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One Stop Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions and answers on the relationship between the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title II and the One Stop system.


  1. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title II, the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, focuses on adult education. What is the relationship between literacy and the One Stop system?
    WIOA Title II literacy providers help adults who cannot read, write, speak effectively, solve problems, get along with other people, or have difficulty in finding stable employment. In other words, they help people acquire the literacy skills they need for employment. The One Stop system helps find employment for these people once they have acquired employment skills.

  2. What is the role of each partner?
    Title II agencies are mandated partners in the One Stop system and are required to be a part of the local Workforce Investment Board (WIB). The local WIB coordinates local planning, while the One Stop system provides direct services to job seekers and employers. WIOA Title II agencies provide direct services to adults with literacy deficits.

  3. How should the Title II agency work with the local WIB?
    It is recommended that local WIBs meet with local WOIA Title II agencies to identify the literacy problems facing both employers and job seekers in communities and develop a joint "plan of action" to address local needs.

  4. What type of One Stop participant might need literacy services?
    Adults who need literacy services include those who do not have a high school diploma or passed the General Educational Development (GED) test, adults who do not speak, read, or write English; and adults who may have completed high school but whose literacy deficits prevent them from successfully participating in employment or vocational training.

  5. What kinds of literacy services do One Stop participants need?
    Classes in English as a Second Language (ESL), high school diploma programs, GED preparation, and adult basic education (content levels below the eighth grade.)

  6. Where, in the continuum of One Stop services, do WIOA Title II agencies fit?
    WIOA Title II services are included in the core and intensive services available through the One Stop system and should be advertised as part of the core services offered. Intensive services offered by WIOA Title II providers include educational assessments and availability of no-cost literacy classes for adults or youth over 18.

  7. What kind of participant services does the One Stop system provide?
    The One Stop system provides core services, including job search information, referrals, and assessments; intensive services, including referrals for literacy programs; and referrals for vocational training services.

Local Literacy Partners

  1. Why is WIOA Title II a partner in the One Stop system?
    Federal legislation requires WIOA Title II to be a partner in the One Stop system. As a partner, WIOA Title II funded agencies should be involved in workforce development planning for the region and in the delivery of services.

  2. Who are the local WIOA Title II literacy providers?
    WIOA Title II agencies include adult schools, community colleges, community- based organizations (CBOs), faith-based organizations (FBOs), library literacy programs, and volunteer literacy programs. Not all of these agencies are a required partner; only agencies funded by Title II are required partners.

  3. Is there a list of WIOA Title II providers?
    The California Department of Education's Adult Education Office administers WIOA Title II funds. Grants are announced every summer.

  4. Where should WIOA Title II adult education programs be offered?
    There are many different models. Some agencies provide literacy services on site at the local One Stop. Examples of on-site services most frequently include educational assessments and testing, but can also include tutoring or literacy classes. This is an especially valuable model for small agencies or those with limited classroom or tutoring space.

    Many large agencies provide services in their own buildings or campuses and find that co-location of classroom facilities in a One Stop is unnecessary. In these instances, agencies should coordinate referrals with the local One Stop and should consider locating some of each partner's services at each site. Examples include providing educational assessments and testing at the One Stop and providing One Stop case management or information services at the education site.

Local Workforce Investment Boards

  1. Are WIOA Title II literacy providers supposed to be represented on the local Board?
    Yes. WIOA Section 117(b) specifies that Board composition must include representatives of each of the One Stop partners, while Section 121 specifies that adult education and literacy programs authorized under Title II of WIOA are required partners in the One Stop system.

  2. What is the role of WIOA Title II literacy providers on the Board?
    The role of WIOA Title II literacy providers should be similar to any other member of the Board. These agencies should participate in evaluating the needs of the community or region, developing plans to meet those needs, and evaluating the success of the system.

Memorandum of Understanding

  1. Should there be a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the literacy provider(s)?
    There should be an MOU between the local Board and the WIOA Title II literacy provider(s) in the region. Section 121c specifies that MOUs must contain the following provisions:
  • Services provided through the One Stop system
  • How the cost of services and the operating costs of the system will be funded
  • Methods for referral of individuals between the One Stop operator and the One Stop partners
  • Duration of the MOU and procedures for amending the memorandum
  • Other provisions as appropriate
  1. Are literacy providers required to pay a share of costs for maintenance of the One Stop?
    WIOA requires partners to participate in establishing the One Stop system but does not specify whether contributions to the system must be cash or in-kind services. Interpretation from the U.S. Department of Education (Program Memorandum 99-14) states that the WIOA Title II agency must ensure that a portion of the funds made available under Title II is used "by providing services or through other means, to create and maintain the One Stop delivery system."

  2. How do you determine what the cost should be?
    Costs should be determined based on the actual usage of the system. Program Memorandum 99-14 provides additional guidance on the concept of proportionality.

More Information

  1. Where can I get more information on the One Stop system?
    The Employment Development Department External link opens in new window or tab. provides information on the One Stop system. Specific information can be found at California One-Stop Career Centers External link opens in new window or tab. .

  2. Where can I get more information on WIOA Title II?
    The Adult Education Office provides additional information on WIOA Title II. For questions related to specific areas of the state, contact the Adult Education Office at (916) 322-2175 and ask for the regional consultant for your area.
Questions:   Adult Education Office | | 916-322-2175
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 7, 2024
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