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Local Educational Agency Cohort Assignment

Field names and descriptions for the local educational agency cohort assignment file.
Field Name Description
Cohort Local educational agencies are assigned to one of four cohorts: A, B, C, D.
Region The number assigned for a specific region area. Region area is designated by County.
CDS A unique 14-digit identification code for districts and schools in California.
County County name.
District District or administrative authority name.
School Directly funded charter school name.

Null = Not applicable because this is a district record and a non-charter school.

Local Educational Agency Type Indicates the type of entity:
  • District = This entity is a school district
  • Charter District = This entity is a school district that contains only Locally Funded Charter Schools
  • County Office of Education = This entity is a County Office of Education
  • Directly Funded Charter School = This entity is a Directly Funded Charter School

Questions:   FPM Office| | 916-319-0935
Last Reviewed: Thursday, December 28, 2023
Recently Posted in Compliance Monitoring