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MB 16-05 Resources and Frequently Asked Questions

Resources and frequently asked questions pertaining to Management Bulletin (MB) 16-05.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. If an unimmunized child is kept home from care due to a disease outbreak, would those absences be deemed excused and eligible for reimbursement with California Department of Education (CDE) contract funds (CalWORKs Stage 2 [C2AP], CalWORKs Stage 3 [C3AP], Alternative Payment Programs [APP], Family Child Care Homes [CFCC])?
    • Response:
      For AP Contractors (C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, General Migrant [CMIG]):
      Reimbursement should be based on a family's certified need for services as documented on the voucher issued. Education Code (EC) Section 8221.5 subsection (e) states that "for purposes of reimbursement to providers through an Alternative Payment Program, contractors shall not be required to track attendance."

      For additional information regarding provider reimbursements, agencies should refer to MB 14-04.

      This does not apply to Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) contractors.

      For Direct Service Contractors (California State Preschool Program [CSPP], General Child Care [CCTR], CMIG, Severely Handicapped [CHAN], CFCC):
      Pursuant to EC Section 8208(e) “Attendance,” for purposes of reimbursement, includes excused absences by children because of illness, quarantine, illness or quarantine of their parent, family emergency, or to spend time with a parent or other relative as required by a court of law or that is clearly in the best interest of the child. Additionally, families may use up to 10 best interest days per fiscal year (California Code of Regulations, Title 5 Section 18066). 
Questions:   Early Learning and Care Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Thursday, January 25, 2024
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