2022-23 COE and School District LCAP links
This page contains links to county office of education (COE) and school district Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs).Per California Education Code Section 52065 , the following is a list of links to all local control and accountability plans (LCAPs) approved by the governing boards of school districts and county boards of education. This list is intended to be used by parents, teachers, and school administrators throughout the state.
To view the links to the LCAPs, select the county name.
- Alameda County Office of Education
- Alameda Unified (PDF)
- Albany City Unified (PDF)
- Berkeley Unified (PDF)
- Castro Valley Unified (PDF)
- Dublin Unified
- Emery Unified (PDF)
- Fremont Unified
- Hayward Unified (PDF)
- Livermore Valley Joint Unified (PDF)
- Mountain House Elementary
- New Haven Unified
- Newark Unified
- Oakland Unified
- Piedmont City Unified
- Pleasanton Unified
- San Leandro Unified
- San Lorenzo Unified
- Sunol Glen Unified
- Alpine County Office of Education
- Alpine County Unified
- Butte County Office of Education
- Bangor Union Elementary
- Biggs Unified
- Chico Unified
- Durham Unified
- Golden Feather Union Elementary
- Gridley Unified
- Manzanita Elementary
- Oroville City Elementary
- Oroville Union High
- Palermo Union Elementary
- Paradise Unified
- Pioneer Union Elementary
- Thermalito Union Elementary
- Colusa County Office of Education
- Colusa Unified (PDF)
- Maxwell Unified (PDF)
- Pierce Joint Unified
- Williams Unified
Contra Costa
- Contra Costa County Office of Education
- Acalanes Union High (PDF)
- Antioch Unified (PDF)
- Brentwood Union Elementary
- Byron Union Elementary
- Canyon Elementary
- John Swett Unified
- Knightsen Elementary (PDF)
- Lafayette Elementary
- Liberty Union High (PDF)
- Martinez Unified
- Moraga Elementary (PDF)
- Mt. Diablo Unified (PDF)
- Oakley Union Elementary (PDF)
- Orinda Union Elementary
- Pittsburg Unified (PDF)
- San Ramon Valley Unified (PDF)
- Walnut Creek Elementary
- West Contra Costa Unified
El Dorado
- El Dorado County Office of Education (PDF)
- Black Oak Mine Unified (PDF)
- Buckeye Union Elementary
- Camino Union Elementary
- El Dorado Union High (PDF)
- Gold Oak Union Elementary (PDF)
- Gold Trail Union Elementary
- Indian Diggings Elementary (PDF)
- Lake Tahoe Unified (PDF)
- Latrobe (PDF)
- Mother Lode Union Elementary
- Pioneer Union Elementary (PDF)
- Placerville Union Elementary
- Pollock Pines Elementary
- Rescue Union Elementary
- Silver Fork Elementary
- Fresno County Superintendent of Schools (PDF)
- Alvina Elementary (PDF)
- Big Creek Elementary (PDF)
- Burrel Union Elementary (PDF)
- Caruthers Unified (PDF)
- Central Unified (PDF)
- Clay Joint Elementary (PDF)
- Clovis Unified (PDF)
- Coalinga-Huron Unified (PDF)
- Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified (PDF)
- Fowler Unified (PDF)
- Fresno Unified (PDF)
- Golden Plains Unified (PDF)
- Kerman Unified (PDF)
- Kings Canyon Joint Unified (PDF)
- Kingsburg Elementary Charter (PDF)
- Kingsburg Joint Union High (PDF)
- Laton Joint Unified (PDF)
- Mendota Unified (PDF)
- Monroe Elementary (PDF)
- Orange Center (PDF)
- Pacific Union Elementary (PDF)
- Parlier Unified (PDF)
- Pine Ridge Elementary (PDF)
- Raisin City Elementary (PDF)
- Riverdale Joint Unified (PDF)
- Sanger Unified (PDF)
- Selma Unified (PDF)
- Sierra Unified (PDF)
- Washington Colony Elementary (PDF)
- Washington Unified (PDF)
- West Park Elementary (PDF)
- Westside Elementary (PDF)
- Glenn County Office of Education
- Capay Joint Union Elementary
- Hamilton Unified (PDF)
- Lake Elementary
- Orland Joint Unified (PDF)
- Plaza Elementary (PDF)
- Princeton Joint Unified (PDF)
- Stony Creek Joint Unified
- Willows Unified (PDF)
- Humboldt County Office of Education (PDF)
- Arcata Elementary (PDF)
- Big Lagoon Union Elementary (PDF)
- Blue Lake Union Elementary (PDF)
- Bridgeville Elementary (PDF)
- Cuddeback Union Elementary (PDF)
- Cutten Elementary (PDF)
- Eureka City Schools (PDF)
- Ferndale Unified (PDF)
- Fieldbrook Elementary (PDF)
- Fortuna Elementary (PDF)
- Fortuna Union High (PDF)
- Freshwater Elementary (PDF)
- Garfield Elementary (PDF)
- Green Point Elementary (PDF)
- Hydesville Elementary (PDF)
- Jacoby Creek Elementary (PDF)
- Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified (PDF)
- Kneeland Elementary (PDF)
- Loleta Union Elementary (PDF)
- Maple Creek Elementary (PDF)
- Mattole Unified (PDF)
- McKinleyville Union Elementary (PDF)
- Northern Humboldt Union High (PDF)
- Orick Elementary (PDF)
- Pacific Union Elementary (PDF)
- Peninsula Union (PDF)
- Rio Dell Elementary (PDF)
- Scotia Union Elementary (PDF)
- South Bay Union Elementary (PDF)
- Southern Humboldt Joint Unified (PDF)
- Trinidad Union Elementary (PDF)
- Imperial County Office of Education
- Brawley Elementary
- Brawley Union High
- Calexico Unified
- Calipatria Unified
- Central Union High
- El Centro Elementary
- Heber Elementary
- Holtville Unified
- Imperial Unified
- Magnolia Union Elementary
- McCabe Union Elementary
- Meadows Union Elementary
- Mulberry Elementary
- San Pasqual Valley Unified
- Seeley Union Elementary
- Westmorland Union Elementary
- Inyo County Office of Education
- Big Pine Unified
- Bishop Unified
- Death Valley Unified
- Lone Pine Unified
- Owens Valley Unified
- Round Valley Joint Elementary (PDF)
- Kern County Office of Education (PDF)
- Arvin Union (PDF)
- Bakersfield City (PDF)
- Beardsley Elementary (PDF)
- Blake Elementary (PDF)
- Buttonwillow Union Elementary (PDF)
- Caliente Union Elementary (PDF)
- Delano Joint Union High (PDF)
- Delano Union Elementary (PDF)
- Di Giorgio Elementary (PDF)
- Edison Elementary (PDF)
- El Tejon Unified (PDF)
- Elk Hills Elementary (PDF)
- Fairfax Elementary (PDF)
- Fruitvale Elementary (PDF)
- General Shafter Elementary (PDF)
- Greenfield Union (PDF)
- Kern High (PDF)
- Kernville Union Elementary (PDF)
- Lakeside Union (PDF)
- Lamont Elementary (PDF)
- Linns Valley-Poso Flat Union (PDF)
- Lost Hills Union Elementary (PDF)
- Maple Elementary (PDF)
- Maricopa Unified (PDF)
- McFarland Unified (PDF)
- McKittrick Elementary (PDF)
- Midway Elementary (PDF)
- Mojave Unified (PDF)
- Muroc Joint Unified (PDF)
- Norris Elementary (PDF)
- Panama-Buena Vista Union (PDF)
- Pond Union Elementary (PDF)
- Richland Union Elementary (PDF)
- Rio Bravo-Greeley Union Elementary (PDF)
- Rosedale Union Elementary (PDF)
- Semitropic Elementary (PDF)
- Sierra Sands Unified (PDF)
- South Fork Union (PDF)
- Southern Kern Unified (PDF)
- Standard Elementary (PDF)
- Taft City (PDF)
- Taft Union High (PDF)
- Tehachapi Unified (PDF)
- Vineland Elementary (PDF)
- Wasco Union Elementary (PDF)
- Wasco Union High (PDF)
- Kings County Office of Education
- Armona Union Elementary
- Central Union Elementary (PDF)
- Corcoran Joint Unified (PDF)
- Hanford Elementary (PDF)
- Hanford Joint Union High
- Island Union Elementary (PDF)
- Kings River-Hardwick Union Elementary
- Kit Carson Union Elementary (PDF)
- Lakeside Union Elementary (PDF)
- Lemoore Union Elementary (PDF)
- Lemoore Union High
- Pioneer Union Elementary
- Reef-Sunset Unified (PDF)
- Lake County Office of Education
- Kelseyville Unified (PDF)
- Konocti Unified (PDF)
- Lakeport Unified
- Lucerne Elementary (PDF)
- Middletown Unified (PDF)
- Upper Lake Unified (PDF)
- Lassen County Office of Education (PDF)
- Big Valley Joint Unified (PDF)
- Fort Sage Unified (PDF)
- Janesville Union Elementary (PDF)
- Johnstonville Elementary
- Lassen Union High
- Ravendale-Termo Elementary (PDF)
- Richmond Elementary (PDF)
- Shaffer Union Elementary (PDF)
- Susanville Elementary (PDF)
- Westwood Unified (PDF)
Los Angeles
- Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE)
Please go to LACOE's eLCAP portal to view the LCAPs for the following districts:
- ABC Unified
- Acton-Agua Dulce Unified
- Alhambra Unified
- Antelope Valley Union High
- Arcadia Unified
- Azusa Unified
- Baldwin Park Unified
- Bassett Unified
- Bellflower Unified
- Beverly Hills Unified
- Bonita Unified
- Burbank Unified
- Castaic Union
- Centinela Valley Union High
- Charter Oak Unified
- Claremont Unified
- Compton Unified
- Covina-Valley Unified
- Culver City Unified
- Downey Unified
- Duarte Unified
- East Whittier City Elementary
- Eastside Union Elementary
- El Monte City
- El Monte Union High
- El Rancho Unified
- El Segundo Unified
- Garvey Elementary
- Glendale Unified
- Glendora Unified
- Gorman Joint
- Hacienda la Puente Unified
- Hawthorne
- Hermosa Beach City Elementary
- Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union Elementary
- Inglewood Unified
- Keppel Union Elementary
- La Canada Unified
- Lancaster Elementary
- Las Virgenes Unified
- Lawndale Elementary
- Lennox
- Little Lake City Elementary
- Long Beach Unified
- Los Angeles Unified
- Los Nietos
- Lowell Joint
- Lynwood Unified
- Manhattan Beach Unified
- Monrovia Unified
- Montebello Unified
- Mountain View Elementary
- Newhall
- Norwalk-La Mirada Unified
- Palmdale Elementary
- Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified
- Paramount Unified
- Pasadena Unified
- Pomona Unified
- Redondo Beach Unified
- Rosemead Elementary
- Rowland Unified
- San Gabriel Unified
- San Marino Unified
- Santa Monica-Malibu Unified
- Saugus Union
- South Pasadena Unified
- South Whittier Elementary
- Sulphur Springs Union
- Temple City Unified
- Torrance Unified
- Valle Lindo Elementary
- Walnut Valley Unified
- West Covina Unified
- Westside Union Elementary
- Whittier City Elementary
- Whittier Union High
- William S. Hart Union High
- Wilsona Elementary
- Wiseburn Unified
- Madera County Superintendent of Schools (PDF)
- Alview-Dairyland Union Elementary (PDF)
- Bass Lake Joint Union Elementary (PDF)
- Chawanakee Unified
- Chowchilla Elementary (PDF)
- Chowchilla Union High (PDF)
- Golden Valley Unified (PDF)
- Madera Unified (PDF)
- Raymond-Knowles Union Elementary (PDF)
- Yosemite Unified (PDF)
- Marin County Office of Education (PDF)
- Bolinas-Stinson Union (PDF)
- Kentfield Elementary (PDF)
- Laguna Joint Elementary (PDF)
- Lagunitas Elementary (PDF)
- Larkspur-Corte Madera (PDF)
- Mill Valley Elementary (PDF)
- Miller Creek Elementary (PDF)
- Nicasio (PDF)
- Novato Unified (PDF)
- Reed Union Elementary (PDF)
- Ross Elementary (PDF)
- Ross Valley Elementary (PDF)
- San Rafael City Elementary (PDF)
- San Rafael City High (PDF)
- Sausalito Marin City (PDF)
- Shoreline Unified (PDF)
- Tamalpais Union High (PDF)
- Mendocino County Office of Education (PDF)
- Anderson Valley Unified
- Arena Union Elementary
- Fort Bragg Unified
- Laytonville Unified (PDF)
- Leggett Valley Unified
- Manchester Union Elementary (PDF)
- Mendocino Unified (PDF)
- Point Arena Joint Union High
- Potter Valley Community Unified (PDF)
- Round Valley Unified
- Ukiah Unified
- Willits Unified
- Merced County Office of Education (PDF)
- Atwater Elementary (PDF)
- Ballico-Cressey Elementary
- Delhi Unified (PDF)
- Dos Palos Oro Loma Joint Unified
- El Nido Elementary (PDF)
- Gustine Unified
- Hilmar Unified
- Le Grand Union Elementary
- Le Grand Union High
- Livingston Union
- Los Banos Unified
- McSwain Union Elementary
- Merced City Elementary (PDF)
- Merced River Union Elementary (PDF)
- Merced Union High (PDF)
- Plainsburg Union Elementary
- Planada Elementary
- Snelling-Merced Falls Union Elementary
- Weaver Union (PDF)
- Winton
- Modoc County Office of Education
- Modoc Joint Unified
- Surprise Valley Joint Unified
- Tulelake Basin Joint Unified (PDF)
- Mono County Office of Education
- Eastern Sierra Unified
- Mammoth Unified
- Monterey County Office of Education
- Alisal Union
- Big Sur Unified
- Bradley Union Elementary
- Carmel Unified
- Chualar Union
- Gonzales Unified
- Graves Elementary
- Greenfield Union Elementary
- King City Union
- Lagunita Elementary
- Mission Union Elementary
- Monterey Peninsula Unified
- North Monterey County Unified
- Pacific Grove Unified
- Salinas City Elementary
- Salinas Union High
- San Antonio Union Elementary
- San Ardo Union Elementary
- San Lucas Union Elementary
- Santa Rita Union Elementary
- Soledad Unified
- South Monterey County Joint Union High
- Spreckels Union Elementary
- Washington Union Elementary
- Napa County Office of Education (PDF)
- Calistoga Joint Unified
- Howell Mountain Elementary (PDF)
- Napa Valley Unified
- Pope Valley Union Elementary
- Saint Helena Unified (PDF)
- Nevada County Superintendent of Schools (PDF)
- Chicago Park Elementary (PDF)
- Clear Creek Elementary (PDF)
- Grass Valley Elementary (PDF)
- Nevada City Elementary (PDF)
- Nevada Joint Union High (PDF)
- Penn Valley Union Elementary (PDF)
- Pleasant Ridge Union Elementary (PDF)
- Twin Ridges Elementary (PDF)
- Union Hill Elementary (PDF)
- Orange County Department of Education (PDF)
- Anaheim Elementary
- Anaheim Union High (PDF)
- Brea-Olinda Unified (PDF)
- Buena Park Elementary (PDF)
- Capistrano Unified (PDF)
- Centralia Elementary
- Cypress Elementary (PDF)
- Fountain Valley Elementary (PDF)
- Fullerton Elementary
- Fullerton Joint Union High (PDF)
- Garden Grove Unified
- Huntington Beach City Elementary (PDF)
- Huntington Beach Union High (PDF)
- Irvine Unified (PDF)
- La Habra City Elementary
- Laguna Beach Unified (PDF)
- Los Alamitos Unified (PDF)
- Lowell Joint (PDF)
- Magnolia Elementary (PDF)
- Newport-Mesa Unified (PDF)
- Ocean View
- Orange Unified (PDF)
- Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified (PDF)
- Saddleback Valley Unified (PDF)
- Santa Ana Unified
- Savanna Elementary (PDF)
- Tustin Unified (PDF)
- Westminster (PDF)
- Placer County Office of Education (PDF)
- Ackerman Charter (PDF)
- Alta-Dutch Flat Union Elementary (PDF)
- Auburn Union Elementary (PDF)
- Colfax Elementary (PDF)
- Dry Creek Joint Elementary (PDF)
- Eureka Union (PDF)
- Foresthill Union Elementary (PDF)
- Loomis Union Elementary (PDF)
- Newcastle Elementary (PDF)
- Placer Hills Union Elementary (PDF)
- Placer Union High (PDF)
- Rocklin Unified (PDF)
- Roseville City Elementary (PDF)
- Roseville Joint Union High (PDF)
- Tahoe-Truckee Unified (PDF)
- Western Placer Unified (PDF)
- Riverside County Office of Education
- Alvord Unified
- Banning Unified
- Beaumont Unified
- Coachella Valley Unified
- Corona-Norco Unified
- Desert Center Unified
- Desert Sands Unified
- Hemet Unified
- Jurupa Unified
- Lake Elsinore Unified
- Menifee Union Elementary
- Moreno Valley Unified
- Murrieta Valley Unified
- Nuview Union
- Palm Springs Unified
- Palo Verde Unified
- Perris Elementary
- Perris Union High
- Riverside Unified
- Romoland Elementary
- San Jacinto Unified
- Temecula Valley Unified
- Val Verde Unified
- Sacramento County Office of Education
- Arcohe Union Elementary
- Center Joint Unified
- Elk Grove Unified (PDF)
- Elverta Joint Elementary
- Folsom-Cordova Unified
- Galt Joint Union Elementary
- Galt Joint Union High
- Natomas Unified (PDF)
- River Delta Joint Unified
- Robla Elementary
- Sacramento City Unified
- San Juan Unified (PDF)
- Twin Rivers Unified
San Benito
- San Benito County Office of Education (PDF)
- Aromas - San Juan Unified (PDF)
- Bitterwater-Tully Elementary (PDF)
- Cienega Union Elementary (PDF)
- Hollister (PDF)
- Jefferson Elementary (PDF)
- North County Joint Union Elementary (PDF)
- Panoche Elementary (PDF)
- San Benito High (PDF)
- Southside Elementary (PDF)
- Tres Pinos Union Elementary (PDF)
- Willow Grove Union Elementary (PDF)
San Bernardino
- San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (PDF)
- Adelanto Elementary (PDF)
- Alta Loma Elementary (PDF)
- Apple Valley Unified (PDF)
- Baker Valley Unified (PDF)
- Barstow Unified (PDF)
- Bear Valley Unified (PDF)
- Central Elementary (PDF)
- Chaffey Joint Union High (PDF)
- Chino Valley Unified (PDF)
- Colton Joint Unified (PDF)
- Cucamonga Elementary (PDF)
- Etiwanda Elementary (PDF)
- Fontana Unified (PDF)
- Helendale Elementary (PDF)
- Hesperia Unified (PDF)
- Lucerne Valley Unified (PDF)
- Morongo Unified (PDF)
- Mountain View Elementary (PDF)
- Mt. Baldy Joint Elementary (PDF)
- Needles Unified (PDF)
- Ontario-Montclair (PDF)
- Oro Grande (PDF)
- Redlands Unified (PDF)
- Rialto Unified (PDF)
- Rim of the World Unified (PDF)
- San Bernardino City Unified (PDF)
- Silver Valley Unified (PDF)
- Snowline Joint Unified (PDF)
- Trona Joint Unified (PDF)
- Upland Unified (PDF)
- Victor Elementary (PDF)
- Victor Valley Union High (PDF)
- Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified (PDF)
San Diego
- San Diego County Office of Education (PDF)
- Alpine Union Elementary (PDF)
- Bonsall Unified (PDF)
- Borrego Springs Unified (PDF)
- Cajon Valley Union (PDF)
- Cardiff Elementary (PDF)
- Carlsbad Unified (PDF)
- Chula Vista Elementary (PDF)
- Coronado Unified (PDF)
- Dehesa Elementary (PDF)
- Del Mar Union Elementary (PDF)
- Encinitas Union Elementary (PDF)
- Escondido Union (PDF)
- Escondido Union High (PDF)
- Fallbrook Union Elementary (PDF)
- Fallbrook Union High (PDF)
- Grossmont Union High (PDF)
- Jamul-Dulzura Union Elementary (PDF)
- Julian Union Elementary (PDF)
- Julian Union High (PDF)
- La Mesa-Spring Valley (PDF)
- Lakeside Union Elementary (PDF)
- Lemon Grove (PDF)
- Mountain Empire Unified (PDF)
- National Elementary (PDF)
- Oceanside Unified (PDF)
- Poway Unified (PDF)
- Ramona City Unified (PDF)
- Rancho Santa Fe Elementary (PDF)
- San Diego Unified (PDF)
- San Dieguito Union High (PDF)
- San Marcos Unified (PDF)
- San Pasqual Union Elementary (PDF)
- San Ysidro Elementary (PDF)
- Santee (PDF)
- Solana Beach Elementary (PDF)
- South Bay Union (PDF)
- Spencer Valley Elementary (PDF)
- Sweetwater Union High (PDF)
- Vallecitos Elementary (PDF)
- Valley Center-Pauma Unified (PDF)
- Vista Unified (PDF)
- Warner Unified (PDF)
San Joaquin
- San Joaquin County Office of Education (PDF)
- Banta Elementary (PDF)
- Escalon Unified (PDF)
- Jefferson Elementary (PDF)
- Lammersville Joint Unified (PDF)
- Lincoln Unified (PDF)
- Linden Unified (PDF)
- Lodi Unified (PDF)
- Manteca Unified (PDF)
- New Hope Elementary (PDF)
- New Jerusalem Elementary (PDF)
- Oak View Union Elementary (PDF)
- Ripon Unified (PDF)
- Stockton Unified (PDF)
- Tracy Joint Unified (PDF)
San Luis Obispo
- San Luis Obispo County Office of Education (PDF)
- Atascadero Unified (PDF)
- Cayucos Elementary (PDF)
- Coast Unified (PDF)
- Lucia Mar Unified (PDF)
- Paso Robles Joint Unified (PDF)
- Pleasant Valley Joint Union Elementary (PDF)
- San Luis Coastal Unified (PDF)
- San Miguel Joint Union (PDF)
- Shandon Joint Unified (PDF)
- Templeton Unified (PDF)
San Mateo
- San Mateo County Office of Education (PDF)
- Bayshore Elementary
- Belmont-Redwood Shores Elementary
- Brisbane Elementary
- Burlingame Elementary
- Cabrillo Unified
- Hillsborough City Elementary
- Jefferson Elementary
- Jefferson Union High
- La Honda-Pescadero Unified
- Las Lomitas Elementary
- Menlo Park City Elementary
- Millbrae Elementary
- Pacifica
- Portola Valley Elementary
- Ravenswood City Elementary
- Redwood City Elementary
- San Bruno Park Elementary
- San Carlos Elementary
- San Mateo Union High
- San Mateo-Foster City
- Sequoia Union High
- South San Francisco Unified
- Woodside Elementary
Santa Barbara
- Santa Barbara County Office of Education (PDF)
- Ballard Elementary
- Blochman Union Elementary
- Buellton Union Elementary (PDF)
- Carpinteria Unified
- Cold Spring Elementary (PDF)
- College Elementary (PDF)
- Cuyama Joint Unified (PDF)
- Goleta Union Elementary (PDF)
- Guadalupe Union Elementary
- Hope Elementary
- Lompoc Unified (PDF)
- Los Olivos Elementary
- Montecito Union Elementary (PDF)
- Orcutt Union Elementary (PDF)
- Santa Barbara Unified
- Santa Maria Joint Union High (PDF)
- Santa Maria-Bonita (PDF)
- Santa Ynez Valley Union High (PDF)
- Solvang Elementary (PDF)
- Vista del Mar Union
Santa Clara
- Santa Clara County Office of Education
- Alum Rock Union Elementary
- Berryessa Union Elementary
- Cambrian
- Campbell Union
- Campbell Union High
- Cupertino Union
- East Side Union High
- Evergreen Elementary
- Franklin-McKinley Elementary
- Fremont Union High
- Gilroy Unified
- Lakeside Joint
- Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary
- Los Altos Elementary
- Los Gatos Union Elementary
- Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High
- Luther Burbank
- Milpitas Unified
- Moreland
- Morgan Hill Unified
- Mount Pleasant Elementary
- Mountain View Whisman
- Mountain View-Los Altos Union High
- Oak Grove Elementary
- Orchard Elementary
- Palo Alto Unified
- San Jose Unified
- Santa Clara Unified
- Saratoga Union Elementary
- Sunnyvale
- Union Elementary
Santa Cruz
- Santa Cruz County Office of Education (PDF)
- Bonny Doon Union Elementary
- Happy Valley Elementary
- Live Oak Elementary
- Mountain Elementary
- Pacific Elementary
- Pajaro Valley Unified
- San Lorenzo Valley Unified
- Santa Cruz City Elementary
- Santa Cruz City High
- Scotts Valley Unified
- Soquel Union Elementary
- Shasta County Office of Education
- Anderson Union High (PDF)
- Bella Vista Elementary
- Black Butte Union Elementary
- Cascade Union Elementary
- Castle Rock Union Elementary
- Columbia Elementary
- Cottonwood Union Elementary
- Enterprise Elementary
- Fall River Joint Unified
- French Gulch-Whiskeytown Elementary
- Gateway Unified
- Grant Elementary
- Happy Valley Union Elementary
- Igo, Ono, Platina Union Elementary
- Indian Springs Elementary
- Junction Elementary
- Millville Elementary
- Mountain Union Elementary
- North Cow Creek Elementary
- Oak Run Elementary
- Pacheco Union Elementary
- Redding Elementary
- Shasta Union Elementary
- Shasta Union High
- Whitmore Union Elementary
- Sierra County Office of Education
- Sierra-Plumas Joint Unified
- Siskiyou County Office of Education
- Big Springs Union Elementary
- Bogus Elementary
- Butte Valley Unified
- Butteville Union Elementary
- Delphic Elementary
- Dunsmuir Elementary
- Dunsmuir Joint Union High
- Forks of Salmon Elementary
- Gazelle Union Elementary
- Grenada Elementary
- Happy Camp Union Elementary
- Hornbrook Elementary
- Junction Elementary
- Klamath River Union Elementary
- Little Shasta Elementary
- McCloud Union Elementary
- Montague Elementary
- Mt. Shasta Union Elementary
- Scott Valley Unified
- Seiad Elementary
- Siskiyou Union High
- Weed Union Elementary
- Willow Creek Elementary
- Yreka Union Elementary
- Yreka Union High
- Solano County Office of Education
- Benicia Unified
- Dixon Unified
- Fairfield-Suisun Unified
- Travis Unified
- Vacaville Unified
- Vallejo City Unified
- Sonoma County Office of Education
- Alexander Valley Union Elementary
- Bellevue Union
- Bennett Valley Union Elementary
- Cinnabar Elementary
- Cloverdale Unified
- Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified
- Dunham Elementary
- Forestville Union Elementary
- Fort Ross Elementary
- Geyserville Unified
- Gravenstein Union Elementary
- Guerneville Elementary
- Harmony Union Elementary
- Healdsburg Unified
- Horicon Elementary
- Kashia Elementary
- Kenwood
- Liberty Elementary
- Mark West Union Elementary
- Monte Rio Union Elementary
- Montgomery Elementary
- Oak Grove Union Elementary
- Old Adobe Union
- Petaluma City Elementary
- Petaluma Joint Union High
- Piner-Olivet Union Elementary
- Rincon Valley Union Elementary
- Roseland
- Santa Rosa Elementary
- Santa Rosa High
- Sebastopol Union Elementary
- Sonoma Valley Unified
- Twin Hills Union Elementary
- Two Rock Union
- Waugh Elementary
- West Side Union Elementary
- West Sonoma County Union High
- Wilmar Union Elementary
- Windsor Unified
- Wright Elementary
- Stanislaus County Office of Education
- Ceres Unified
- Chatom Union
- Denair Unified
- Empire Union Elementary
- Gratton Elementary
- Hart-Ransom Union Elementary
- Hickman Community Charter
- Hughson Unified
- Keyes Union
- Knights Ferry Elementary
- Modesto City Elementary
- Modesto City High
- Newman-Crows Landing Unified
- Oakdale Joint Unified
- Paradise Elementary
- Patterson Joint Unified
- Riverbank Unified
- Roberts Ferry Union Elementary
- Salida Union Elementary
- Shiloh Elementary
- Stanislaus Union Elementary
- Sylvan Union Elementary
- Turlock Unified
- Valley Home Joint Elementary
- Waterford Unified
- Tehama County Department of Education (PDF)
- Antelope Elementary
- Corning Union Elementary (PDF)
- Corning Union High (PDF)
- Evergreen Union (PDF)
- Flournoy Union Elementary (PDF)
- Gerber Union Elementary (PDF)
- Kirkwood Elementary (PDF)
- Lassen View Union Elementary (PDF)
- Los Molinos Unified
- Red Bluff Joint Union High (PDF)
- Red Bluff Union Elementary (PDF)
- Reeds Creek Elementary
- Richfield Elementary
- Trinity County Office of Education ( PDF)
- Burnt Ranch Elementary
- Coffee Creek Elementary
- Douglas City Elementary
- Junction City Elementary (PDF)
- Lewiston Elementary (PDF)
- Mountain Valley Unified
- Southern Trinity Joint Unified
- Trinity Alps Unified (PDF)
- Trinity Center Elementary
- Tulare County Office of Education
- Allensworth Elementary
- Alpaugh Unified
- Alta Vista Elementary
- Buena Vista Elementary
- Burton Elementary
- Columbine Elementary
- Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified
- Dinuba Unified
- Ducor Union Elementary
- Earlimart Elementary
- Exeter Unified
- Farmersville Unified
- Hope Elementary
- Hot Springs Elementary
- Kings River Union Elementary
- Liberty Elementary
- Lindsay Unified
- Monson-Sultana Joint Union Elementary
- Oak Valley Union Elementary
- Outside Creek Elementary
- Palo Verde Union Elementary
- Pixley Union Elementary
- Pleasant View Elementary
- Porterville Unified
- Richgrove Elementary
- Rockford Elementary
- Saucelito Elementary
- Sequoia Union Elementary
- Springville Union Elementary
- Stone Corral Elementary
- Strathmore Union Elementary
- Sundale Union Elementary
- Sunnyside Union Elementary
- Terra Bella Union Elementary
- Three Rivers Union Elementary
- Tipton Elementary
- Traver Joint Elementary
- Tulare City
- Tulare Joint Union High
- Visalia Unified
- Waukena Joint Union Elementary
- Woodlake Unified
- Woodville Union Elementary
- Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools
- Belleview Elementary (PDF)
- Big Oak Flat-Groveland Unified (PDF)
- Columbia Union
- Curtis Creek Elementary (PDF)
- Jamestown Elementary (PDF)
- Sonora Elementary
- Sonora Union High
- Soulsbyville Elementary (PDF)
- Summerville Elementary (PDF)
- Summerville Union High
- Twain Harte (PDF)
- Ventura County Office of Education (PDF)
- Briggs Elementary (PDF)
- Conejo Valley Unified (PDF)
- Fillmore Unified (PDF)
- Hueneme Elementary (PDF)
- Mesa Union Elementary (PDF)
- Moorpark Unified (PDF)
- Mupu Elementary (PDF)
- Oak Park Unified (PDF)
- Ocean View (PDF)
- Ojai Unified (PDF)
- Oxnard (PDF)
- Oxnard Union High (PDF)
- Pleasant Valley (PDF)
- Rio Elementary (PDF)
- Santa Clara Elementary (PDF)
- Santa Paula Unified (PDF)
- Simi Valley Unified (PDF)
- Somis Union (PDF)
- Ventura Unified (PDF)
- Yolo County Office of Education
- Davis Joint Unified
- Esparto Unified
- Washington Unified
- Winters Joint Unified
- Woodland Joint Unified (PDF)
Local Agency Systems Support Office | LCAPreview@cde.ca.gov
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
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