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Significant Disproportionality

Local educational agencies that have been identified as Significantly Disproportionate are required to participate in all four steps of the Compliance and Improvement Monitoring process for Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services.

If your local educational agency (LEA) was identified as Significantly Disproportionate in the Annual Determination Letter, your LEA has overidentified a specific race and/or ethnicity in one or more of the following special education categories:

  • Disciplinary Action (Suspension and Expulsion)
  • Placement: More Restrictive Environments
  • Indicator 9: Special Education in General
  • Indicator 10: Special Education within a Specific Disability Category

Once identified as Significantly Disproportionate, the LEA is required to take mandatory actions including, but not limited to, reserving 15 percent of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds to develop and implement a Compliance and Improvement Monitoring (CIM) for CCEIS action plan and provide Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) services to the identified target population.

Your Support Team

Your support teams will include California Department of Education (CDE) Intensive Monitoring Staff and the State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project (SPP-TAP) Facilitator. Listed below is a link and contact information to your support team.

Technical Assistance Facilitator

Technical Assistance (TA) Facilitator: State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project website External link opens in new window or tab.

CDE Staff

Intensive Monitoring Unit Contact Information
Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance (FMTA) I Manager: Barbara Gaskin
Direct Telephone Number: 916-327-0865
Unit Telephone Number: 916-324-8898
FMTA IV Manager: Jack Brimhall
Direct Telephone Number: 916-445-1056
Unit Telephone Number: 916-445-9772

FMTA Consultant Assignments by Region

For general questions about Significant Disproportionality, please visit the or email to be directed to the assigned FMTA Consultant.

2021 Significantly Disproportionate LEAs
A list of the LEAs identified as significantly disproportionate for the 2021 fiscal year.

2022 Significantly Disproportionate LEAs
A list of the LEAs identified as significantly disproportionate for the 2022 fiscal year.

What am I Required to Do?

CIM for CCEIS Process Preparation

Task Due Date
Submit Assurance Form to

April 28, 2023 (30 days from receipt of Annual Determination Letter)
LEA must attend mandatory Introductory Webinar March 30, 2023
LEA must attend a meeting with SPP-TAP and TA facilitator Date will be sent to you via email
Select the LEA’s TA facilitator and complete the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SPP-TAP May 1, 2023 (As Soon As Possible recommended)
LEA must complete 10 hours of CDE funded TA facilitator support
*Recommend the LEA continue to work with a TA facilitator. The continued assistance of the TA facilitator can be funded with CCEIS funds.
June 30, 2023

CIM for CCEIS Step One: Gather and Inquire

Task Level of Support Due Date
CIM for CCEIS Team and Educational Partners Group Creation Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator June 30, 2023
Data Drill Down (including a Programmatic Self-Assessment if required) Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator June 30, 2023
Infrastructure Analysis Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator June 30, 2023
Policy, Procedure, and Practice Review Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator June 30, 2023
Student Case Study Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator June 30, 2023
Parent and Family Input Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator June 30, 2023
Consolidation Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator June 30, 2023
Submission into Stepwell Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator June 30, 2023

CIM for CCEIS Step Two: Investigate

Task Level of Support Due Date
Root Cause Analysis Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator September 30, 2023
Initiative Inventory Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator September 30, 2023
Selection of Target Population Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator September 30, 2023
Theory of Action Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator September 30, 2023
Submission into Stepwell Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator September 30, 2023

CIM for CCEIS Step Three: Plan

Task Level of Support Due Date
Action Plan Development Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator November 30, 2023
Submission into Stepwell Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator November 30, 2023

CIM for CCEIS Step Four: Implementation and Monitoring

Task Level of Support Due Date
Progress and Expenditure Report 1 (July 2023 – March 2024) Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator April 10, 2024
Progress and Expenditure Report 2 (April 2024 – June 2024) Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator July 10, 2024
Progress and Expenditure Report 3 (July 2024 – September 2024) Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator October 10, 2024
Progress and Expenditure Report 4 (October 2024 – December 2024) Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator January 10, 2025
Progress and Expenditure Report 5 (January 2025 – March 2025) Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator April 10, 2025
Progress and Expenditure Report 6 (April 2025 – June 2025) Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator July 10, 2025
Final Progress and Expenditure Report (July 2025 – September 2025) Collaboration with CDE, SPP-TAP, TA facilitator October 10, 2025


March 30, 2023, 10 a.m. CIM for CCEIS Meeting for Significantly Disproportionate LEAs Zoom Webinar Registration External link opens in new window or tab.

More information and recorded webinars can be found on the SPP-TAP Webinars web page External link opens in new window or tab..

Questions:   Special Education Division |
Last Reviewed: Monday, March 20, 2023
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