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Management Bulletin 07-03

Early Learning and Care Division

Subject: Monthly Sample Report (CDD-801B) Requirements and Instructions

Number: 07-03

Date: March 2007

Expires: When Superseded

Authority: Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PL 104-193); Federal Regulations (45 CFR Part 98, sections 98.70-98.71); California Education Code Section 8261.5.

Attention: Executive Officers and Program Directors of All Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) Subsidized Child Care and Development Programs, Except Bay Area Handicapped and Resource and Referral


The purpose of this Management Bulletin (MB) is to provide an updated single source for requirements and instructions relating to preparation and submission of the CDD-801B Monthly Sample Report. This MB does not present new requirements; the requirements in this MB have been previously transmitted to contractors. This MB supersedes and rescinds MB 01-04.


The CDD-801B has been created to gather data required by federal law. All child care and development programs whose contracts are funded wholly or in part by federal funds are subject to being selected on a monthly basis for data reporting using this report. The CDD-801B requires detailed information about family income, children, and providers. The required data has already been collected by contractors pursuant to statutory and regulatory requirements for data collection.

Statutory Requirement

Federal law (PL 104-193) requires States to collect and report data in order to receive federal funds. Pursuant to MB 07-02, each agency electronically submits monthly population (CDD-801A) data about all ELCD-subsidized children and families served. California then selects a random sample of children and families from each month’s CDD-801A submittals. Each agency that has families selected to provide additional data using the CDD-801B will receive a notification that the required data collection is available for completion online. The family/families identified for the report month will be listed on the secure Web site with information from the CDD-801A already entered. The Web site has instructions regarding the completion of the CDD-801B, together with directions for obtaining help via telephone and/or email. Failure to submit CDD-801B data by the required due date and in accordance with instructions may result in withholding of apportionments.

Questions about completion of the CDD-801B may be directed to Child Development Management Information System staff at 916-445-1907 or by e-mail at

This Management Bulletin is mandatory only to the extent that it cites a specific statutory and/or regulatory requirement. Any portion of this Management Bulletin that is not supported by a specific statutory and/or regulatory requirement is not prescriptive pursuant to California Education Code Section 33308.5.

Questions:   CDMIS Staff | | 916-445-1907
Last Reviewed: Thursday, July 27, 2023
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