Education and Training - School Preparation
School-based preparatory experiences occur in the classroom and the educational environment. This section focuses on academic and career-technical standards, academic support, and developing a course of study.School-based preparatory experiences occur in the classroom and the educational environment. This section focuses on engaging students in instruction, providing academic support, and developing a course of study that will prepare youth for postsecondary education and training opportunities.
The National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC) has identified evidence-based practices in secondary transition planning that lead to positive post-school outcomes in the area of education and training which are including students with disabilities in general education settings and curriculum, developing a course of study that is tied to the youth’s postsecondary goals, and offering a wide variety of career awareness opportunities.
Transition Planning: The Basics
(PDF; 54MB)
School-based preparatory experiences are referenced on pages 12-21 and page 26.
These pages also provide information on how to comply with elements 1-6 of the Indicator 13 requirements of the California Annual Performance Report (APR)
Common Core Academic and Career Technical Education Standards
Common Core Resources for Special Education
Resources and guidelines on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for the special education community.
Common Core and Transition Goals for the Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
PowerPoint and tools from Connecticut.
Goalbook Toolkit
An online resource for teachers for developing IEP goals aligned with CCSS.
An array of project-based learning resources to engage students in experiential learning.
Access and Support for Postsecondary Education
Big Future College Board
Services for students with disabilities in the college and university system.
Courses of Study
California Transition Alliance
Webinars and supporting documents related to courses of study and triangulating annual goals.
California State University CSU Mentor
This site provides middle and high school course of study planning tools and information about all colleges in California.