ELA ELD SMC Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2014

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education
English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee Meeting
(Approved on March 28, 2014)
Report of Action
Friday, March 7, 2014
9 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.
English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Members Present:
- Jo Ann Isken, Chair
- Carla Herrera, Vice Chair
- Kristyn Bennett
- Jose Dorado
- Marlene Galvan
- Carlos Ulloa
Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Members Present:
- Bill Honig, IQC Chair
- Edward D’Souza
- Robert Foster
- Lori Freiermuth
- Nancy McTygue
- Brian Muller
Executive Director
- Thomas Adams
State Board of Education Liaison Present:
- Ilene Straus
English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee
- SMC Chair Isken called the English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) SMC meeting to order. All participating ELA/ELD SMC members, IQC members, CDE staff, and members of the public introduced themselves.
- Draft English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework (Information/Action)
Staff explained the different documents sent in preparation for the meeting: Item A provided a general update by the writers on the chapters and proposed revisions; Item B was a chart of various revisions and edits that would be used as the guiding document for discussion; Item C was the compilation of the survey results data and comments; Item D included an index of all 67 comments sent via the ELAFRAMEWORK mailbox from individuals, county offices of education, and other organizations; and Item E was a list of recommended revisions by CDE divisions.
- Discussion of Field Results (Information): Chair Isken reviewed the overall responses from survey results as noted in Item C. She highlighted that although the data indicated overall the responses were about even for those who rated the framework “excellent” or “good” (34) compared to those that rated it “fair” or “poor” (36), many of those who responded negatively were focused on the adoption of the standards and policies that were beyond the scope of the framework. In comments that related specifically to the framework content, and in presentations held throughout the state, the response from the field for the framework has been overwhelmingly positive. The majority of the suggested revisions and edits focused on how to improve this ground-breaking document.
- Revise and Edit the Draft ELA/ELD Framework (Information/Action): The members reviewed the guiding principles and process for reviewing the large number of suggested revisions and edits. The principles for review confirmed that the changes be consistent with the SBE-approved guidelines, provide clarification, add value to the chapters, be supported by research, eliminate redundancies, and create clear and concise narrative. The intention was not to add new content but clarify draft language. Chair Isken noted that since the framework is a dynamic document it will be possible to add new instructional practices, update content as it is revised, or develop new snapshots or vignettes as more examples are developed over the life of the framework.
Using the chart of various revisions and edits in Item B as the guide, the discussion for the revisions followed the following order: 1) the writers highlighted their suggestions for improvements following the outline on Item A; 2) Next, the writers provided input for each general comment, or comments for each chapter, along with staff members, offering support, any concerns, or questions for clarification; 3) Commissioners were asked for any additional comments or suggestions revisions; and 4) members of the public were then asked for additional input or edits. At the end of each general comment or list of comments by chapters, the chair asked for consensus on the suggested revisions or edits. The edits shaded in grey on the Item B chart and identified as “edit” were not discussed unless requested.
A summary for each general comment or series of chapter items, plus any additional suggested revisions that evolved from the committee’s discussions, are included in Attachment XX to the ELA/ELD SMC agenda item.
Commissioner Bennett moved to approve noted recommendations on the Item B “Chart of Revisions and Edits – Action/Discussion” for editing the framework; direct the writers and staff to incorporate the approved recommendations and edits; and to bring a summary of today’s action to the IQC meeting on March 28, including a new draft of Chapter 7. Commissioner Galvan seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously by the ELA/ELD SMC members present.