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Child Care Reporting - Family Income Level

Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income (SMI) Level

The Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level information indicates whether the family's income was greater than 85 percent of the SMI.

Where to Find It

You need four kinds of information to determine this response:

Information Source

Family size during the report month


On the CD-9600 form, look in box C, "Family Size" in Section III, "Family Adjusted Gross Monthly Income and Size."

Family monthly income for the report month

On the CD-9600 form, look in box A, "Family Monthly Income" in Section III, "Family Adjusted Gross Monthly Income and Size."

Income Ceilings or Family Fee Schedule that was in effect for the report month

Income Ceilings and Family Fee Schedules can be found on the Management Bulletins page.

Date family began receiving subsidized child development services

On the CD-9600 form, look in the box "Initial Subsidized Service Date" in the upper right hand corner of the first page.

Instructions:  Locate the family’s income for the family’s size on the appropriate income schedule.  If the income is equal to or less than the highest amount shown for the size of this family, the family’s income does not exceed 85 percent and the correct choice is "No." If the family’s income exceeds the highest amount shown for the size of this family, the correct choice is "Yes."

Rules and Guidelines

This information is required. There are only three possible choices:

- The family income is greater than 85 percent of the SMI during the report month.

No - The family income is not greater than 85% of the SMI during the report month.

Unavailable - The information for the family is unknown.

Error Messages and Solutions

The "Family Income Greater Than 85% of State Median Income" information is required. [801A File Transfer], [801A Web Input]

No selection has been made from the "Family Income Greater Than 85% of State Median Income" drop down list or this information is missing in the transfer file. This field must contain information.


Enter the "Family Income Greater Than 85% of State Median Income" information (Yes, No, or Unavailable).
Confirm you have entered "Y', "N", or "U" in the transfer file.

Invalid Family Income information. [801A File Transfer]

The "Family Income Greater than 85% of State Median Income" information is not one of the valid choices.


Confirm that you have entered a valid code ("Y," "N," or "U").

"Unavailable" for "Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income" is only allowed when "Reason for Receiving Child Development Services" is "A - Child Protective Services." [801A File Transfer], [801A Web Input]

Families are required to provide income information when their eligibility was determined unless the reason for receiving child development services is Child Protective Services (CPS).


Verify the family income and the reason for receiving child development services.

Answer to "Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level" is inconsistent with "Family Size" and "Monthly Family Income" information provided." [801A File Transfer], [801A Web Input], [801B]

The information entered for the Family Size and Monthly Family Income and the answer you selected to the Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level (SMI) do not match. This error occurs when you answer "Yes" to the Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level but the family's income and family size indicate the family's income level is at or below 85% SMI. Or you have answered "No" to the Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level but the family's income and family size indicate the family's income level is more than 85% of the SMI.


Confirm that you have entered the Monthly Family Income correctly.
Confirm that you have entered the Family Size correctly.
Confirm your answer to Family Income Greater than 85% of the State Median Income Level (801B only)

The "Monthly Family Income" for this family's size can not exceed 85% of the State Median Income unless the "Reason for Receiving Child Development Services" is "A - Child Protective Services or At-Risk," "C - Experiencing Homelessness," "J - Handicapped Program," "Q: Part-Time California State Preschool Program (CSPP)," "S: CSPP Free or Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) Residence," or if they receive services in the California State Preschool Program. [801 File Transfer], [801A Web Input]

The family's income level, based on the family's size, can not be more than 85 percent of State Median Income. The only exception to this is when the reason for receiving child development services is "A - Child Protective Services or At-Risk," "C - Experiencing Homelessness," "J - Handicapped Program," "Q: Part-Time CSPP," "S: CSPP FRPM Residence," or if they receive services in the California State Preschool Program.


Confirm that you have entered Monthly Family Income and Family Size correctly.

Confirm the "Reason for Receiving Child Development Services."

Confirm the program codes for all children listed.

Confirm the answer to "Child Receives Part-time Care" for each child.

FAQs About the Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level

Question 1

What do you mean--"Family income greater than 85 percent of State Median Income"?


To answer this question correctly, look at the Family Fee Schedule or Income Ceiling that was in effect for the report month. Based on the family's size, is the family's income the same or less than the amount on the Monthly Income Ceilings row (the bottom row) of the Full-Time Daily Fee Schedule, Part-Time Daily Fee Schedule, or Hourly Fee Schedule, the answer to the question is "No." If the family's income is more than the amount shown on the Monthly Income Ceilings row, then the answer to this question is "Yes."

Follow these steps:

  1. Find the family's size on the applicable schedule.
  2. Ask yourself the question, "Is the family income more (a higher number) than the highest amount shown for this family's size?" If it is, then you answer this question "Yes." If it is not, you would answer "No."
Question 2 (801B only)

I am trying to change the answer to this question but the only option is "No." This family's income information is incorrect. They do exceed the 85 Percent State Median Income Level. What do I do?


For these families, you will have to exclude them from the 801B report. Only families who are at or below the 85 % State Median Income Level are eligible for the 801B report.

Question 3 (801B only)

Income is not collected for certain families referred by Child Protective Services (CPS). What should we report here?


Report "Unavailable" for all income questions and select "A - Child Protective Services" as the "Reason for Receiving Child Development Services."
Leave the "Monthly Family Income: blank and check the CPS Override box.

Questions:   CDMIS Staff | | 916-445-1907
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 27, 2023
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