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District of Choice Data Files

Downloadable data files for Districts of Choice and Districts of Residence.

The files provided below are limited to only districts who participate in the DOC program. The specifications for these files are in response to requirements in Educational Code for this program.

Download Instructions

Instructions for Importing TXT Files into Excel (DOCX)

Student Transfers between Districts

These files contain data for the total transfers in and out of districts of choice (DOCs) and districts of residence (DORs) between July 1, and October 15, of the specified school year. Data in these files are disaggregated by gender, race/ethnicity, and student groups.

Transfer Requests and Transportation

These files contain California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) DOC transfer requests and transportation data by student program participation.

Transportation Demographics

These files contain CBEDS DOC transportation data by race/ethnicity, gender, and DOR.

Interim Fiscal Reports

These files contain a listing of school districts and county offices of education that received a negative or qualified certification based on their submitted budget. The first interim report is due each year on December 15 for the period ending October 31. The second interim report is due each year on March 17 for the period ending January 31.

For more information on certification of interim fiscal reports, visit the CDE Interim Status web page.

English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics Assessment Results

These files provide links to the English language arts/literacy (ELA) and Mathematics results on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for DOC.

Five-Year District Enrollment

These files contain the five-year total enrollment in DOCs for the specified years of data. Enrollment counts are based on the number of students primarily enrolled in the district on the Fall Census Day (the first Wednesday in October).

Questions:   District of Choice Team |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 17, 2024