are available to assist small businesses and DVBE suppliers who wish to contract with the California Department of Education.

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Questions:   California Department of Education | 916-319-0800
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, April 02, 2024
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