Early Education and Support Division
Subject: Information about the Early Implementation of the Desired Results Developmental Profile (2015) (DRDP [2015]) for EESD-funded and SED-funded programs
Number: 14-11
Date: September 2014
Expires: June 30, 2015
Authority: California Education Code Sections 8203, 8203.5, 8261, and 8282; California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 18270 and 18272
Attention: Executive Directors and Program Directors of all Early Care and Education Programs including California State Preschool Programs, Family Child Care Home Education Networks, and Migrant Center Programs, and Special Education Division-funded Early Education programs.
The purpose of this Management Bulletin (MB) is to update and supersede MB 14-09. MB 14-09 extended the invitation to California Department of Education (CDE), Early Education and Support Division (EESD) programs to participate in early implementation of the Desired Results Developmental Profile (2015) (DRDP [2015]), a developmental continuum from early infancy to kindergarten entry. This bulletin includes information for both EESD and Special Education Division (SED) programs regarding implementation of the DRDP (2015).
The EESD and SED will implement the new instrument according to different timetables listed below:
For the fall 2014 and spring 2015 reporting, EESD child development programs have the option to use the DRDP (2015) or continue using the DRDP (2010).
All EESD child development programs will implement the DRDP (2015) in the fall of 2015.
Special education programs will continue to use the DRDP access to assess all eligible children with Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) and Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for the fall 2014 and spring 2015 reporting periods.
All SED early intervention and preschool programs will implement the DRDP (2015) in the fall of 2015.
Beginning in the fall of 2015, children dually enrolled in SED and EESD programs will no longer need to be assessed on both the DRDP access and the DRDP (2010). There will be one DRDP instrument.
All EESD direct service agencies and SED early intervention and preschool special education programs will be required to use the DRDP (2015) assessment beginning in the 2015–16 program year.
About the DRDP (2015)
The DRDP (2015), a developmental continuum from early infancy to kindergarten entry, is designed to assess the developmental progression of all children, including those with an IFSP or an IEP in CDE programs. The assessment has an Infant-Toddler view for children younger than three years of age, and a Preschool view for children who are age three years and older. The Infant-Toddler and Preschool views include measures in five domains: Approaches to Learning-Self Regulation, Social and Emotional Development, Language and Literacy Development, Cognition, and Physical Development–Health. The Preschool view includes the additional domains of History-Social Science, English-Language Development, Visual and Performing Arts, and additional measures for Mathematics and Science in the Cognition domain. The assessment is fully aligned to the California Early Learning Foundations and the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework.
During the spring of 2014, a field study was conducted with a group of approximately 1,600 children from EESD and SED programs. Data gathered from this study was used to refine the DRDP (2015) instrument. A final phase of research studies will be conducted during the 2014–15 program year to calibrate and further validate the instrument.
Early Implementation of the DRDP (2015) for EESD Programs
Participation in the early implementation of the DRDP (2015) is encouraged for any direct service agency that contracts with the EESD to provide early education and care for children ages early infancy to kindergarten entry. Use of the DRDP (2015) will meet the EESD requirement to complete assessments using the DRDP (2010) instruments. Training will be provided to EESD assessors via webinars, training modules, and in-person training. Per guidance from the EESD Field Service Office, agencies can choose to use the DRDP (2015) for some of their classrooms and use the DRDP (2010) for other classrooms. Agencies will complete their program self-evaluation using data from the DRDP assessments that best represent their children.
EESD agencies are encouraged to use the DRDPtech© to record their assessment ratings. This will facilitate the collection of data for instrument calibration based on the widest population of children in California’s early learning programs. To find more information about DRDPtech, please visit the Desired Results for Children and Families Web site at http://www.desiredresults.us and go to “Quick Links” to click on DRDPtech.
Why Should EESD Contractors Participate in Early Implementation?
By participating in the early implementation of the DRDP (2015), EESD contracting agencies will contribute to the data pool that is used to determine the usability and reliability of the updated assessment instrument. By participating in early implementation, the teaching staff will have the opportunity to learn and use the new assessment prior to its being required to do so. Assessors who complete the online DRDP training modules and attend a training webinar or in-person training will receive a certificate of participation documenting hours which can be used for the renewal of their early childhood permit and for AB 212 or CARES-Plus Component A training.
SED Programs are not eligible for early implementation of the DRDP (2015).
SED programs must continue to submit DRDP access data to California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS) for the 2014–15 year. For more information about DRDP access training, reports, technical assistance, or requirements, SED programs should contact the Desired Results access Project by e-mail at info@draccess.org, by phone at 1-800-673-9220, or by visiting the Desired Results access Project Web site at http://www.draccess.org/ .
Collaboration to Complete the DRDP Instruments Across EESD and SED Programs
EESD teachers and SED providers should continue to collaborate by sharing observations and other evidence in order to complete the DRDP assessment instruments for children with IEPs and IFSPs enrolled in EESD programs.
For the 2014–15 school year, EESD programs are responsible for completing either the DRDP (2010) or the DRDP (2015). SED programs are responsible for completing the DRDP access. Each program will continue to submit data according to the requirements of their respective Division of CDE.
Using DRDPtech to Record Assessment Data for EESD Programs
DRDPtech provides secure cloud storage of assessment data free of charge to EESD-funded programs and California Head Start programs. When a program re-enrolls or adds children in DRDPtech, EESD assessors will be prompted to select the new DRDP (2015) as the assessment for the 2014–15 program year. This is the case for existing children in DRDPtech, as well as any new children that assessors will add to DRDPtech. Assessors will have the option to select the DRDP (2010) assessment, if they prefer. The DRDPtech (2015) is online and available to enter child information beginning August 2014. If an agency is not already using DRDPtech, it would be good to begin the setup process by linking to the Desired Results for Children and Families Web site at http://www.desiredresults.us/ and clicking on DRDPtech at Quick Links.
For EESD agencies that cannot access DRDPtech through the Internet, an optional rating record is available. This is an Inspiron form that can be completed as a hard copy and submitted to be scanned into the DRDPtech system. Additional instructions regarding submission will be found on the bottom of the Inspiron form. This service will be available free of charge during the 2014–15 contract year. The Inspiron process will then be evaluated for long-term viability. The Inspiron DRDP (2015) form will be available beginning September 8, 2014. Please contact desiredresults@wested.org to receive copies of the form.
Recording Assessment Data for SED Programs
SED programs are required to continue to enter DRDP access data into CASEMIS for submission to SED during fall and spring of the 2014–15 program year. SED programs do not enter DRDP data into DRDPtech.
Regulatory Requirement for EESD and SED Programs
For EESD: California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 18272 requires EESD contracted centers, preschools, and family child care home education networks to complete the age-appropriate DRDP for each child enrolled in the program for at least ten hours per week. The DRDP must be completed for each child within 60 calendar days of the child’s enrollment in the program and at least once every six months thereafter.
For SED: PL 108-446, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) and regulations from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) form the legal basis for the participation of infants and toddlers and their families with IFSPs and preschool-age children with IEPs in the DRDP Assessment System. For information on eligible children and assessment timelines, visit the DRDP access Web site at http://www.draccess.org .
This Management Bulletin is mandatory only to the extent that it cites a specific statutory and/or regulatory requirement. Any portion of this Management Bulletin that is not supported by a specific statutory and/or regulatory requirement is not prescriptive pursuant to California Education Code Section 33308.5.