PCSGP RTAC Sub-Grant Resources
Resources for the Public Charter Schools Grant Program (PCSGP) Regional Technical Assistance and Coaching (RTAC) Sub-Grant.PCSGP Use of Funds
PCSGP RTAC Sub-Grant Use of Funds
Frequently asked questions regarding PCSGP Regional Technical Assistance and Coaching (RTAC) Sub-Grant Use of Funds.
Reporting Submission Timeline
Quarter | Due Date |
October 1 (July–September) | October 31 |
Quarter 2 (October–December) |
January 31 |
Quarter 3 (January–March) |
April 30 |
Quarter 4 (April–June) |
July 31 |
PCSGP Templates
Quarterly Expenditure Report (QER) (XLSX)
PCSGP sub-grantees use this to report quarterly and annual expenditures. This report should be emailed to PCSGP@cde.ca.gov.
Quarterly Task Progress Report (QTPR) (DOCX)
PSCGP sub-grantees use this to report quarterly progress on technical assistance activities.
This report should be emailed to PCSGP@cde.ca.gov.
Time and Effort Logs (XLSX)
PCSGP sub-grantees must maintain Time and Effort Logs on-site to document approved certificated/classified salaries and associated benefits charged for the completion of sub-grant tasks. This Time and Effort Log is a sample for reference.
Budget Revision Request Form (DOCX)
Sub-grantees use this to request changes to approved budget amounts when reporting expenditures of 110 percent or more of their approved budget amount.
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