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Family Involvement & Partnerships

Resources and support for parents, guardians, and families of children with disabilities.

This page will highlight the topics and links from other sections of this website, which are of particular interest and will provide information, resources and support to parents, guardians and families of children with disabilities.

Constituent’s Office

The Constituent’s Office, within the Special Education Division of the California Department of Education, is dedicated to enhancing communications and support for families. At the California Department of Education, we are committed to ensuring that every family feels heard, valued, and supported. Constituent Office staff are available to take your call and help you with any questions you may have, or refer you to appropriate department level staff, if necessary.

To speak to someone in the Constituent’s Office please call, 800-926-0648, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Outside those hours, calls will go to a voicemail. Please leave a message and your call will be returned within 24 hours.

The Constituent’s Office may also be reached by email at

Constituent Office Support Services

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Resolve Disputes Amicably with Alternative Dispute Resolution

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?

The California Special Education Department's Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process provides informal methods to resolve disputes concerning a student's free and appropriate public education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Parents and school districts can use this process to address concerns collaboratively, helping to avoid legal conflicts. This approach prioritizes the student's needs and fosters positive relationships essential for delivering effective special education services.

ADR includes various techniques like mediation, arbitration, and negotiation, which assist in resolving conflicts privately, efficiently, and cost-effectively without going to court.

At the California Department of Education, we recognize that conflicts are inevitable. We advocate for resolving these disputes constructively through ADR, which offers a quicker, more affordable, and confidential alternative to formal complaints.

Benefits of ADR

  • Quick Resolution: Settle disputes faster than traditional legal processes.
  • Cost-Effective: Save time and money with ADR methods.
  • Confidential: Protect your privacy and relationships.
  • Collaborative: Foster cooperation and mutual understanding.
  • Preserve Relationships: Maintain positive connections within the community.

By opting for ADR, we can create a harmonious and supportive environment for everyone. Let’s work together to resolve conflicts constructively and build a stronger community. ADR meetings can be held by a neutral facilitator (specifically trained in the ADR process) from the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA), or by an impartial facilitator with one of our ADR partners, which includes Pathways to Partnership (P2P).

About Pathways to Partnership

Pathways to Partnership is dedicated to fostering positive relationships and effective communication within communities. They offer a variety of services, including mediation, facilitation, and training programs, designed to help individuals and groups resolve conflicts amicably and constructively. Their approach emphasizes collaboration and mutual respect, ensuring that all parties feel heard and valued.

Pathways to Partnership has a collaborative partnership with CDE, working together to provide effective ADR solutions and support for our community.

For more information, visit the Pathways to Partnership website External link opens in new window or tab.. You may also request a resolution session through P2P.

Public Records Act—Government Code Section 6250 et seq.

Public records include any written information that is prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency (such as a county, city, or school district) and is related to the conduct of public business, regardless of the physical form or characteristics of the public business. Public records are open to inspection at all times during the office hours of the state or local agency. Every person has the right to inspect any public record and obtain a copy for a fee unless, pursuant to specific statutory standards, it must be kept confidential. Agency regulations may be adopted stating the procedures to be followed when making records available.

For more information contact

Rights of Parents and Children

Special Education Rights of Parents and Children Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, and the California Education Code.

Parents' Rights
A brief summary of Procedural Safeguards for students with disabilities receiving special education services.

Derechos de Los Padres
Un breve resumen de las garantías procesales para los estudiantes con discapacidades que reciben servicios de educación especial.


State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report Overview and Feedback
The California Department of Education (CDE) would like to receive feedback and input on the targets and improvement strategies of the State Performance Plan (SPP)/Annual Performance Report (APR).

Training on Writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) Based on State Standards
Writing measurable annual goals and objectives in the IEP related to California Content Standards.

California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN) External link opens in new window or tab.
CAPTAIN is a multiagency network developed to support the understanding and use of Evidence Based Practices for individuals affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder across the state

California Parent Organizations
List of California agencies providing resources for families of children with disabilities.

Connections California External link opens in new window or tab.
Statewide accessible resource provided by Parents Helping Parents (PHP) of Santa Clara, a Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) for anyone with any disability to access to support transition into adulthood.

Reasons for Concern
When you suspect your child or a child in your care may have a disability or special need(s).

Diabetes Management in Schools
Information to assist schools in effectively managing diabetes, one of the most common chronic diseases in school-aged children.

Algebra I/Mathematics I Graduation Requirements
Frequently asked questions for Algebra I graduation requirements.

ED Response to Report Card and Transcript Questions (Posted 24-Aug-2006)
United States Department of Education clarifies issues regarding grade reporting for students with disabilities.

Early Start External link opens in new window or tab.
A child with or at risk of developmental delay or disability can receive an "Early Start" in the State of California. The California Department of Developmental Services plans, develops, implements, and monitors the statewide early intervention services system in collaboration with the California Department of Education.

National Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) External link opens in new window or tab.
A central source of information on IDEA, No Child Left Behind (as it relates to children with disabilities) and research-based information on effective educational practices. Materials found on the CPIR have been created and archived for Parent Training and Information Centers around the country to help them provide support and services to the families with children who have disabilities

Parents Helping Parents E-Learning Library External link opens in new window or tab.
The E-Learning Library is accessible statewide 24/7 via Parents PHP of Santa Clara, a PTI, in an effort to provide downloadable content for disability support and information.

Questions:   Special Education Division | | 916-445-4613
Last Reviewed: Friday, January 31, 2025
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