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CSI COE Program Information

Information about the county office of education (COE) Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) program and related requirements.


The CSI COE program provides funds for COEs serving local educational agencies (LEAs) in their county with schools eligible for CSI. The 2021 Budget Act established new program requirements for COEs for CSI.

Legislative Authority

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Section 1003 School Improvement External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)

The California Budget Act allocates ESSA, Section 1003 funding to COEs for CSI.

Program Description

The CSI COE program allocates (1) $5 million of ESSA, Section 1003 funds to COEs for the purposes of supporting development and implementation of CSI plans in coordination with the statewide system of support for LEAs established in the California State Plan for the federal ESSA and (2) $5 million of ESSA, Section 1003 funds to COEs for the purposes of review and approval of CSI plans through the CSI prompts in the LEA Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).

Plan Development and Implementation Support

Regardless of whether or not the county office of education (COE) elects to accept funds appropriated for this purpose, the COE is expected to offer Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) plan development and implementation support (PDIS) to LEAs in its county with schools eligible for CSI.

Consistent with the system of support’s focus on increasing the capacity of local educational agencies (LEAs) to support their schools, the California Budget Act appropriates $5 million of ESSA, Section 1003 funding to COEs for the purposes of supporting the development and implementation of CSI plans in coordination with the statewide system of support for LEAs established in the California State Plan for the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).


An applicant must be a COE with at least one LEA in its county that serves at least one school eligible for CSI.

Data Files

ESSA Assistance Status Data Files

Fiscal Information

ESSA CSI COE Plan Development and Implementation Support Fiscal Information

Application for Funding

CSI COE Applications for Funding

Plan Approval

Section 1111(d)(1)(B) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires local educational agencies (LEAs), in partnership with educational partners, to develop and implement a Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) plan to improve student outcomes for each school eligible for CSI. ESSA Section 1111(d)(1)(B)(v) requires these plans to be approved by the school, the LEA, and the state educational agency (SEA). For the purposes of ESSA, the California State Board of Education (SBE) serves as the SEA.

Summaries of LEA CSI plans are captured through LEA responses to the CSI prompts in the LCAP. Coupled with approval from COEs, these summaries serve as the mechanism for SBE approval and ensure the SEA meets its federal requirement to approve CSI plans pursuant to ESSA, Section 1111(d)(1)(B)(v). In California, CSI plans are approved through the LCAP and School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) processes. Beginning at the school level, the LEA works collaboratively with the school site council at each school eligible for CSI in developing the SPSA; the SPSA includes the CSI planning requirements, and is approved by the governing board of the LEA. At the LEA level, the LEA reports its efforts to support its schools eligible for CSI in developing, monitoring, and evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of the CSI plan within its Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Plan Summary.

LEAs with schools eligible for CSI are required to complete three prompts in their LCAPs. These prompts serve as the LEA’s CSI Plan summaries for all of their CSI schools. For school districts, the LCAP, including the required CSI prompts, are subsequently approved by its local COE. Charter schools eligible for CSI complete the CSI prompts within their LCAPs and submit just those prompts for approval to the COE of the county in which the charter school resides.

Regardless of whether or not the COE elects to accept funding authorized for this purpose, the COE is expected to review and approve CSI plans through the CSI prompts in LEA LCAP for those LEAs in its county with schools eligible for CSI.


An applicant must be a COE with at least one LEA in its county that serves schools eligible for CSI.

Data Files

ESSA Assistance Status Data Files

Fiscal Information

ESSA CSI COE Plan Approval Fiscal Information

Application for Funding

CSI COE Applications for Funding

Related Content

ESEA of 1965 as amended by ESSA in 2015 External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF; 3MB)

Guidance on Reviewing CSI Prompts

Conflict of Interest

The California Legislature allocates $5 million of ESSA, Section 1003 funds for CSI to COEs for the purposes of review and approval of CSI plans through the CSI prompts in the LEA LCAP, and $5 million of ESSA, Section 1003 funds for CSI to COEs for the purposes of supporting development and implementation of CSI plans in coordination with the statewide system of support for LEAs established in the California State Plan for the federal ESSA.

Between these two provisions, it is possible for a COE to receive funding to support LEAs in their development of CSI plans, and also to receive funding in order to review and approve CSI plans. Consequently, the California Department of Education (CDE) is providing the following recommendations and guidance to COEs in order to avoid conflicts in the event that a COE is allocated funds to assist the LEA with their “development and implementation” of CSI plans as well as funds, as the SEA, for the “review and approval” of CSI plans.

Guidelines for Preventing Conflicts for COEs Supporting LEAs in the Development and Implementation of CSI Plans and Approving CSI Plans through the Review and Approval of CSI Prompts in the LEA LCAP

To prevent a conflict between these two responsibilities and to retain the integrity of the duties involved in each provision, COEs should consider implementing an internal firewall separating the individuals involved with the planning elements of the CSI plans from the individuals involved with the review and approval process of CSI plans and prohibiting discussion of specific LEAs and plans.

The following guidelines will support COEs in implementing internal firewall procedures.

  1. Once a COE receives notice that it will receive funding under each provision, written notice should be provided as soon as practically possible that the COE is implementing an internal firewall. This notice should identify the individuals responsible for carrying out the duties listed in each provision and outline the COE’s firewall procedures to screen and isolate the individuals working on duties related to each provision. This written notice should be sent to every individual who may potentially be involved with any duties related to each provision, including administrative employees.

    Individuals tasked with any duties related to each provision should sign a written acknowledgement of the internal firewall. At minimum, this acknowledgement should state the following:

    1. The COE’s internal firewall procedures;

    2. That the individual agrees to follow the internal firewall procedures;

    3. That the individual has knowledge of who, from the COE, is involved with responsibilities under each provision; and

    4. That in order to protect the integrity of the execution of duties involved in each provision, either:

      1. The individual involved with the review and approval process of CSI plans agrees not to communicate or share files or information with the individuals tasked with supporting the development of CSI plans regarding any matter covered under these two provisions; or

      2. The individual tasked with supporting the development of CSI plans agrees not to communicate or share files or information with the individuals involved with the review and approval process of CSI plans regarding any matter covered under these two provisions.

  2. Individuals working on the review and approval process of CSI plans under each provision should be prohibited from communicating or sharing information with any individuals who assisted with the development of CSI plans regarding work under either provision. Likewise, individuals supporting the development of CSI plans should be prohibited from communicating or sharing information with individuals who will be involved in the review and approval process of CSI plans.

  3. Where practical, individuals working on tasks related to the development of CSI plans should work in separate physical and operational spaces from individuals who are tasked with the review and approval of CSI plans, at least during the times when the individuals are actively working on these duties.

  4. Any administrative staff shared among the COE should be prohibited from working on both duties related to each provision.

  5. COEs with active internal firewalls should send periodic reminders to individuals on both sides of the firewall reminding them of their acknowledgements and of the COE’s internal firewall procedures.

  6. In the event that an individual violates the internal firewall procedures (even inadvertently), the individual(s) with knowledge of the violation must report it to their immediate supervisor, or individuals responsible for oversight of the related activities and steps must be taken to prevent further violation.

  7. COEs should maintain records documenting when firewalls are implemented, the individuals involved, the procedures that were enforced, any reminders that were distributed, and any other materials that document the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of the internal firewall.


General CSI COE Requirements

  1. Which CSI Plans do the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 funds support?

    CSI Plan Development and Implementation Activities (Schedule 1): FY 2024 CSI funds support development and implementation activities for the 2025–26 CSI plans. In most LEAs, CSI plan development activities begin as early as winter/spring 2025. It is the expectation that CSI plan implementation should begin by the first day of the 2025–26 school year.

    CSI Prompt Review and Approval Activities (Provision 11 of Schedule 2): FY 2024 CSI funds support the review and approval process of CSI prompts in the 2025–26 LEA LCAP.

  2. Can the COE increase either of its $5 million CSI allotments with the other $5 million CSI allotment?
    No. The COE must agree that it will not increase its ESSA, Section 1003 funding for the purposes of supporting development and implementation of CSI plans for LEAs with its ESSA, Section 1003 funding for the purposes of review and approval of CSI plans through the CSI prompts in the LEA LCAP.

    Likewise, the COE must agree that it will not increase its ESSA, Section 1003 funding for the purposes of review and approval of CSI plans through the CSI prompts in the LEA LCAP with its ESSA, Section 1003 funding for the purposes of supporting development and implementation of CSI plans for LEAs.

    The COE must track and manage separately these two ESSA, Section 1003 allotments and not demonstrate an increase in either award total.
  3. Where can I find more CSI COE fiscal information?

    CSI COE fiscal information is located at CSI COE Fiscal Information.

  4. Where can I find more CSI COE program information?

    CSI COE program information is located at CSI COE Program Information.

CSI COE Plan Development and Implementation Support (PDIS)

  1. How much funding is provided to COEs for the purposes of supporting development and implementation of CSI plans for LEAs?

    The 2024 Budget Act appropriates $5 million to COEs for the purposes of supporting the development and implementation of CSI plans for LEAs. It is anticipated that the Legislature will continue to allot CSI funding to COEs for this purpose in future Budget Acts.

  2. Will COEs apply for funding and report expenditures using the Grant Management and Reporting Tool (GMART) as in the past?

    Yes. At this time, there are no changes to the platform with which the COE will use to apply for CSI funds and report expenditures. The GMART will be designed to allow the COE to apply for each $5 million allocation through separate applications and report expenditures separately.

  3. When will the applications for funding be available and COEs notified?

    The 2024–25 ESSA CSI COE Plan Development and Implementation Support Application for Funding for purposes of supporting development and implementation of CSI plans for LEAs is available in January 2025. Prior to the application becoming available, communications are sent regarding timelines, guidance, and webinars.

  4. What happens if a COE does not apply for these funds?

    Regardless of whether or not the COE elects to accept funding appropriated for this purpose, the COE is expected to offer CSI plan development and implementation support to all LEAs in its county with schools eligible for CSI.

  5. How is the COE apportionment determined?

    The COE apportionment for the purposes of supporting the development and implementation of CSI plans for LEAs is determined by a formula based on the total number of schools eligible for CSI, statewide. COE-run schools will be removed from the school count as the COE is not required to provide CSI plan development and implementation support to its own agency/LEA.

  6. Are COEs expected to provide CSI plan development and implementation support to charter schools eligible for CSI?

    Yes. The COE is expected to offer support to all LEAs in its county with schools eligible for CSI.

  7. When will the FY 2024 CSI funds be distributed to COEs?

    The first apportionment of FY 2024 funds is processed in the spring of 2025.

CSI COE Plan Review and Approval (PA)

  1. How much funding is available to COEs for the purposes of approving CSI plans through review and approval of the CSI prompts in the LEA LCAP?

    The 2024 Budget Act appropriates $5 million to COEs for the purposes of approving CSI plans through review and approval of the CSI Prompts in the LEA LCAP.

  2. Will COEs apply for funding and report expenditures using the Grant Management and Reporting Tool as in the past?

    Yes, At this time, there are no changes to the platform with which the COE will use to apply for CSI funds and report expenditures. The GMART will be designed to allow the COE to apply for each $5 million allocation through separate applications and report expenditures separately.

  3. When will the application for funding be available and COEs notified?

    The 2024–25 ESSA COE CSI Plan Approval Application for Funding for purposes of approving CSI plans through review and approval of the CSI prompts in the LEA LCAP is available in February 2025. Prior to the application becoming available, communications will be sent regarding timelines, guidance, and webinars.

  4. What happens if a COE eligible for CSI funds does not apply?

    Regardless of whether or not the COE elects to accept funding appropriated for this purpose, the COE is expected to approve CSI plans through the review and approval of CSI prompts in the LEA LCAP. Charter schools eligible for CSI are required to submit only the completed responses, not their entire LCAP, to the COE in the county in which the charter school resides.

  5. How is the COE apportionment determined?

    The COE apportionment for the purposes of approving CSI plans through the review and approval of CSI prompts in the LEA LCAP is determined by a formula based on the total number of schools eligible for CSI, statewide. COE-run schools and schools related to the seven single county districts are removed from the school count as the COE does not review these LCAPs.

  6. When will the FY 2024 CSI funds be distributed to COEs?

    The first apportionment of FY 2024 funds is processed in the spring of 2025.

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Questions:   School Improvement and Support Office | | 916-319-0833
Last Reviewed: Thursday, February 27, 2025
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