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TSI/ATSI Planning Summary

Guidance to assist single school districts and charter schools in using the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) to meet Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) planning requirements.

The TSI/ATSI Planning Summary was developed to support school planning efforts for single school districts and charter schools, eligible for TSI or ATSI. The table below explains how to utilize the LCAP to meet TSI and ATSI planning requirements.

TSI/ATSI Requirements LCAP Requirement Where in the LCAP the TSI/ATSI Requirement May Be Addressed
Partner with the school and educational partners in the development of the TSI or ATSI plan Single school districts and charter schools must consult with educational partners in the development of the LCAP and must provide descriptions of the consultation process and the impact that the feedback provided had on the plan. Single school districts and charter schools may address this requirement in the Engaging Educational Partners section.
Be informed by all State indicators Within the goals included in the LCAP, single school districts and charter schools must include measures of progress for each of the State Priority areas, as applicable. Single school districts and charter schools may also include additional measures of progress. Single school districts and charter schools may address this requirement in the Measuring and Reporting Results section of the applicable goal(s).
Include evidence-based interventions Single school districts and charter schools are required to identify actions that are being used to make progress towards the goal. Single school districts and charter schools may address this requirement in the Descriptions of Actions within the Goals and Actions section. In addition, single school districts and charter schools must analyze the effectiveness of the actions in the Goal Analysis section of the applicable goal(s).

Identify resource inequities (which may include a review of single school district and charter school-level budgeting) and address those inequities through implementation of the plan

(This requirement only applies to ATSI plans.)


While not a requirement, single school districts and charter schools are strongly encouraged to complete a needs assessment using state and local data, including input from educational partners to identify successes and areas of need, as well as any resource inequities. Single school districts and charter schools must identify the areas of identified need in the Reflections: Annual Performance section of the Plan Summary of the LCAP. Single school districts and charter schools may address the requirement to identify resource inequities in the Reflections: Annual Performance section of the Plan Summary, and/or, in the explanation of why the single school district or charter school has developed a particular goal. Single school districts and charter schools may address the requirement to address those resource inequities in the plan within the actions in the Goals and Actions section.


California Department of Education (CDE) Continuous Improvement Resources web page

CDE Dashboard Alternative School Status web page

CDE Active DASS Schools

CDE Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) web page

CDE ESSA Assistance Status Data Files web page

CDE Local Control and Accountability Plan web page

CDE September 2022 State Board of Education meeting, Item 3 (DOCX)

For additional information on ATSI, please visit the CDE Targeted/Additional Targeted Support and Improvement web page.

Questions:   School Improvement and Support Office | | 916-319-0833
Last Reviewed: Monday, September 23, 2024
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