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Early Identification Legislative Report

Report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, the Legislature, and the Department of Finance on the Proposed Tools and Process for the Early Identification of Developmental Delays and Learning Disabilities

California Department of Education Report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, the Legislature, and the Department of Finance:

Executive Summary

This report provides a means to identify proposed tools and a process for the early identification of children between two and six years of age at risk for developmental delays or learning disabilities. Per Education Code (EC) Section 8490, the California Department of Education (CDE) is to provide recommendations for 1)the early identification, 2) further evaluation, 3) support, 4) remediation, and 5) additional referrals as necessary for children at risk for developmental delays or learning disabilities, including but not limited to dyslexia and other literacy delays. The Budget Act of 2022 appropriated $2 million dollars for this work.

The report includes an approach that leverages California’s existing efforts for identifying developmental delays. The tool recommended for developmental screening is the existing and widely utilized Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)-3. The CDE will use the $2 million dollars to support expanded use of the ASQ-3 and accompanying ASQ Online for those California State Preschool Program (CSPP) sites that have not yet started using the questionnaires to identify developmental delays. These sites may need resources in additional languages, or access to the ASQ Online to support the commitment of EC Section 8490 for the identification of developmental delays for California’s young learners. The CDE will identify and collaborate with a Quality Counts California (QCC) lead agency which is a county office of education to support this expansion of the ASQ within CSPPs. Determining local needs, ensuring support is equitably considered, working through logistics for distribution, and training on the tool are tasks the CDE is working to determine.

This report will not include a recommendation for literacy screening; pursuant to EC Section 53008, the Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel is charged with identifying instruments to screen all students in kindergarten through second grade for risk of reading difficulties. The Panel is required to identify a list of screening instruments by December 31, 2024, and local educational agencies are required to implement those screening tools beginning in the 2025–26 school year. This report defers to the Panel to identify appropriate reading screening instruments for kindergarten through second grade.

Additional recommendations in this report include further and ongoing investments dedicated to the supply of the early identification tools and the training and technical assistance needed to support the implementation of those tools. In addition, through the request of employing reading specialists and literacy coaches in early education, the CDE encourages efforts for continued alignment in policies, structure, instructional content, and family involvement from prekindergarten into the early grades and beyond.

You can find this report at the CDE Early Education Division’s Laws, Regulations, & Requirements web page

Proposed Tools and Process for the Early Identification of Developmental Delays and Learning Disabilities – Legislative Report (DOCX)

Questions:   Kim Taniguchi |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, April 24, 2024
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