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ACSE Agenda February 21-22, 2018

Advisory Commission on Special Education (ACSE) meeting agenda.

Advisory Commission on Special Education Members

  • Gina Plate, Chair
  • Barbara Schulman, Vice Chair
  • Michele Andrus
    Mildred Browne
    Somer Harding
  • Havaughnia Hayes-White
    Sara Jocham
    Christina Mills
    Gloria Perez-Stewart
    Keila Rodriguez
    Kimberly Salomonson
    Mariano Sanz
    Steven Winlock

Student Members

  • Leanne Libas

Legislative Members

  • Honorable Richard Pan, Senate
  • Honorable Tony Thurmond, Assembly

State Board of Education

  • Niki Sandoval, Liaison

State Special Schools

  • Scott Kerby, Director, State Special Schools and Services Division
    California Department of Education

Executive Secretary

  • Kristin Wright, Director, Special Education Division
    California Department of Education

Agenda Times Are Approximate and Are Provided for Convenience Only

Items may be re-ordered to be heard on any day of the noticed meeting. The order of business may be changed without notice. Every effort will be made to Webcast this meeting in its entirety, but some portions may not be Webcast due to logistical constraints.

Advisory Commission on Special Education

Meeting Schedule Meeting Location
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pacific Time ±
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1101
Sacramento, California
Thursday, February 22, 2018
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Pacific Time ±
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1101
Sacramento, California

Advisory Commission on Special Education Mental Health Subcommittee Ad Hoc Workgroup

(Due to logistical constraints, the Ad Hoc Workgroup will not be Webcast)

Meeting Schedule Meeting Location
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
8 - 9:45 a.m. Pacific Time ±
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1801
Sacramento, California

Please see the detailed agenda for more information about the items to be considered and acted upon. The public is welcome.

Guidelines for Public Input Sessions

The Commission welcomes public involvement. Opportunities for public comment are provided at every Commission meeting.

Reasonable Accommodation for Any Individual With a Disability

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in a meeting or function of the Advisory Commission on Special Education (ACSE), may request assistance by contacting the Special Education Division (SED), 1430 N Street, Suite 2401, Sacramento, CA, 95814; telephone, 916-445-4602; fax, 916-327-3706.

Advisory Commission on Special Education Mental Health Subcommittee Ad-Hoc Workgroup

Wednesday, February 21, 2018, 8–9:45 a.m. Pacific Time
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1801
Sacramento, California

(Due to logistical constraints, the Ad-Hoc Workgroup will not be Webcast)

Members of the ACSE Mental Health Subcommittee Ad Hoc Workgroup will be meeting prior to the start of the ACSE meeting to discuss opportunities and challenges at the state level related to collaboration with education and across systems to improve children's social, emotional, and behavioral health.

  • Status of bills for new legislative cycle
  • Report from Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission
  • Report from Seneca regarding proposal for placement of youth with intense behavior needs
  • Report from Student Mental Health Policy Workgroup meeting
  • Discussion of Mental Health Framework
  • Provide update on Breaking Barriers

Advisory Commission on Special Education

Wednesday, February 21, 2018, 10 a.m. Pacific Time
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1101
Sacramento, California

NOTE: Items not heard or completed on February 21, 2018, may be carried over to February 22, 2018.

10–10:15 a.m.

  • Call to Order–Roll Call
  • Salute to the Flag
  • Communications and Announcements
  • Review of Agenda

10:15–11 a.m.

Item 1–Update on the Development of California’s Accountability System: Director Cindy Kazanis of the California Department of Education (CDE) Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division (AMARD); and Jenny Singh, Administrator of the Academic Accountability Unit, CDE, AMARD, will discuss recent developments in California’s new integrated local, state, and federal accountability and continuous improvement system. Discussion will include an update on the California Advisory Task Force on Alternative Schools and Every Student Succeeds Act State Plan for identification of the lowest performing schools. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

Background materials:

California State Board of Education, January 2018 Agenda, Item 01 (DOCX)

11–11:30 a.m.

Item 2–Update on Continuum of Care Reform and System of Care 2.0: Richard Knecht, Integrated Services Advisor, California Department of Social Services; and Elizabeth Estes, Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud, and Romo, will provide an update on the efforts of state and county agencies working on the implementation of Continuum of Care and related integrative efforts in California. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

Background materials:

California Department of Social Services Continuum of Care Reform Web page External link opens in new window or tab.
Child Welfare / Mental Health Learning Collaborative (Katie A.) Web site External link opens in new window or tab.
University of Maryland School of Social Work, The Institute for Innovation and Implementation Web site External link opens in new window or tab.

11:30 a.m.–Noon

Item 3–Generating All Possibilities (GAP) Presentation: Presenters include special education practitioners Tina Castro, Karla Salazar, and Mayra Molina, along with California State University, Northridge student Danny Sills. Speaking on behalf of Los Angeles based Family, Adult and Child Therapies, an agency providing college support through the GAP program, the presentation will discuss community-based services on or near California college campuses for over 97 college students with learning differences. These include programs covering the San Fernando Valley at Cal State Northridge and in the West Los Angeles area. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

Noon–12:10 p.m.

Item 4–Honoring the Career of Former ACSE Commissioner and Senator Betty Karnette: The ACSE will pay tribute to Senator Karnette for her many years of public service, which includes contributions on behalf of students with disabilities as a member of the ACSE. (Item type: Information)

12:10–1:10 p.m. LUNCH

1:10–1:30 p.m.

Item 5–Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B Grant Application and California’s State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) Update: Heather Carlson, Associate Director, SED, CDE; and Shiyloh Duncan-Becerril, Education Administrator I of the Data, Evaluation, and Analysis Unit, SED, CDE, will provide an updates on the status of the IDEA Part B grant and California’s development of the SSIP. The SED will present Phase 3 of the SSIP to the State Board of Education (SBE) for approval in March 2018 before submission to the United States Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs in April 2018. The ACSE will make a recommendation regarding approval of the SSIP for the March 2018 SBE meeting. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

1:30–1:45 p.m.

Item 6–Mental Health Subcommittee Ad Hoc Workgroup Report: Members of the ACSE Mental Health Subcommittee Ad Hoc Workgroup will report on the activities of the Workgroup, including requests for any potential future ACSE agenda items. (Item type: Information, discussion)

1:45–2:15 p.m.

Item 7–Voices from the Field: Input from formal stakeholder groups about trends, challenges, and successes. Participants include Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Administrators of California, Parent Training and Information Centers, Family Empowerment Centers, California Teachers Association, California Charter Schools Association, California Association of Resource Specialists Plus, Special Education Administrators of County Offices, California Parent Teacher Association, California School Employees Association, and others. (Item type: Information, discussion)

2:15–2:30 p.m.

Item 8–Liaison Reports: Updates from Niki Sandoval, State Board of Education liaison; the Honorable Richard Pan, Senator; the Honorable Tony Thurmond, Assemblymember; and ACSE Commissioners. (Item type: Information, discussion)

2:30–3:10 p.m.

Item 9–Presentation on the State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project (SPP-TAP): Connie Silva, Director, and Sharon Falk, Assistant Director, SPP-TAP, will discuss the project’s work with local educational agencies (LEAs) to address equity and compliance issues related to disproportionate representation of students of particular races or ethnicities in special education. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

Background materials:

SPP-TAP Web site External link opens in new window or tab.

3:10–3:25 p.m. BREAK

3:25–4 p.m.

Item 10–Overview of the Implementation of the Special Olympics Unified Champions School (UCS) Project in California: Cathy Domanski, Vice President of School Partnership Programs, Special Olympics Northern California; and Melissa Erdmann, Director of Schools, Young Athletes and Families, Special Olympics Southern California, will describe the current statewide efforts to implement the UCS in schools and LEAs and provide background information on the program’s positive outcomes nationwide. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

Background materials:

Special Olympics All Unified Champion Schools Resource Web page External link opens in new window or tab.
University of Massachusetts Boston Center for Social Development and Education, Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools Web page External link opens in new window or tab.

4–4:30 p.m.

Item 11–ACSE Bylaw Update: Members of the ACSE will discuss proposed edits to the current ACSE bylaws. (Item type: Information, discussion, action).

4:30–4:45 p.m.

Item 12–Selection of the 2018–19 Nominations and Elections Committee Chair (NEC): Members of the ACSE will select the Chair of the NEC to oversee the election process for ACSE officers, and a brief overview of the election process will be provided. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

4:45–5 p.m.

Item 13–General Public Comment: General public comment is invited on any matter, including items not on the agenda. The ACSE is precluded from discussing matters not on the agenda; however, questions may be asked by Commissioners for clarification purposes. Issues raised by the public may be referred to a future meeting agenda. Chair reserves the right to establish time limits on presentations. (Item type: Information, discussion


Adjournment of day's session.

Advisory Commission on Special Education

Thursday, February 22, 2018, 9 a.m. Pacific Time
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1101
Sacramento, California

9–9:15 a.m.

  • Call to Order–Roll Call
  • Salute to the Flag
  • Communications and Announcements
  • Review of Agenda

9:15–10 a.m.

Item 14–Assessment Update: Staff from the Assessment Development and Administration Division at the CDE will provide updates on the California statewide assessments from the January 2018 State Board of Education (SBE) meeting, and assessment activities occurring in preparation for the March 2018 SBE meeting. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

Background materials:

California State Board of Education, January 2018 Agenda, Item 06 (DOCX)

10–10:30 a.m.

Item 15–California’s State System of Support: Director Melanie Schoeppe of the Improvement and Accountability Division, CDE; Sujie Shin, Director of Research and Strategy, California Collaborative for Education Excellence; Jim Anderson, Director, Los Angeles County Court SELPA and Los Angeles County Charter SELPA; and Heather DiFede, Director, East County SELPA, will provide an update on the development of California’s system of support for LEAs and schools. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

Background materials:

California State Board of Education, January 2018 Agenda, Item 03 (DOCX)

10:30–10:45 a.m.

Item 16–State Special Education Director’s Report: Kristin Wright, Director, SED, CDE. (Item type: Information, discussion)

10:45–11 a.m. BREAK

11–11:25 a.m.

Item 17–Legislative Update: Alejandro Espinoza, Legislative Representative, CDE, Governmental Affairs, will provide an update on the 2018 California legislative session. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

11:25–11:45 a.m.

Item 18–California Task Force on Educational Interpreting Presentation: The California Task Force on Educational Interpreting will present its ongoing process to develop action items towards improved educational interpreting for the 17,000 Deaf and hard-of-hearing children throughout the state. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

11:45 a.m.–12:05 p.m.

Item 19–Student Voice: Mariano Peinado, a student at Southwest High School in El Centro, California will discuss the important role performing arts has played in his development, including providing tools to self-advocate and the confidence to participate as an equal member of his education planning team. (Item type: Information, discussion)

12:05–1:15 p.m. LUNCH

1:15–1:30 p.m.

Item 20–Department of Finance Analysis of the Governor’s 2018–19 Budget Proposal: Lisa Mierczynski, Principal Program Budget Analyst; and Amber Alexander, Staff Finance Budget Analyst, Education Unit, California Department of Finance, will provide a breakdown of the Governor’s 2018–19 Budget proposal with respect to special education funding. (Item type: Information, discussion, action)

Background materials:

California Budget 2018–19 Web site External link opens in new window or tab.

1:30–2:30 p.m.

Item 21–Anti-Bullying Report: ACSE Commissioner Havaughnia Hayes-White and Brenda Meyer, Middle School Counselor, and Kathy Jamison, Principal of six through eight grade, CHIME Institute, will provide information on bullying in schools and share strategies the CHIME Institute has implemented to address bullying behavior and foster an inclusive and empathetic school culture. (Item type: Information, discussion, action).

Background materials:

Chime Institute Web site External link opens in new window or tab.

2:30–2:45 p.m.

Item 22–General Public Comment: General public comment is invited on any matter, including items not on the agenda. The ACSE is precluded from discussing matters not on the agenda; however, questions may be asked by Commissioners for clarification purposes. Issues raised by the public may be referred to a future meeting agenda. Chair reserves the right to establish time limits on presentations. (Item type: Information, discussion)

2:45–3 p.m.

Item 23–Agenda Building for ACSE Meetings: Commissioners will discuss potential items to be included on future ACSE meeting agendas. (Item type: Information, discussion)


Adjournment of day's session.
Adjournment of meeting.

Questions:   Special Education Division | | 916-445-4602
Last Reviewed: Friday, March 15, 2024
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