Verified Data FAQs
The most frequently asked questions about valid and reliable assessments and measures of postsecondary outcomes to be used in the charter school renewal process.Section Menu
Disclaimer: Responses to these frequently asked questions are advisory only. Charter schools and authorizing entities are encouraged to review the actual laws and regulations that provide the basis for these responses, and consult with their own legal counsel regarding the application of any of these issues to a specific situation.
Charter School Performance Categories
Which charter schools are required to use verified data for charter renewals? (Updated 30-Nov-2023)
Pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 47607.2(a), a charter school in the low performance category may not be renewed unless (in addition to other requirements) it demonstrates, through verified data, measurable increases in academic achievement or strong postsecondary outcomes.
Pursuant to EC Section 47607.2(b), for a charter school in the middle performance category seeking renewal, the chartering authority must consider clear and convincing evidence of either measurable increases in academic achievement or strong postsecondary outcomes, which must be demonstrated by verified data.
The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics, Grades 3–8 and Grade 11) is one of the adopted academic progress indicators on the approved verified data list. The complete list of adopted academic progress indicators and adopted postsecondary indicators is available at Academic Progress and Postsecondary Indicators.
Are Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) schools subject to the verified data process?
No. DASS charter schools have separate renewal criteria and therefore are not subject to the verified data process. California Education Code Section 47607(c)(7)
outlines a specific process for DASS renewal.
To determine the performance categories for Criterion 2 (i.e., comparing the school and student groups to the statewide average), which student groups are compared to the statewide average?
There are two steps to be performed for Criterion 2. In Step 1, all student groups that, at the state level, score above the statewide average are removed from school-level analyses. (For example, in the 2019 Charter School Performance data file, four student groups were removed from the school-level analyses: White, Asian, Filipino, and Two or More Races). In Step 2, each remaining student group (with 30 or more students at the charter school) is compared to their respective statewide student group average on each academic indicator (English language arts/literacy, Mathematics, English Learner Progress Indicator, and College/Career Indicator). If a majority of the student groups performed above the statewide student-group average for all indicators, the school qualifies for High Performing presumptive renewal under Criterion 2.
For the school-level analyses, two years of data must be used. However, the student group comparison is done separately for each year. For example, if a student group has less than 30 students in 2018, but more than 30 students in 2019, that student group data will be compared to their respective statewide average for 2019 only. Information on how performance categories are determined is available at Determining Charter School Performance Category (PDF).
Verified Data
What is the purpose of verified data?
As required by California Education Code Section 47607.2
, verified data is used in the charter school renewal process for schools in the low and middle performance categories. These charter schools must use verified data to show measurable increases in academic achievement or strong postsecondary outcomes. Increases in academic achievement are defined as showing one-year’s progress for each year in school. Strong postsecondary outcomes are defined as achieving rates of college enrollment, persistence, and completion that are equal to those of their peers.
Which assessments were adopted by the California State Board of Education (SBE) for charter schools to demonstrate progress in academic achievement? (Updated 06-Jun-2023)
The SBE adopted a list of academic progress indicators that met the established criteria and that may be used in the renewal process. Assessments that are not on the list may not be used as verified data. The SBE-approved assessments are available at Academic Progress and Postsecondary Indicators.
Can we use an adopted academic progress indicator for a grade not listed in the approved verified data list? (Added 06-Jun-2023)
No. Each adopted academic progress indicator on the approved verified data list has its applicable grade span listed along with the assessment name on Academic Progress and Postsecondary Indicators. Assessment publishers provided evidence about the academic progress indicators including the applicable grade span. This evidence was reviewed as part of the California State Board of Education action (November 2020 and May 2023). Therefore, only grades included in the current list are those that are approved as part of verified data.
What qualifies as “one year’s progress”? (Updated 06-Jun-2023)
Each vendor provided guidance on evaluating for one-year’s progress. This guidance is listed in Attachment 1, Table 2 of November 2020 SBE Agenda Item 14 (DOCX; Posted 23-Oct-2020) and Attachment 1, Table 4 of May 2023 SBE Agenda Item 02 (DOCX; Posted 05-May-2023).
There is one exception: the Smarter Balanced Summary Assessments do not have criteria for one-year’s progress (see Question 5).
The California State Board of Education has not adopted a minimum threshold of students making one-year’s growth that would constitute a measurable increase in student achievement. It is recommended that the authorizer, in consultation with the charter school, make these determinations. -
What qualifies as “one year’s progress” for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments?
Change in scale score from one grade to another is not uniform across the entire range of student performance. The California Department of Education has created tables to help interpret changes in scale score between adjacent grades. These tables are available at Assessments – Average Scale Score Change.
Can California’s Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments be used as verified data?
No. California Education Code Section 60642.7(b) prohibits results from the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments being used for any high-stakes purpose, including accountability.
Can English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) practice test be used for verified data?
No. The ELPAC Practice Test was not adopted as verified data by the California State Board of Education.
How does a charter school and/or authorizer determine the percentage of students that need to make one year’s progress?
California Education Code Section 47607.2
does not stipulate a minimum percentage of students that must make one year’s progress. The California Department of Education recommends that the charter school and authorizer discuss the percentage of students that must meet the criteria.
Can CORE data be used as verified data? (Updated 06-Jun-2023)
The CORE growth model was not adopted by the California State Board of Education (SBE) as verified data. However, the SBE did adopt the following related Data Use Procedure:
- 8. California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for English language arts/literacy and mathematics: Specified CAASPP reported data can only be used in a manner consistent with the data reported on the CAASPP website and California School Dashboard (Dashboard). CAASPP data, and methodologies for analyzing CAASPP data (e.g., CORE Student Growth Percentiles) that are mutually agreed upon by the chartering authority and charter school, may be used to supplement Dashboard results. However, CAASPP data may not be used to dispute the Dashboard results.
When the state adopts a growth measure, will it replace the current verified data? (Updated 06-Jun-2023)
California Education Code (EC) Section 47607.2
allows the California State Board of Education (SBE) to replace the verified data list with the state’s growth model. The SBE adopted a growth model methodology in May 2021, and the first results from that methodology will be available in late 2024. For additional information about California's adopted Growth Model methodology, visit Growth Model.
Note: The state’s growth model would only apply to grades four through eight. Additionally, the provisions relating to verified data in EC Section 47607.2 are scheduled to sunset on January 1, 2026. -
Can Career Technical Education (CTE) data be used to demonstrate strong postsecondary outcomes?
California Education Code Section 47607.2(b)(1)(B)
does not include CTE data in the criteria for strong postsecondary outcomes. Therefore, CTE data cannot be used for this purpose.
Which postsecondary outcome indicators were adopted by the California State Board of Education (SBE)?
The postsecondary outcomes adopted by the SBE are available at Academic Progress and Postsecondary Indicators. Additional information on postsecondary outcomes are available in November 2020 SBE Agenda Item 14 (DOCX; Posted 23-Oct-2020).
What is the criterion for demonstrating strong secondary outcomes?
California Education Code Section 47607.2(b)(1)(B)
states that students must perform equal to similar peers, but does not define similar peers. The California State Board of Education adopted the following Data Use Procedure related to this topic:
- 7. Comparability: For purposes of reporting postsecondary outcomes, comparisons to similar peers may include, but are not limited to, similar demographics, pupil subgroups, first-time college attendance, or other similar circumstances, such as school closures and/or evacuation orders for a portion of the academic year, to the extent such information is available. If no data on similar peers are available, comparisons may be made to statewide data that includes all traditional and charter schools serving a similar grade span.
Have any assessments been removed from the verified data list? (Added 06-Jun-2023)
No. However, the California State Board of Education approved the administrative changes that included renaming five assessments. The previous names of those assessment are as follows:
- iReady by Curriculum Associates
- Measures of Academic Progress by Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA)
- SAT Suite by College Board
- Math Inventory by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
- Reading Inventory by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Both the assessments currently on the list and the prior names of those assessments, as listed in this frequently asked question, are considered verified data.
As a test publisher, our assessment, which is on the verified data list, has undergone significant changes. How do we proceed? (Added 06-Jun-2023)
If an assessment has undergone significant changes, only the version that was reviewed and approved will remain on the list. There is no process to reconsider technical data from assessments.
As a test publisher, our approved assessment has changed its name but has not undergone significant changes. How do we proceed? (Added 06-Jun-2023)
Please contact the California Department of Education at with information regarding any administrative changes to assessments currently on the verified data list.
As a test publisher, we have an assessment we would like to add to the list of verified data. How do we proceed? (Added 06-Jun-2023)
There is no process to consider technical data from assessments not currently on the verified data list.
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