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2024-25 LCFF and Title I, Part A

Information and guidance regarding required Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Title I, Part A planning requirements for the 2024–25 school year.

Information in each tab includes an overview, the purpose, the due date and to whom, the implementation timeline, and any required revisions for each plan, as applicable to the local educational agency (LEA).

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)


2024–25 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)




California Education Code (EC) sections 52060, 52066, and 47606.5 require all LEAs, which include school districts, county offices of education (COEs), and charter schools, to develop and adopt an LCAP on or before July 1st of each year.

Adopted LCAP Template and Instructions (DOCX) Adopted by the California State Board of Education (SBE) on November 8, 2023

Budget Overview for Parents

EC Section 52064.1 requires all LEAs, which include school districts, COEs, and charter schools, to develop the Budget Overview for Parents in conjunction with the LCAP by July 1st of each year.

The Budget Overview for Parents must be attached as a cover to the LCAP and must be posted prominently as part of the LCAP on the LEA’s homepage.

LCFF Budget Overview for Parents (XLSX) Approved on December 1, 2021; Updated Nov-2022

CSI Prompts

The CSI Prompts are only applicable to LEAs with a school(s) eligible for CSI.

Beginning in 2019–2020, the SBE added three CSI prompts to the Plan Summary section of the LCAP. The CSI prompts serve as the mechanism by which the SBE approves CSI Plans.

The CSI prompts and the CSI plan are two distinctively different documents and processes. The CSI prompts do not serve as the CSI plan. The LEA uses the CSI prompts to report to the SBE its efforts to develop, implement, and monitor its CSI plan.

LEAs, including charter schools, with a school(s) eligible for CSI will address the CSI prompts as part of the Plan Summary in the 2024–25 LCAP.

A charter school is required to submit its 2024–25 LCAP Plan Summary with the completed CSI prompts to the COE in the county in which the charter school resides for approval of the CSI prompts on or before July 1, 2024.

LCAP Action Tables

Included as part of the LCAP are the LCAP Action Tables. The following action tables are required to be included in the 2024–25 LCAP as adopted by the local governing board or governing body:

  • Total Expenditures Table
  • Contributing Actions Table
  • Annual Update Table
  • Contributing Actions Annual Update Table
  • LCFF Carryover Table

The Data Entry table may be included in the LCAP adopted by the local governing board or governing body, but is not required to be included.

Adopted Action Tables (XLSX) Adopted by the SBE on November 8, 2023

Due Date and to Whom

The 2024–25 LCAP, inclusive of the Budget Overview for Parents, the LCAP Action Tables, and, if applicable to the LEA, responses to the CSI prompts in the LCAP, must be adopted by the LEA’s local governing board or body at a public meeting on or before July 1, 2024.

All documents must be submitted within 5 days of adoption by the LEA’s local governing board or body:

  • COEs and single-district counties submit their LCAPs to the California Department of Education via email at
  • School districts submit their LCAPs to their COE.
  • Charter schools submit their LCAPs to their chartering authority and the COE of the county in which the charter school operates (or just COE if it is the chartering authority).

Implementation Timeline


Required Revisions

LEAs must update the LCAP each year through the annual update process.

LCAP Federal Addendum


Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum

Within California, LEAs that apply for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) funds are required to complete the LCAP, the LCAP Federal Addendum, and the Consolidated Application (ConApp). The LCAP, in conjunction with the LCAP Federal Addendum and the ConApp, serve to meet the ESSA LEA Plan requirement.

Note: The LCAP Federal Addendum only applies to LEAs that receive ESSA Title funds.


The LCAP Federal Addendum is only submitted for approval by the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California State Board of Education (SBE) once.

LEAs that received CDE and SBE approval for their LCAP Federal Addendum in 2019–2020, 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23, and/or 2023–24 do not need to resubmit an LCAP Federal Addendum for the 2023–24 school year or any year thereafter.

LEAs that are applying for ESSA Title funding for the first time in 2024–25 are required to complete and submit LCAP Federal Addenda for the applicable ESSA Title programs to the CDE and SBE for approval in the 2024–25 school year.

Once the LEA submits its 2024–25 ConApp in the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) to apply for ESSA Title funding, the LEA may access the CDE’s LCAP Federal Addendum submission system and submit responses to the provisions for the applicable ESSA Titles for CDE approval.

LCAP Federal Addendum Template (DOCX)

Due Date and to Whom

In order to receive federal Title funds, the LEA must have an ESSA LEA Plan on file with the SBE.

For LEAs applying for federal Title funds for the first time, they must submit a local governing board or body-approved LCAP Federal Addendum, for the applicable ESSA Title programs, within the CDE’s LCAP Federal Addendum submission system for CDE review and approval on or before March 31, 2025.

Upon submitting the LCAP Federal Addendum within the CDE’s LCAP Federal Addendum submission system, the CDE will review the LCAP Federal Addendum and will work with the LEA to ensure that its LCAP Federal Addendum addresses all required provisions of the ESSA programs for which they are applying for federal education funds. The LEA’s LCAP Federal Addendum must address all required provisions of the ESSA programs for which they are applying by July 15, 2025 in order to receive federal Title funds for the 2024–25 school year.

Following the CDE’s review of the LCAP Federal Addendum, the CDE will submit the LCAP Federal Addendum to the SBE for approval, enabling the LEA to be eligible to receive ESSA Title funding.

Implementation Timeline


Required Revisions

The LCAP Federal Addendum is to be reviewed annually and revised, as necessary. Revisions or updates to CDE and SBE-approved LCAP Federal Addenda may be made and retained at the local level, consistent with specific Title requirements, and do not need to be submitted within the CDE’s LCAP Federal Addendum system. Any revisions or updates to the LCAP Federal Addendum must be adopted by the local governing board or body of the LEA. Pursuant to EC Section 52065 and 47606.5(i), the LCAP Federal Addendum must be posted on the same web page as the LEAs LCAPs. This includes any revisions or updates made at the local level to the plan approved by the SBE. It is the responsibility of the LEA to adhere to the revision and update requirements specific to each Title, as follows:

  • Title I, Part A: Review annually and revise, as necessary.
    Program Office Contact:

  • Title I, Part A, Educator Equity: Data must be gathered and analyzed annually. The CDE tools are available for LEAs on the Promoting Equitable Access to Teachers - Educator Excellence web page.
    Program Office Contact:

  • Title II, Part A: Review annually and revise, as necessary. For schools eligible for CSI/TSI, the prioritized funding provision of Title II must be updated to indicate how the LEA will prioritize Title II funds/resources to the designated school site(s).
    Program Office Contact:

  • Title III, Part A: Each LEA and consortium receiving Title III funds for a subgrant year must annually review, monitor, and revise, as necessary, the LCAP Federal Addendum, which serves as the LEA’s Title III plan. To learn more about the LCAP Federal Addendum as it pertains to Title III, please refer to the Federal Addendum section of the Title III web page.
    Program Office Contact:

  • Title IV, Part A: Review annually and revise if any of the items below have changed within the LEA’s Title IV, Part A program:

    1. Any partnership with an institution of higher education, business, nonprofit organization, community-based organization, or other public or private entity with a demonstrated record of success in implementing activities under this subpart;
    2. How funds will be used for activities related to supporting well-rounded education under section 4107;
    3. How funds will be used for activities related to supporting safe and healthy students under section 4108;
    4. How funds will be used for activities related to supporting the effective use of technology in schools under section 4109; and
    5. The program objectives and intended outcomes for activities under this subpart, and how the local educational agency, or consortium of such agencies, will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out under this section based on such objectives and outcomes.

      Note: All LEAs applying for Title IV, Part A must provide a description to each of the Title IV, Part A LEA plan provisions located in the LCAP Federal Addendum regardless if participating in Federal Transferability pursuant to ESSA Section 5103 or LEA allocation amount.

      Additional information on the Title IV, Part A LEA plan provisions for the LCAP Federal Addendum may be located on the Title IV, Part A: SSAE web page.

    Program Office Contact:

It is recommended that LEAs contact the individual Title program offices for additional guidance.

CSI Plan/ATSI Plan


Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Plan

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires state educational agencies (SEAs) to determine school eligibility for CSI. LEAs with schools that meet the criteria for CSI must partner with educational partners to locally develop and implement a plan to improve student outcomes.

The county office of education (COE) also plays a role in providing technical assistance and support to LEAs within its county that serve schools that meet the criteria for CSI.

Note: The CSI Plan is only applicable to LEAs with schools eligible for CSI.

Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) Plan

The ESSA requires SEAs to determine school eligibility for ATSI.

Schools that meet the criteria for ATSI must partner with educational partners to develop and implement a school-level plan to improve student outcomes.

Note: The ATSI Plan is only applicable to schools eligible for ATSI.


LEAs with schools eligible for CSI or ATSI on the 2023–24 ESSA Assistance Status Data File must develop and implement a CSI plan for the 2024–25 school year that meets federal planning requirements consistent with ESSA Section 1111(d)(1). Likewise, a school that is eligible for ATSI on the 2023–24 ESSA Assistance Status Data File must develop and implement an ATSI plan for the 2024–25 school year that meets federal planning requirements consistent with ESSA Section 1111(d)(2).

LEAs (Title I or non-Title I) must use the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) planning process to meet CSI or ATSI planning requirements. And while the California Department of Education (CDE) does not require the use of its SPSA template or any other school-level planning template; as a convenience, the CDE has developed the SPSA template that, if completed consistent with the provided instructions and is implemented with fidelity, would meet all CSI and/or ATSI planning requirements, as applicable.

If an LEA elects to use its own SPSA template to document its school improvement efforts, then it must ensure that its template/process addresses all federal school improvement planning requirements for CSI and/or ATSI, as applicable.

Single school districts and charter schools eligible for CSI or LEAs with Dashboard Alternative School Status Community of Practice schools eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria may use the 2024−25 LCAP, including educational partner engagement requirements, to serve as the CSI plan, provided that the LCAP meets CSI planning requirements consistent with ESSA Section 1111(d)(1).

More information on how to address the CSI planning requirements through the LCAP can be found on the 'DASS CoP' tab on the Comprehensive Support and Improvement web page.

To support LEA school planning efforts for single school districts, charter schools, and LEAs with DASS CoP schools eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria, the CDE developed a CSI Planning Summary that explains how to use the LCAP to meet CSI planning requirements.

Additionally, LEAs with schools that meet the criteria for CSI will continue to complete the CSI prompts located in the Plan Summary of the LCAP, as applicable.

Single school districts and charter schools eligible for ATSI may use the 2024−25 LCAP, including educational partner engagement requirements, to serve as the ATSI plan, provided that the LCAP meets ATSI planning requirements consistent with ESSA Section 1111(d)(2).

To support single school districts and charter schools with ATSI planning efforts, the CDE developed an ATSI Planning Summary that explains how to use the LCAP to meet ATSI planning requirements.

Additional Information

LCAP and SPSA instructions for CSI/ATSI are located on the LCAP web page.

Due Date and to Whom

There is an expectation that CSI and ATSI plans for the 2024–25 school year are fully developed and approved at the local level (school and LEA) and are ready to be implemented no later than the first day of the 2024–25 school year. This will ensure that students and the school receive a full year of intervention and support consistent with the LEA’s CSI or ATSI plan for that school.

Implementation Timeline

2024–25 school year

Required Revisions

LEAs may choose to revise the CSI Plan or ATSI Plan throughout the year, as needed.



School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

California Education Code (EC) Section 64001 and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1114(b) requires schools that operate a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program (SWP) annually develop and implement a SWP plan.

Note: The SPSA is only applicable to schools operating a Title I, Part A SWP and/or schools eligible for CSI or ATSI.


In general, schools operating Title I, Part A SWPs are required to complete a SPSA consistent with EC Section 64001 and convene a Schoolsite Council (SSC) consistent with the requirements in EC sections 65000 or 65001.

The exception to the requirement is that EC Section 64001(j) allows a single school district or charter school to use its LCAP, with the inclusion of Title I, Part A funded expenditures, and the educational partner requirements in EC Section 52062(a) to meet federal school planning and educational partner requirements. For more guidance for Single School Districts and Charter schools that use the LCAP as the SWP, please visit the School Plan Guidance for Districts and Charters web page.

The California Department of Education (CDE) does not mandate the SPSA template or any other school-level planning template. As a convenience, the CDE has developed the SPSA template that, if completed consistent with the provided instructions and implemented with fidelity, meets all federal school planning requirements, as applicable.

  • SPSA Template (DOCX; Updated 19-Jun-2024)
    This SPSA template consolidates all school-level planning efforts into one plan for programs funded through the ConApp pursuant to EC Section 64001 and the ESSA. This template is designed to meet schoolwide program planning requirements.
  • SPSA (CSI) Template (DOCX; Updated 19-Jun-2024)
    This SPSA template consolidates all school-level planning efforts into one plan for programs funded through the ConApp, and for federal CSI, pursuant to EC Section 64001 and the ESSA. This template is designed to meet schoolwide program planning requirements for both the SPSA and federal CSI planning requirements.
  • SPSA (ATSI) Template (DOCX; Updated 19-Jun-2024)
    This SPSA template consolidates all school-level planning efforts into one plan for programs funded through the ConApp, and for federal ATSI, pursuant to EC Section 64001 and the ESSA. This template is designed to meet schoolwide program planning requirements for both the SPSA and federal ATSI planning requirements.
  • SPSA (TSI) Template (DOCX; Posted 03-Oct-2024)
    This SPSA template consolidates all school-level planning efforts into one plan for programs funded through the ConApp, and for federal TSI, pursuant to EC Section 64001 and the ESSA. This template is designed to meet schoolwide program planning requirements for both the SPSA and federal TSI planning requirements.

Due Date and to Whom

The SPSA is a one-year plan that is intended to be developed by the school’s SSC and approved by the LEA’s local governing board or body before or during the school year for which the plan is being implemented. Statute does not specify a timeline/deadline for when the development and approval of the SPSA must occur; this remains a local decision consistent with the needs of the school and local community.

The SPSA is not required to be submitted to the COE in which the LEA resides or the CDE unless the school is undergoing a Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) review or the subject of a complaint related to applicable state and federal program requirements. However, the SPSA is a public document and may be requested pursuant to the California Public Records Act.

Implementation Timeline

2024–25 school year

Required Revisions

Schools are required to annually review, evaluate, and update the SPSA.

Questions:   Local Agency Systems Support Office |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, November 26, 2024
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