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Submitting Complete and Accurate Data

List of reports for discovering problems and repairing records.

Before submitting your agency’s end-of-year TOPSpro® Enterprise data, you must review the data to identify any potential problems. The reports listed below are designed to guide you in the process of submitting complete and accurate data.

Critical Reports for Identifying Problems and Repairing Records:

  1. Data Integrity Detail
    On the Reports menu, point to Data Management and select NRS Data Integrity Detail. This report lists data issues by student name and displays these lists by class.

  2. Data Integrity
    On the Reports menu, point to Data Management and select NRS Data Integrity. This report provides more comprehensive information and displays by item number rather than by student name.

  3. Payment Points Summary Audit
    On the Reports menu, point to State Reports-California, and select Payment Points. Under Report Selection, choose Payment Points Summary Audit. This report lists totals by drop reason with the ability to drill down to obtain specific lists of students for each drop reason. This report helps agencies complete missing data or understand why a student may not have generated a payment point.

  4. Payment Points Data Flags
    On the Reports menu, point to State Reports-California, and select Payment Points. Under Report Selection, choose Payment Points Data Flags. This report lists critical items missing in the student data that may be required for attaining a specific payment point outcome.

  5. Payment Points Data Integrity
    On the Reports menu, point to State Reports-California, and select Payment Points. Under Report Selection, choose Payment Points Data Integrity. This report provides more comprehensive payment point information and displays by item number rather than by student name.

  6. English Literacy and Civics Education (EL Civics) Specific Reports:
    These two reports identify potential data problems in the EL Civics Program:

    1. Additional Assessments Summary (Report)
      On the Reports menu, point to State Reports-California, and select EL Civics Additional Assessment Summary. This report lists an agency’s EL Civics classes and indicates how many additional assessments were attempted and passed by class.

    2. Additional Assessments Detail (Report)
      On the Reports menu, point to State Reports-California, and select EL Civics Additional Assessment Detail. This report shows the same information as the Summary, but at the student-level, and also, displays any existing drop reasons for each student.
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Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
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