California School Recognition Program Sponsors
Information about the California School Recognition Program (CSRP) Sponsors. Their generous support ensures the success of this program which recognizes excellence in schools. Their partnership is invaluable and appreciated.We are thankful for our sponsors who help to make the California School Recognition Program (CSRP) a success! The CSRP would not be successful without the generous support they provide. We appreciate their willingness to support our efforts to recognize California's exemplary schools, teachers, and classified school employees for achievement and for advancing excellence in education.
A sponsorship in the CSRP is a commitment to an ongoing partnership with public education by helping ensure that the dream of a world-class public education lives on in California.
In 2024, the CSRP celebrated 2024 California Distinguished Schools, 2024 California Exemplary Arts Education Schools, 2023 Civic Learning Award Schools, and 2023 National Blue Ribbon Schools.
- Amira
- Mastery Coding
- Pearson
- SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
- Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 104
- Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 105