Secondary Transition Planning
Resources and guidelines to assist youth with disabilities as they transition from school to adult life, including education and training, employment and independent living.Transition Planning: The Basics
(PDF; 54MB)
Resources and guidelines for educators, parents and agencies that will assist transition age youth identify and move toward their postsecondary goals in the area of employment.
Education and Training
Resources and guidelines for educators, parents and agencies that will assist transition age youth identify and move toward their postsecondary goals in education and/or training.
Independent Living
Resources and guidelines for educators, parents and agencies that will assist transition age youth identify and move toward their postsecondary goals in independent living.
Resources and guidelines for educators, parents and agencies that will assist transition age youth develop transition plans that comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Guideposts for Success
A document developed by the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) that identifies key educational and career development interventions.
Employment First Policy
Resources and guidelines for educators, parents, and agencies that will assist transition age youth develop postsecondary goals that lead to competitive, integrated employment (CIE).