PCSGP Start-Up Sub-Grant Use of Funds
Information regarding the Use of Funds for the Public Charter Schools Grant Program (PCSGP) Sub-Grants including allowable and non-allowable expenses.Use of Funds Guidance
Non-Allowable Expenditures
In an effort to provide clear guidance, the California Department of Education (CDE) has determined that the items on this list would be considered non-allowable expenditures of Public Charter Schools Grant Program (PCSGP) Start-Up Subgrant funds. While this is not a complete list of non-allowable items, the list does provide some guidance regarding commonly seen non-allowable expenditures. If there is a question regarding an allowable expenditure, it is advised that you contact the PCSGP Office at PCSGP@cde.ca.gov.
- After school programs
- Audits
- Authorizer Fees
- Alcohol
- Back office provider fees (only allowable for subgrantees during their planning phase, see details in Section 6 above)
- Consumable Goods such as office supplies can only be charged to the subgrant one time during the Planning phase or during the first quarter of the subgrant term for all other subgrant types
- Conference travel unrelated to the educational plan submitted in the PCSGP application
- Contingency or “petty cash” funds
- Contributions and donations to others
- On-going equipment and supplies for building maintenance
- Excessive installation costs for equipment purchased with PCSGP funds
- Entertainment costs of any type, including meals or banquets
- Extended warranties including Apple Care
- Facility fees such as the rental or lease of buildings (For subgrantees in their planning phase only: no more than three months of facilities fees are allowable.)
- Facility purchases, new construction, major renovation or remodeling of facilities
- Farm animals for show and selling, only farm animals for the purposes of breeding can be charged to the subgrant
- Fines and penalties such as late fees, bounced check fees
- Food is always non-allowable unless to reimburse employees when traveling more than 50 miles from home
- Fund Raising costs of any kind
- Furniture and appliances for staff lounges
- Gifts, door prizes, etc.
- Grant Writer fees
- Insurance/Self-Insurance beyond the planning year
- Interest and other financial costs
- Lease payments for equipment (e.g., copy machines) or passenger vehicles including automobiles, trucks, buses, utility vehicles, airplanes, boats, and golf carts. Only the initial one-time set up payment can be charged to the subgrant. Must be necessary for the success of the education plan.
- Legal fees for litigation, authorizer disputes, anything not related to start up activities such as reviewing Board policies and governance trainings, Parent Handbook
- Mileage not related to conference travel
- Maintenance contracts or agreements
- Post-retirement health benefit (PRHB) costs (2 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Section 200.431[h])
- Promotional items, such as T-shirts, pens, cups, key chains, and other memorabilia
- Renewal fees of any kind such as software, charter school support organization membership, student information systems.
- Student or non-teacher lodging, food, individual transportation, or dues for student organizations
- Student tuition costs or university fees
- Salaries and benefits for Certificated and Classified positions (For subgrantees in their planning phase only: no more than four months of certificated and classified salaries and associated benefits prior to the opening date of school are allowable. Costs must be reasonable and necessary, and are limited to teachers, school leaders, and specialized instructional personnel.)
- Salaries or wages paid to students
- Separation leave costs (2 CFR Section 200.431[b])
- Severance costs (2 CFR Section 200.431[i])
- Student expenses/direct assistance to students
- Travel, Out of State, not directly related to educational plan submitted in the PCSGP application. Allowable Out of State Travel must be pre-approved by the CDE. Out of country travel is never allowed with PCSGP funding.
- Uniforms for Students and Staff
- Others, as evaluated on a case-by-case basis
All costs charged to the subgrant must be reasonable, necessary, and allocable to meet the objectives of the grant. All requested items must also appear in the approved subgrant application budget.
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