May 21, 2013 Math Subject Matter Committee Minutes

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education
Final Meeting Minutes: May 21, 2013
Mathematics Subject Matter Committee Teleconference Meeting
(Approved on July 30, 2013)
Report of Action
Mathematics Subject Matter Committee
May 21, 2013
3 to 3:20 p.m.
Mathematics Subject Matter Committee (MSMC) Co-Chair Julie Spykerman called the meeting to order.
- Welcome and Introductions (Information)
Commissioners and California Department of Education (CDE) staff present at the eight sites participating in the conference call identified themselves.
The following Commissioners participated:
- Julie Spykerman at Anaheim Union High School District
- Ed D’Souza at Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Center for Education
- Angel Barrett at Los Angeles Unified School District
- Jose Dorado at Osceola Street Elementary School
- Lori Freiermuth at Olympian High School
- Jo Ann Isken at Lennox School District
- Bill Honig in Mill Valley, CA
The following State Board of Education (SBE) liaison member was present in Sacramento:
- Patricia Rucker
The following Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division (CFIRD) staff members were present at the CDE, Sacramento:
- Tom Adams
- Cliff Rudnick
- Dmitriy Voloshin
- Ken McDonald
- Tracie Yee
2014 Mathematics Instructional Materials Adoption (Information/Action)
- Review Instructional Material Reviewers (IMR) and Content Review Experts (CRE) Panel Assignments
MSMC Co-Chair Spykerman asked Dmitriy Voloshin, CFIRD staff, to address the committee. Mr. Voloshin noted that 17 publishers submitted 36 programs spanning 118 grade levels, thus necessitating creation of 12 review panels of 9 or 10 members each. The commissioners also volunteered to facilitate the panels and several facilitators were appointed in absentia:
2014 Mathematics Adoption Panel Assignments
Panel # Panel Members Facilitator CDE Staff Publishers/ Programs 1
Joan Commons
Gertrude Cowan
Lillie Dabai
Paul Ekk
Yolanda Munoz
Erica Olmstead
Kathy Schwicke
Rachel Williams
Zhonghe WuAngel Barrett
Cynthia Gunderson
Gloria DobsonMcGraw-Hill, Connecting Math Concepts (K–4)
TPS Publishing, Inc., Creative Core Curriculum for Mathematics with STEM, Literacy and Arts (K–8)2
Rowdy Dyer
Joseph Fielder*
Linda Laymon
Michele Lenertz
Daina Lujan
Allison Nazzaro
Jenna Tremayne
Jill Warriner
Kristen Werk
Lisa WrightKristyn Bennett
Jim Long
Chris MattsonHoughton Mifflin Harcourt, Math Expressions, (K–6)
McGraw-Hill, McGraw-Hill My Math (K–5)3
Patricia Birk
Anne-Marie Bravo
Geri Cook
Jeffrey Linder
Maribel Guzman
Lynne Haman
Jennifer Henry
Christine Newell
Jennifer Tillson
Javier Trigos*Marlene Galvan
Kristen Cruz Allen
Rhonda RunyanPearson, Common Core System of Courses (K–8)
Marshall Cavendish, Primary Mathematics Common Core Edition (1–3)4
Lisa Amenta
Jacqueline Carter
Stanley Firestone
Anna Kearney
Andrea Kojima
Erin Lipsitz
Adelita Martinez
Marianne Oakes
Jean Simutis*
Linda SpincolaCarlos Ulloa
Lillian Perez
Nancy PlasenciaHoughton Mifflin Harcourt, Math in Focus (K–8)
Reasoning Mind, Reasoning Mind Algebra Readiness Program (2–6)5Jesse BarberDeborah Gale*
Janice Gilmore-See
Leah Leonard
Julie McGough
Louanne Myers
Jamie O’Hara
Angelica Trujillo
Christa WallisJose Dorado David Almquist
Steve FurnessPearson Scott Foresman, enVision Math, (K–6)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Go Math! (K–6)6Kevin Anderson
Jennifer Bourgeois
Jennifer Denton
Leanne Leonard
Eli Goldwyn*
Nancy Matthews
Natalie Maxwell
Jennifer Slay
Yas-Meen WestJo Ann Isken Deborah Franklin Big Ideas Learning, Big Ideas Math (6–8)
Pearson, CA Digits (6–8)
Triumph Learning, Common Core Math Curriculum (6–8)7Jack Bloom
Sara Burton
Sharie Dodd
Rona Dosen
Maria Hirsch
Gregg Motarjeme
Angelo Segalla*
Willie Townsend
Lewis TuckerLauryn Wild Laurie Garcia
Francine MataJRL Enterprises, I CAN Learn Basic Math (5–8)
Center for Mathematics and Teaching, Math Links (Grade 8)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Go Math! (6–8)
Perfection Learning, Kinetic Pre-Algebra (Grade 8)8Susan Addington*
Natalie Albrizzio
Leah Alcala
Vincent DeFabilis
Joanna Jimenez
Carol Kee
Tim Leonard
Mary Ann Lyons
Patricia WuAngie Estonina Terri Yan
Ravi ThakkarAgile Mind, Common Core Middle School Mathematics (6–8)
McGraw-Hill, Glencoe Math Accelerated (Grade 7)
McGraw-Hill, Cinch Math (Grade 8)
The College Board, SpringBoard Mathematics (6–8)9Paul Juarez
Karen Kennedy
Steven Krolikowski
Sosciety Louden
Andy Nguyen
Philip Ogbuehi*
Monique Pearl
Donna Rickman
Jane WentzelBama Medley Ken McDonald
Susan HardestyCollege Preparatory Mathematics, Core Connections, Courses 1-3 (6–8)
Edgenuity, Inc., Edgenuity California Common Core Mathematics (6–8)
McGraw-Hill, California Math, Courses 1-3 (6–8)10Pamela Alvarado
Jaime Bonato
Ron Buckmire*
Suzanne Fore
Jean Mbomeda
Jannelle Olivier
James Sheldon
Toni Torres
Long TruongNancy McTygue Bryan Boyd
Tracie YeeAgile Mind, Common Core Algebra 1 Mathematics
Big Ideas Learning, Big Ideas Algebra 1
JRL Enterprises, I CAN Learn Algebra 1
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Algebra 1: Analyze, Connect, Explore California11Arlene Ashton
Marguerette Baptiste
Melanee Dismuke
Iliana Grijalva
Shirley Guzman
Barbara Jacobs Ledbetter
James Stein*
Lorri Stellhorn
Kelli WiseEd D’Souza Emily Oliva
Joe ThompsonCollege Preparatory Mathematics, Core Connections Algebra 1
Pearson, CA Common Core Algebra 1
Revolution K12, Algebra 1
The College Board, SpringBoard Mathematics Algebra 112Jeffrey Burke
Juan Carolos Caraveo
Katharine Clemmer
Peter Iroekwe
Duane Kouba*
Vinh Lam
J. Christopher Paulus
Kimberly Samuel
Manuel TapiaLori Freiermuth Lisa Leiplein
Cheri Peon del ValleAleks Corporation, CA Algebra 1
McGraw-Hill, Glencoe Algebra 1
Pearson, Common Core Integrated Math 1
Perfection Learning, Kinetic Algebra 1There was no other discussion. MSMC Co-Chair Spykerman called for a motion.
Action: Commissioner Barrett moved to approve the panel assignments and facilitators. Commissioner D’Souza seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment.
There was a roll call vote. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (7–0).
- Public Comment: None
MSMC Co-Chair Spykerman adjourned the meeting.
Note: Since the panel and facilitator assignments were approved, there have been some changes. CDE staff replaced Commissioners Estonina and McTygue as facilitators.