The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires state educational agencies to determine school eligibility for Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI).
Schools eligible for TSI and ATSI must collaborate with educational partners to develop and implement a school-level plan to improve student outcomes. TSI determinations will be made for the first time after the release of the 2024 California School Dashboard (Dashboard).
Public Release of the Data File for Schools that Meet Criteria for Support and Improvement in 2024–25
California Department of Education (CDE) correspondence sent to County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators regarding the eligibility of schools for support and improvement in 2024–25.
Please visit the ESSA Assistance Status Data Files web page to view school eligibility determinations.
Note: Archived Public Releases of the Data Files for Schools that Meet Criteria for Support and Improvement can be viewed on the Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Local Educational Agency Archives web page.
School Eligibility and Exit
The CDE will use the California School Dashboard (Dashboard) to determine school eligibility for and exit from TSI and ATSI. Title I and non-Title I schools are eligible for TSI and ATSI.
Eligibility Cycle
CSI and ATSI determinations are made on a three-year cycle, that is, once every three years that began with the 2023 Dashboard. The next CSI and ATSI determinations will be made based on the results of the 2026 Dashboard.
TSI determinations will be made in non-CSI and non-ATSI entry years. The first TSI determinations will be made based on the results of the 2024 Dashboard.
For more information about the ESSA school support eligibility cycle, please visit the CDE Every Student Succeeds Act web page and/or contact the Dashboard team at Eligibility and Exit Criteria
ATSI eligibility is based on school-level student group performance. In an ATSI entry year, schools that are not eligible for CSI and have one or more student group(s) that meet(s) any of the criteria used to determine CSI-Low Performing, will be eligible for ATSI. Two years of Dashboard results are used to make ATSI determinations.
ATSI-eligible schools have the opportunity to exit annually if exit criteria are met. To exit, an ATSI-eligible school must no longer meet ATSI entry criteria and meet specific improvement conditions.
More information on ATSI eligibility and exit criteria is available for reference in the 2024 California School Dashboard Technical Guide: ESSA School Support (DOCX).
Note: The California School Dashboard Technical Guides for previous school years can be viewed on the CSI LEA Archives web page.
TSI Eligibility
TSI eligibility is based on school-level student group performance. In a TSI entry year, schools that are not eligible for CSI and have one or more student group(s) that meet(s) any of the criteria used to determine CSI−Low Performing, will be eligible for TSI. Two years of Dashboard results are used to make TSI determinations.
TSI is an annual determination and does not have exit criteria. As such, if a TSI-eligible school no longer meets the TSI entry criteria, the school will no longer be eligible for TSI.
More information on TSI eligibility criteria is available for reference in the 2024 California School Dashboard Technical Guide: ESSA School Support (DOCX).
School Eligibility Data Files
ESSA school support determinations are available on the ESSA Assistance Status Data Files web page.
For information related to CSI, please visit the CDE Comprehensive Support and Improvement web page.
Planning Requirements
School Plans
Assembly Bill 716 , signed by the Governor on September 18, 2018, and codified in the California Education Code (EC) sections 64001–65001, streamlines and aligns state and federal planning processes. Effective January 1, 2019, this law renames the Single Plan for Student Achievement to the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Additionally, the law contains the following key provisions:
- Allows the SPSA to meet ESSA requirements for CSI, TSI, or ATSI planning.
- Allows single school districts and charter schools to utilize the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) to serve as the SPSA, provided that the LCAP meets the ESSA school planning requirements and the
educational partner requirements established in subdivision (a) of Section 52062
Federal planning requirements are established in the EC Section 64001 .
California will notify each local educational agency (LEA) in the State of any school served by the LEA, in which any student group is consistently underperforming.
Upon notification by the State, the LEA is required to:
- Provide notification to such school with respect to which student group or student groups in such school are consistently underperforming.
- Approve and monitor implementation of each school plan.
- Take additional action following unsuccessful implementation of such school plan after a number of years determined by the LEA.
Upon notification by the LEA, the school is required to collaborate with educational partners to:
- Develop and implement a school-level
targeted support and improvement plan to improve student outcomes.
The school plan, inclusive of all student groups that were the subject of notification, must:
- be based on indicators in the statewide accountability system and be informed by all indicators, including student performance against long-term goals; and
- include evidence-based interventions.
For ATSI-eligible schools only, the school plan must also:- identify resource inequities, which may include a review of LEA- and school-level budgeting, to be addressed through implementation of the school improvement plan.
Addressing TSI/ATSI Planning Requirements through the LCAP
To support single school districts and charter schools with TSI and ATSI planning efforts, the CDE developed a TSI/ATSI Planning Summary that explains how to use the LCAP to meet TSI and ATSI planning requirements.
Additional Information
LCAP and SPSA instructions for TSI and ATSI are located on the LCAP web page.
ESSA school improvement funding is not available for LEAs that serve schools that meet the criteria for TSI or ATSI.
The CDE is responsible for conducting compliance monitoring for local educational agencies (LEAs) with schools eligible for improvement under the ESSA through the Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) process. Such compliance monitoring is conducted by the Title I, Part A Monitoring and Support Office and the Professional Learning Support and Monitoring Office using the School Support and Improvement (SSI) Program Instrument and the Supporting Effective Instruction (SEI) Program Instrument, respectively. Additionally, the CDE provides focused compliance monitoring technical assistance and support for LEAs selected for FPM reviews.
Title I, Part A Monitoring and Support
Provides compliance monitoring technical assistance and support for LEAs with Title I, Part A programs and offers information to prepare for reviews, with links to training materials and other relevant topics.
Title I, Part A Monitoring and Support
SSI Program Instrument Checklist (DOCX)
For questions related to compliance monitoring, please contact the Title I Monitoring and Support Office at
Title II, Part A Monitoring and Support
The SEI Program Monitoring Instrument is inclusive of Title II, Part A federal and state legal requirements organized into statutory core items and supporting items arranged under seven general CDE dimensions. During monitoring reviews, the SEI Program Instrument is used to determine whether an LEA is meeting the requirements of program items during the CDE FPM process.
Title II, Part A funds must be prioritized to CSI and TSI-eligible schools and to those schools that have the highest percentage of children counted under Title I, Part A (20 U.S.C.Section 6612[b][2][C]). Please note, ATSI-eligible schools are not included in the federal requirement for LEAs to prioritize Title II, Part A funds.
Title II, Part A – Supporting Effective Instruction
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum – Title II, Part A – Prioritizing Funding
Provides guidance and criteria for LEAs to address the LCAP Federal Addendum provision related to Title II funding being prioritized to CSI and TSI-eligible schools.
SEI 02 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Webinar resource with instructions, criteria, and guidance for LEAs to meet federal program requirements.
Technical Assistance
For programmatic questions regarding TSI and ATSI, please see the Frequently Asked Questions below or contact the School Improvement and Support Office (SISO) by email at
For questions regarding TSI or ATSI eligibility criteria and determinations, please contact the Accountability Development and Policy Analysis Unit by email at
For information regarding the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and school planning processes, please contact the Local Agency Systems Support Office by email at
Webinar Resources
Webinar resources related to the ESSA for CSI, TSI, and ATSI for local educational agencies and county offices of education is available at: CDE ESSA School Support Webinar Resources.
Frequently Asked Questions
Eligibility Questions
- ESSA Assistance Status Data Files
- TSI/ATSI Planning Summary for Single School Districts and Charter Schools
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as amended by ESSA in 2015
(PDF; 3MB)
- CDE Local Control and Accountability Plan
- Assembly Bill 716
—School Plan for Student Achievement
- California School Dashboard
- School Dashboard Additional Reports and Data
- 2024 California School Dashboard Technical Guide: ESSA School Support (DOCX)
- 2023 Dashboard Technical Guide:
ESSA School Support (DOCX)
- CDE CSI LEA Archives
- CDE Continuous Improvement Resources
- Ways 2 Equity Playbook