IQC Final Meeting Minutes May19-20, 2016

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of EducationReport of Action
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:
- Lauryn Wild, Chair
- Louis “Bill” Honig, Vice Chair
- Jocelyn Broemmelsiek
- Soomin Chao
- Lizette Diaz
- Jose Flores
- Robert Foster
- Lori Freiermuth
- Marlene Galvan
- Carla Herrera
- Risha Krishna
- Brian Muller
- Nicole Naditz
- Dean Reese
- Carlos Ulloa
- Jennifer Woo
Commissioners Absent:
- Senator Carol Liu
- Assemblymember Kevin McCarty
Executive Director:
- Thomas Adams
- Stephanie Gregson
State Board of Education Liaisons Present:
- Patricia Rucker
- Niki Sandoval
- Ilene Straus
Full Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC)
- Call to Order
Commission Chair Wild called the meeting to order at approximately 10 a.m.
- Salute to the Flag
Commissioner Krishna led the salute to the flag.
Announcement from Closed Session
During the closed session, the IQC approved the appointment of Stephanie Gregson as the Executive Secretary/Director to the IQC effective May 19, 2016.
- Overview of Agenda
There were no changes to the agenda. Commission Chair Wild reported the Senate Rules Committee appointed Melanie Murphy-Corwin to replace Commissioner Carla Herrera when her term on the Commission ends June 6, 2016. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin was in attendance, and the Commission welcomed her.
- Approval of Minutes for the Following Meetings (Action):
• January 21–22, 2016, Commission Meeting
• February 16, 2016, Science Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Teleconference Meeting
• February 19, 2016, Science SMC Meeting
• March 18, 2016, Science SMC Teleconference Meeting
• March 24, 2016, History–Social Science SMC Meeting
ACTION: Commissioner Galvan moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Broemmelsiek seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioners Liu and McCarty were absent from the meeting.
- Report of the Chair
Commission Chair Wild reported on the activities of the IQC, including the Science and History–Social Science Frameworks and the final English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework launch event that was held April 25, 2016, at the Santa Clara County Office of Education. In February, she, along with fellow commissioners Flores, Krishna, and Naditz, participated in the California Global Education Summit. Last, on behalf of the IQC, Chair Wild thanked Tom Adams for his leadership as the Executive Director of the IQC.
- Executive Director’s Report
Thomas Adams gave his final executive director’s report.
• State Budget – $362,000 in state operations was approved for the IQC with an additional $135,000 for research on human trafficking that will be incorporated into the Health Education Framework.
• Nationally, the California Frameworks are receiving a lot of attention.
• California is creating Professional Learning Cultures (PLC) to connect schools, districts, and the state.
• He introduced Stephanie Gregson, the new Executive Director of the IQC.
- Report from the State Board of Education (SBE)
SBE Liaison Ilene Straus reported on the activities of the SBE.
- Revised 2017 Meeting Dates (Action)
ACTION: Commissioner Freiermuth moved to approve the revised September 2017 meeting date. Commissioner Woo seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioners Liu and McCarty were absent from the meeting.
- Update on the State Adopted Instructional Materials: Revision Process (Information)
David Almquist, Consultant, Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division (CFIRD), provided an update on the state adopted instructional materials revision process.
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Call to Order
- English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee
SMC Chair Galvan called the ELA/ELD SMC meeting to order.- ELA/ELD Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Information)
- Update on the ELA/ELD Framework Launch Events and Resources (Information)
Cynthia Gunderson, CFIRD, reported on the last ELA/ELD Framework Launch Event held on April 25, 2016, at the Santa Clara County Office of Education. She noted that the ten launch events that were held throughout the state have been very successful, reaching close to 4,000 educators. On June 16, 2016, in Sacramento and via video conference, there will be a brainstorm meeting to look at the next steps for the ELA/ELD Framework.
Ms. Gunderson reported that the Executive Summaries will be printed and available in June for districts and interested individuals to purchase. Alejandro Hernandez, CFIRD staff, has been working on guides to the key themes and to support English learners. The guides are self-standing resources that teachers can use. Also, he has recently taped a supporting video to complement the guides that will be available soon.
Last, she reported on the CTA Good Teaching Conferences. There were two sessions on the Mathematics Framework and one on the ELA/ELD Framework resources. She, along with Alejandro Hernandez, Lisa Grant, and Commissioners Wild and Freiermuth, presented at the conferences. - ELA/ELD Instructional Materials (Information)
This item was not discussed at the meeting.
- Update on the ELA/ELD Framework Launch Events and Resources (Information)
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- ELA/ELD Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Information)
- History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee
SMC Chair Honig called the History–Social Science SMC meeting to order.
- 2017 History–Social Science Instructional Materials Adoption (Information/Action)
1. Schedule of Significant Events (Information/Action)
SMC Chair Honig presented the draft Schedule of Significant Events for the 2017 History–Social Science Adoption. Ken McDonald of the CFIRD staff suggested two minor edits based on the fact that the SBE deferred action on the History–Social Science Framework at its May meeting.
ACTION: Commissioner Flores made the motion to recommend the Schedule of Significant Events with the staff amendments to the full IQC. Commissioner Krishna seconded. There was no additional discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (7–0).
2. Application for Instructional Materials Reviewers (IMR) and Content Review Experts (CRE) (Information/Action)
SMC Chair Honig presented the draft application for reviewers for the 2017 History–Social Science Adoption. There are two types of reviewers. Instructional Materials Reviewers, or IMRs, are mostly classroom teachers but may include teachers on non-classroom assignment, administrators, parents, or members of community groups. Content Review Experts, or CREs, are required to have a doctoral degree in history or a related subject.
Former Executive Director Adams suggested adding a question related to the applicant’s experience teaching disabled students in order to address the requirements in the California Code of Regulations, Title 5.
ACTION: Commissioner Ulloa made the motion to recommend the reviewer application with the stated amendment to the full IQC. Commissioner Krishna seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (7–0).
- Other Matters/Public Comment
SMC Chair Honig called for public comment after stating that comments related to the History–Social Science Framework should be held until the full Commission took up that item. There was no public comment.
- 2017 History–Social Science Instructional Materials Adoption (Information/Action)
- Full Commission Reconvenes
- Report/Action from Subcommittee
History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee- 2017 History–Social Science Instructional Materials Timeline (Action)
ACTION: Commissioner Honig moved to recommend the Schedule of Significant Events for the 2017 History–Social Science Adoption to the SBE. Commissioner Galvan seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioners Liu and McCarty were absent from the meeting.
- 2017 History–Social Science Instructional Materials Adoption Application for IMR and CRE (Action)
ACTION: Commissioner Honig moved to recommend the reviewer application for the 2017 History–Social Science Adoption to the SBE. Commissioner Naditz seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioners Liu and McCarty were absent from the meeting
- History–Social Science Framework Edits (Action)
Former Executive Director Adams provided an overview of the process that led to the development of the draft History–Social Science Framework. Commissioners Honig, Wild, Flores, Krishna, and Galvan then provided an overview of the edits that were discussed at the meeting of the HSS SMC on March 24, 2016.
The Commissioners engaged in a discussion of the HSS SMC’s edits and the public comment that had been received since then. They made a number of changes to the edits on the Armenian Genocide, the Philippine Campaign of World War II, and ancient and medieval India.
After completing their preliminary discussion, the Commission took public comment. The following individuals provided public comment:- William Murray, Third District Court of Appeals
- Jeanette Adi, Bataan Legacy Historical Society (BLHS)
- Cecilia Gaerlan, BLHS
- Cirian Villavicenco, BLHS
- Lea Carpenter, BLHS
- Aditya Gande, Hindu American Foundation (HAF)
- Rohit Radhakrishnan, HAF
- Ananya Goel, HAF
- Arumugaswami, Uberoi Foundation
- Sadhaka Jayanatha, Uberoi Foundation
- Satya Baltuda, South Asian Histories For All (SAHFA)
- Anasuya Sengupta, SAHFA
- Seema Duhan, SAHFA
- Siddhant Shekhawat, HSS (not specified)
- T.S. Sandrarajan
- Mindiste Thanmi, Guru Das Sikh Temple
- Musa Thange, Indian American Muslim Council
- Adamele Gangal, SAHFA
- Lama Rangdrol, SAHFA
- Thenmozhi Soundararajan, SAHFA
- Srinivasarao Vennakota, HSS
- Atul Madue, HSS
- Preeti Shekar, SAHFA
- Ben Kaila, SAHFA
- Rishika Vinnakota, HSS
- Shruti Sinha, SAHFA
- Shefali Agrawal, SAHFA
- Asha Mehta, SAHFA
- Sushil Jacob, ASATA (not specified)
- Monisha Bajaj, USF (not specified)
- Barnali Ghosh, South Asian Sisters (SAS)
- Karthkeyan S., SAS
- Elizabeth Kailath, SAHFA
- Anirvan Chatterjee, SAHFA
- Tamas Harangi, HSS
- (did not provide name)
- Dedge Singh, SAHFA
- Onkar Bindra
- Titu Bhowvick
- Deepak Sharma
- Barbara McGraw, Center for Engaged Religious Pluralism
- Mona Shah, SAHFA
- Nitin Joshi
- Priya Kandaswami, SAHFA
- Kajal Patel
- Anjali Patel
- Bansri Patel
- Shivani Kand
- Svasti Kandpal
- Mansee Yelagalawadi
- Kush Kandpal
- Maitreyee Joshi
- (did not provide name)
- Pranav Palleti
- Shannon Ross, Voices of Vietnam (VoV)
- Jenn Rexroad, VoV
- Sanab Dane, Indian American Muslim Council, SAHFA
- Aryan Janolkar
- Shrikant Janolkar
- Radha Patole
- (did not provide name)
- Vinit Bhagat
- Rajvee Patel
- Kshama Kanani
- Preena Patel
- Vandan Patel
- Ved Joshi
- Divyang Patel, Bay Area Youth Vaishnov Parivar
- Shyam Palleti
- (did not provide name)
- Krishna Maheswari, Hindupedia
- Dev Shah
- Prayag Patel
- Rushil Patel
- Kush Bhrambhatt
- Bhavi Bhagat
- Bijal Patel
- Shivam Patel
- Deepika Dilip
- Ohm Shah
- Steve Macias
- Videti Shelat
- Stuti Shelat
- Bhakti Patel
- Moksha Ralat
- Manan Patel
- Vandan Patel
- Shreya Dash
- Aditi Gajjar
- Vaishnavi Ravinutala
- Zafir (only one name provided)
- Richita Varshay
- Amisha Acharya
- Manju Pravadanan, SAHFA
- Simran Sandhu
- Paramprit Bindra, Indo American Culture org
- Gargi Joshi
- Umang Kumav, SAHFA
- Frida Wahlin-Lubisch, Our Family Coalition
- Harjit Kaur, Sikh Coaltion
- Jaideep Singh
- Amar Daroch, Shru Guru Ravdass Sabha
- Harpal Sandhu
- Kundan Singh
- Nalini Rao
- Haig Baghdassarian, Genocide Education Project
- Kedar Reddy
- Jyoti Khera, SAHFA
- Rao Panuganti, VSF (Bay Area foundation)
- Madhu Grandhi, VEDA (not specified)
- Sanjay Tripathi
- Samir Kalra, HAF
- Saad Sweilem, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
- Basem Elkarra, CAIR
- Ghasem Edalati
- Elisan Ghads, History Advocates
- Soham Kinhikear
- Mahesh Kinhikear
- Ishaq Syed, SAHFA
- Easan Katir
- Sandeep Dedge
- Akbar Davani
- Raghuveesa R.
- Kristina Voylsekhovich, Jewish Public Affairs Committee (JPAC)
- Anwar Mazur
- Pashaura Singh Dhillon, Sikh Council of Central California
- Ram Singh
- Harpreet Sandhu
- Manisha Gangopadhyay, SAHFA
- Lan Nguyen, VoV
- Dan Fryk
- Raj Salwan
- Julie Tang, Comfort Women Justice Coalition (CWJC)
- Sung Sohn, CWJC
- Judith Mirkenson, CWJC
- Nixie Laremore
- Eric Buehrer, Gateways to Better Education
- Frank Pisi, Sacramento County Office of Education
- Dailena Daid, SAHFA
- Jo Michael, Equity California
- Brian Ortiz, ACLU of California
- Kavin Paulraj, SAHFA
- Mario Galvan, Ethnic Studies Now
- Manuel Buenrostro, California School Boards Association
- Soma Chatterjee, HAF
- Murali Balaji, HAF
- Jagan Chidella, Overseas Volunteers for a Better India
- Premanand Jeswani, ISKCON (not specified)
- Grayatri Khanna, ISKCON
- Shreya Joshi
- Jyoti Yelagalawadi
- Will Parish, Ten Strands
- Swedip Gurup
- Nihar S
- Ashutosh Gupta
- 2017 History–Social Science Instructional Materials Timeline (Action)
- Report/Action from Subcommittee
ACTION: After public comment, Commissioner Honig moved to approve the list of edits recommended by the History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee at its meeting on March 24, 2016, and as amended by the full Commission, to the SBE. Commissioner Krishna seconded the motion. After the motion, the Commission discussed more of the edits and suggested several changes. Those changes were accepted as friendly amendments to the motion. There was no additional discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioners Liu and McCarty were absent from the meeting.
Commission Chair Wild adjourned the day’s session at approximately 5:55 p.m.
Report of Action
Friday, May 20, 2016
Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:
- Lauryn Wild, Chair
- Louis “Bill” Honig, Vice Chair
- Jocelyn Broemmelsiek
- Soomin Chao
- Lizette Diaz
- Jose Floes
- Robert Foster
- Lori Freiermuth
- Marlene Galvan
- Carla Herrera
- Risha Krishna
- Brian Muller
- Nicole Naditz
- Dean Reese
- Carlos Ulloa
- Jennifer Woo
Commissioners Absent:
- Senator Carol Liu
- Assemblymember Kevin McCarty
Executive Director:
- Stephanie Gregson
State Board of Education Liaisons Present:
- Patricia Rucker
- Ilene Straus
- Trish Williams
Full Commission Reconvenes
Accountability Update (Information)
Nancy Brownell, Senior Fellow, Local Control and Accountability, SBE, provided an accountability update. -
Assessment Update (Information)
Michelle Center, Director, Assessment Development and Administration Division, California Department of Education (CDE), provided an assessment update.
- Science Subject Matter Committee
SMC Chair Rob Foster called the Science SMC meeting to order.- Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)
- Discussion on Edits to the Draft Science Framework (Information/Action)
Chair Foster opened the meeting. CFIRD staff member Bryan Boyd provided an update on the progress of the Science Framework and work of the IQC over the past 35 months. During discussion of each document, Matthew d’Alessio (as the primary writer) highlighted changes and edits to the revised versions. The Science SMC reviewed, discussed, and came to consensus on the following documents:
- Table of Contents
- State Board of Education Policy on the Teaching of Natural Sciences
- Chapter 3–Kindergarten Through Grade Two
- Chapter 9–Instructional Strategies for the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century
- Chapter 11–Instructional Resources to Support the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
- Appendix 1: Recommended Literature for the Science Classroom
- Appendix 2: K-12 Connections to Environmental Principles and Concepts
- Appendix 3: Progression of the Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts in Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve.
- Appendix 4: HS Three-Year Model: Every Science, Every Year
- Appendix 5: Computer Science in Science
- Glossary Part 1 and 2
- Glossary Part 1 and 2
- New “Resources” section.
The Science SMC also reviewed Chapter 1–Overview of the California Next Generation Science Standards and Chapter 7–Assessment of Student Learning. However, due to suggested edits and revisions, the Science SMC asked to review these two chapters for consensus at the June IQC teleconference meeting.
- Public Hearing on the Draft Science Framework (Time Certain – 9 a.m.)
SMC Chair Foster opened the public hearing. There were no speakers.
- Subject Matter Committee Approval to Recommend the Draft Science Framework to the Full Commission (Action)
The Science SMC took action to:
- Ask CDE staff and the writer to incorporate the edits on which there was consensus;
- Ask the IQC to approve attachments 1–23, as amended. Those attachments contain: A1 the Master List of Discussion Items (Summary of Science SMC Action); the Table of Contents; Chapters 3, 9, and 11; Appendices 1, 2, 3, 4, 6; removal of Appendix 5; and addition of the new the Resource section;
- Set the date for the full IQC to meet via a teleconference on June 20, 2016, to approve Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10; and
- At the June 20, 2016, IQC teleconference meeting, the IQC will finalize the draft Science Framework and request to move it forward to the State Board for adoption and direct CDE staff to post it online for the second 60-day public review period from June 28, 2016, through August 29, 2016.
Commissioner Reese made the motion, and Commissioner Freiermuth seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (9–0).
- Discussion on Edits to the Draft Science Framework (Information/Action)
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)
- Full Commission Reconvenes
- Public Hearing Draft Science Framework (Time Certain - 10a.m.)
Commission Chair Wild opened the public hearing. There were no speakers.
- Commission Approval to Recommend the Draft Science Framework to the SBE (Action)
ACTION: Science SMC Chair Foster moved that the IQC:
- Request the CDE staff and writer to incorporate the edits on which there is consensus;
- Approve attachments 1–23, as amended; A1 the Master List of Discussion Items (Summary of Science SMC Action); Table of Contents; Chapters 3, 9 and 11; Appendices 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6; removal of Appendix 5; and addition of the new Resources section;
- Approve the date for the full IQC to meet via teleconference on June 20, 2016, to approve Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10; and
- Finalize, at the June 20 teleconference meeting, the draft Science Framework and request to move it forward to the SBE for adoption and direct CDE staff to post it online for the second 60-day public review period from June 28, 2016, through August 29, 2016.
Commissioner Woo seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioners Liu and McCarty were absent from the meeting.
- Individual Commissioner Reports
This was the last meeting for Commissioners Herrera and Ulloa, with their terms on the Commission ending June 6, 2016, and September 13, 2016, respectively. Both of them said some parting words reflecting their time on the Commission.
Other Matters/Public Comment: None
Commission Chair Wild adjourned the meeting at approximately 1 p.m.
Following the adjourment of the meeting, the IQC had a presentation on the computer science standards. -
Presentation on the K–12 Computer Science Framework (Information)
Pat Yongpradit, Chief Academic Officer,, a non-profit that promotes computer science education around the nation, presented on the collaborative efforts to develop the K–12 Computer Science (CS) Framework. The goals for his presentation are:
Takeaways:- The framework helps answer: What is K–12 CS?
- The framework is written by a diverse community for a diverse audience.
- The framework is a rallying point for CS.
To do’s:
- Sign up for updates at
- Review the next draft of the K–12 CS Framework from June 8–29, 2016.
- Use the K–12 CS Framework as a tool to achieve California‘s goals.
- Bryan Twarek, Computer Science Education Coordinator, and Stephen Kesel, Education Technology Program Administrator, San Francisco Unified School District presented on the implementation of computer science courses in the San Francisco Unified School District.
- Sheena Vaidyanathan, Computer Science Integration Specialist, Los Altos School District presented on her efforts over the past seven years to implement computer science courses in Los Altos School District.
- David Bensinger, Director of Instruction, Granada Hills Charter High School
- Mr. Bensinger was not in attendance and had to cancel his presentation.
Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Public Hearing Draft Science Framework (Time Certain - 10a.m.)