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June 26, 2013 Math Subject Matters Meeting Minutes

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education

Final Meeting Minutes: June 26, 2013
Mathematics Subject Matter Committee Meeting

(Approved on July 30, 2013)

Report of Action

Mathematics Subject Matter Committee Meeting
June 26, 2013
1 to 4 p.m.

Mathematics Subject Matter Committee (MSMC) Members Present at the California Department of Education (CDE) in Sacramento:

  • Ed D’Souza, MSMC Co-Chair
  • Angel Barrett
  • Jose Dorado
  • Jo Ann Isken
  • Bill Honig, Commission Chair

Mathematics Subject Matter Committee Member Present via Teleconference:

  • Julie Spykerman, MSMC Co-Chair, Hume, CA

Mathematics Subject Matter Committee (MSMC) Co-Chair D’Souza called the meeting to order.

  1. Welcome and Introductions (Information)
    MSMC Co-Chair D’Souza verified that MSMC Co-Chair Julie Spykerman had posted the meeting notice at her teleconference location and that no members of the public were present.

Russ Weikle, the Interim Director of the Career and College Transition Division, gave a brief presentation on the newly adopted Career Technical Education (CTE) Model Curriculum Standards and their alignment with the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

  1. Report on Survey Results and Comments Received during the 60-Day Public Comment Period (Information/Action)
    CFIRD staff walked the MSMC through the report of survey results; comments from the county office of educations’ forums on the framework, individuals, and Commissioners Herczog and Barrett; and letters and comments from the California Teachers Association, Child Nutrition Advisory Council, and California Council on Economic Education. In response to these comments, the MSMC members made a number of suggestions for staff and the writers to consider as they revised the draft chapters.

CFIRD staff also reported on comments from Karen Fuson and Jason Zimba, who had been asked to review the draft chapters. There a lengthy discussion on Karen Fuson’s and Jason Zimba’s suggestions and the resulting changes in the new draft chapters for grades 3 and 8 the framework writers had prepared. This discussion broadened to include a general discussion on the grade level chapters, kindergarten through grade eight, the universal access chapter, and the appendix documents on acceleration and financial literacy. The MSMC members made additional suggestions regarding the draft chapters. There was consensus that the other grade level chapters be revised using grades 3 and 8 as models. There was also agreement that Jason Zimba would be asked to review the next version of the grade seven chapter and that pursuant to Karen Fuson’s comment, there would be no use of number line in kindergarten or grades one and two.

No actions were taken by the SMC.

  1. Update on Assistance from the California Comprehensive Center at WestEd (Information/Action)
    CFIRD informed the MSMC members that the California Comprehensive Center at WestEd (CACC) is assisting in two areas, broadening the appendix document on acceleration and adding more support for students with disabilities in the universal access chapter. This work by CA CC staff will be discussed at the July 12, 2013 meeting.

No actions were taken by the SMC.

  1. Discussion on Editing Principles and Revised Chapters (Information Action)
    The discussion that began under Item 2 concluded with a short discussion on the proposed outline for a chapter on selecting instructional resources that would include the State Board of Education-adopted evaluation criteria for the kindergarten through grade eight instructional materials adoption. In addition, CFIRD staff presented for MSMC approval a general plan for editing the draft chapters, with the chapters that require more editing being a higher priority than the chapters that require less editing, and proposed principles to guide the editing of the draft chapters.

Action: Commissioner Barrett moved to (1) approve the guiding principles for editing the framework; (2) to direct staff to follow the guiding principles and use the new grade three and grade eight draft chapters as models as they revise the chapters; and (3) accept the staff plan for revising the draft chapters. MSMC Co-Chair Spykerman seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of the committee members present (5-0). [In addition to the four MSMC members present, Commission Chair Honig participated in the vote.]

  1. Public Comment: None

MSMC Co-Chair D’Souza adjourned the meeting with a reminder of the upcoming MSMC meetings on July 8 and July 12.

Last Reviewed: Thursday, June 1, 2023
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