CASI October 2022 Charter Chat Resource Page
Information and resources from the October 2022 Charter Chat, presented by the Charter Authorizer Support Initiative (CASI).Charter Chat Topics
- Program Hot Topics
- Fiscal Hot Topics
- Additional Resources
- Q&A from Previous Charter Chats and CASI Email
- Q&A from the October Charter Chat
Program Hot Topics
- California Charter Authorizing Professionals (CCAP) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Resources
- This resource includes samples of redacted MOUs.
- Two samples come from school districts, and two come from county offices of education.
- This resource includes a cross-reference to provisions addressing the same or similar topics.
- These are samples to illustrate and raise awareness; authorizers should consult their own legal counsel.
- This resource includes samples of redacted MOUs.
Fiscal Hot Topics
- Proposition 39 (Facilities) Process Begins By November 1, charter schools must submit their request for facilities to the school district(s) in which they are serving students.
- First Interim Report Templates Communicate with charter schools the specific format or template the authorizer expects to receive for the First Interim reporting data.
- California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Census Day The CALPADS Census Day was October 5, 2022, and the Fall 1 certification deadline is December 16, 2022.
Additional Resources
- 2022–23 Charter School Authorizer Connection Workshops The San Diego County Office of Education (COE), San Bernardino COE, and Fresno COE have collaborated to create a series of trainings for authorizers. Visit 2022–23 Charter School Authorizer Connection Workshop Registration to register and for more information.
- Annual Report and Site Visit Resources CASI’s April 2022 Quarterly Regional Training focused on annual site visits and reports. For comprehensive resources from CASI subgrantees, the Santa Clara COE and the California Charter Authorizing Professionals (CCAP), please visit the CASI April Quarterly Regional Training Resources web page.
Charter Chat Q&A
Previous Charter Chats and CASI Email
Are charter school governing boards members required to also take the sexual harassment training every two years like other district board members?
California Education Code (EC) does not require charter school governing board members to complete sexual harassment training. Please see EC 47604.1 for EC sections which do apply to charter school governing boards.
Will 2021-22 academic indicator status levels be converted into colors like the State Board of Education (SBE) has approved for Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), Differentiated Assistance (DA), and Comprehensive Support and Improvement/Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (CSI/ATSI)?
No. The 2022 California School Dashboard will be purple for all five status levels.
The SBE, during its September 2022 meeting, established that the lowest status level from the 2022 Dashboard will be used as a proxy for Red for the purposes of determining eligibility for DA.
October Charter Chat
What options are available under Proposition 39 for offering facilities to charter schools with declining enrollment?
Under the annual Proposition 39 process, the charter school begins by submitting its request for facilities by November 1 each year. During this process, the school provides its enrollment data and facilities request and the District has to respond to the request in order to negotiate the process to provide reasonably equivalent facilities for the in-district students as they would have if they attended a district school. This process continues throughout the year with a final facility offer by May for utilization the following year.
As this is an annual process, declining enrollment plays a huge factor. Districts will need to review charter facility requests thoroughly to determine what facilities are needed due to current enrollment data.
What are the credentialing requirements regarding the extended timeline for charter schools?
This question was addressed during the CASI July 2022 Quarterly Regional Training on Teacher Credentials. In order for a charter school teacher to have until July 1, 2025, to obtain the appropriate credential, the teacher must have:
- Been employed during 2019–20
- Hold a certificate of clearance or any other credential held by July 1, 2020
- Remained in the same position
The position will still be reported as a misassignment.
New teachers hired after 2019–20 must hold the appropriate credential, including teachers who moved to a new assignment.
No flexibility was provided for Core, English Learner (EL), or Special Education assignments.
What are the renewal criteria for Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) schools?
Renewal criteria for DASS schools are governed by Education Code 47607 . These schools are to meet with their authorizer in the first year of the term to mutually agree to discuss alternative renewal metrics. Closure would only occur in the best interest of the students. Renewal would be for five years.
Are there any resources to share regarding best practices for Annual Reports and Site Visits?
There are resources for annual reports and site visits from the CASI April 2022 Quarterly Regional Training, as well as the Santa Clara County Office of Educaiton (SCCOE) and California Charter Authorizing Professionals (CCAP) websites.
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