March 18, 2016 Science SMC Meeting Minutes

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of EducationScience Subject Matter Committee Teleconference Meeting
(Approved on May 19, 2016)
Report of Action
Friday, March 18, 2016
3 to 5:20 p.m.
Science Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Members Participating:
- Lauryn Wild, IQC Chair, at San Bernardino City Unified School District Office
- Rob Foster, Science SMC Chair, at Beattie Middle School, Highland, CA
- Dean Reese, Science SMC Vice Chair, at Tracy High School, Tracy, CA
- Soomin Chao at Marengo Elementary School, South Pasadena, CA
- Lizette Diaz at Ontario-Montclair School District, Ontario, CA
- Lori Freiermuth at Olympian High School, Chula Vista, CA
- Bill Honig in Mill Valley, CA
- Jennifer Woo at Rio Linda High School, Rio Linda, CA
State Board of Education Liaisons Participating:
- Ilene Straus in Los Angeles, CA
- Trish Williams in San Diego, CA
Science Framework Writer Participating:
- Matthew d’Alessio at California State University, Northridge
California Department of Education (CDE) Staff Participating:
- Tom Adams
- Cliff Rudnick
- Cynthia Gunderson
- Bryan Boyd
- Deborah Franklin
- Brent Malicote
- Gustavo Gonzalez
- Tracie Yee
Public Members Present:
- Gerald Lieberman, State Education & Environment Roundtable (SEER), at CDE
- Bryan Ehlers, CalRecycle, at CDE
- Jessica Sawko, California Science Teachers Association, at CDE
- Will Parish, Ten Strands, in Mill Valley
- Crag Strang, Lawrence Hall of Science, in Mill Valley
- Glen Johnson, Student, at Olympian High School, Chula Vista, CA
Science Subject Matter Committee
- Welcome and Introductions
SMC Vice Chair Dean Reese called the Science SMC teleconference meeting to order. All participating members introduced themselves and verified the posting of the public meeting notice. The participating CDE staff members and the public were also identified.
- Preparations for the May 19–20, 2016, Instructional Quality Commission Meeting (Information/Action)
- Draft Science Framework, Discussion on the Following:
- Revised Chapter 8 — Assessment. Matthew d’Alessio provided a new draft of the assessment chapter. This chapter provided a paradigm shift in current teaching practice. Teachers will now use the Science and Engineering Practices to assess student work/performance tasks. CDE staff will e-mail Lisa Hegdhal (California Science Teachers Association (CSTA) president, Science Curriculum Framework Criteria and Evaluation Committee (CFCC) member), Caleb Cheung (Curriculum Framework Criteria and Evaluation Committee (CFCC) member), and Kathy DiRanna (California K–8 NGSS Early Implementation Initiative) to request their feedback on the assessment chapter and ask them to provide additional examples of performance tasks.
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Instructional Segments Tables. Matthew discussed how the recommended instructional tables from the February 19, 2016, Science Subject Matter Committee Meeting would be much longer, adding numerous pages to the already extensive framework. The SMC agreed to have smaller condensed instructional segment tables with references to the NGSS Performance Expectation page numbers.
- Vignettes — Mathew submitted a sample vignette that provided a master template for all vignettes for consideration.
It was noted that most of the submitted Education and the Environment Initiative/Environmental Principles and Concepts (EEI/EP&C) vignettes are one dimensional, and the goal for all vignettes is to exemplify three-dimensional learning and what it looks like in the classroom. Before the meeting on March 18, 2016, Matthew had recommended removing some EEI/EP&C vignettes and placing them in a supplemental document. During the meeting, Bryan Elhers from CalRecycle said that he would like them to be in an appendix similar to the Computer Science Vignettes Appendix. Matthew stated that he could make sure all of the EEI/EP&C material would stay in the framework. Over thirty-three percent of the vignettes are based on the EPCs/and contain references to EEI. Twenty-five percent of the English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) vignettes to support EL learners are based on the EPCs and contain references to the EEI curriculum. A large number of the snapshots are based on the EPCs and contain references to the EEI curriculum. In short, there will be some EEI/EP&C vignettes that are expanded to reflect three-dimensional learning and remain in the framework as vignettes, and some that will remain focused on one dimension and will be reduced or relabeled as a “snapshot.”
Bryan Boyd sought clarification on the ELA/ELD vignettes. The Science SMC agreed to keep the vignettes in their current location.
In regards to the Computer Science Vignettes Appendix, CDE will contact Irene Lee to determine if it is possible to revise her computer science vignettes to mirror the model vignette template and include the 5E instructional model format. The 5E instructional model is based on the constructivist approach to learning, which says that learners build or construct new ideas on top of their old ideas. Each of the 5 Es describes a phase of learning, and each phase begins with the letter "E": Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. CDE Staff will request that Ms. Lee send the new draft vignettes at the beginning of May, so they can be included in the May 19–20 IQC meeting discussion. CDE will also request for Ms. Lee to use the water resources module as the basis for a vignette, in place of the Earth and Space Science (ESS) vignette she submitted previously. This vignette will better align to the CA NGSS.
- ELA/ELD and Mathematics Connection Boxes — CDE staff is currently revising and formatting the ELA/ELD connection boxes. The connection boxes will be sent to Matthew to be inserted into the appropriate grade-level chapters.
- The Science SMC approved language noting that credentialing questions should be addressed by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) in Chapter 7, and the CTC referral language will be forwarded to the writer to include in the next draft.
- Bryan Boyd will send Craig Strang the current version of the K–2 grade span introduction and a complete revision to grades K–1 and request feedback. Once Craig has completed his review of grades K–2, CDE staff will send Craig grades 3–5 for his review and feedback.
- Public Comment on Today’s Meeting Agenda Items: No public comment was offered.
- Adjournment of Meeting