Science SMC Meeting Minutes August 27, 2014

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of EducationFINAL MEETING MINUTES: August 27, 2014
Science Subject Matter Committee Teleconference Meeting
(Approved on September 18, 2014)
Report of Action
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
3:30 to 4:35 p.m.
Science Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Members Participating:
- Kristyn Bennett at Grace S. Thille Elementary School, Santa Paula, CA
- Ed D’Souza at Rialto Unified School District Office
- Jose Dorado at Los Angeles Unified School District Office
- Robert Foster at Beattie Middle School, Highland, CA
- Lori Freiermuth at Sweetwater Union High School District Office
- Bill Honig in Mill Valley
- Jo Ann Isken at UCLA Center X
- Brian Muller at San Fernando High School
- Julie Spykerman at Anaheim Union High School District Office
State Board of Education (SBE) Liaisons Participating:
- Ilene Straus in Kohala Coast, HI
- Trish Williams in San Diego, CA
Science Curriculum Framework & Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) Co-Chair Participating:
- Robert Sherriff at Winston Churchill Middle School, Carmichael, CA
California Department of Education (CDE) Staff Participating:
- Tom Adams
- Cliff Rudnick
- Kristen Cruz Allen
- Bryan Boyd
- Deborah Franklin
- Lisa Grant
- Tracie Yee
Public Members Participating at Various Locations:
- Jessica Sawko, California Science Teachers Association (CSTA) at CDE
- Jen Harper at Rialto Unified School District Office
- Juanita Chan at Rialto Unified School District Office
- Laura Henriques, CSTA, at Anaheim Union High School District Office
- Clay Elliott, Science Curriculum Specialist, at Anaheim Union High School District Office
- Ayham Dahi at Los Angeles Unified School Office
Science Subject Matter Committee
- Welcome and Introductions
SMC Chair Foster called the Science SMC meeting to order. All participating Science SMC members, SBE liaisons, and Science CFCC member introduced themselves, verified the posting of the public meeting notice, and introduced public members. The CDE staff members were also identified.
- Report on the State Board of Education Actions on the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Recommendations on Guidelines for the Science Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (Science CFCC) and Appointments to the Science CFCC (Information)
SMC Chair Foster reported on the July SBE meeting. The IQC’s recommendations for appointment of 20 members and the co-chairs to the Science CFCC and Science Framework guidelines were approved by the SBE.
- Review Draft Science CFCC Meeting Work Plan and Draft Science Framework Outline (Information)
Tom Adams, Executive Director, IQC and Director, CFIRD, provided an overview of the work the Science CFCC is tasked to complete.
Kristen Cruz Allen, Administrator, Curriculum Frameworks Unit, reviewed the draft Science CFCC work plan and draft outline of the framework chapters. She noted that the work plan and chapter outlines are subject to change as the chapters are developed. However, the one thing that cannot change is the January 31, 2015 deadline for completion of the draft framework due to the statuary deadline set forth by Senate Bill 300 (2013).
Bryan Boyd, lead consultant on the science framework, reviewed the agenda for the first Science CFCC meeting on September 9–10, 2014.
- Discuss Role of the Instructional Quality Commission and the Science SMC (Information)
Tom Adams discussed the roll of the IQC and Science SMC members. The Science SMC members attend the meetings of the Science CFCC to support its work on developing a draft framework. The Science SMC is responsible for ensuring that the draft framework is consistent with the guidelines approved by the SBE.
February 26–27, 2015: Science CFCC completes its draft version of the framework.
May 20–21, 2015: The IQC will approve the draft revised framework for the first 60-day public review and comment period.
August 2015: Science SMC will review the comments received from the public review and comment period and direct staff to make edits to the draft framework before the IQC’s September meeting.
September 24–25, 2015: The IQC will recommend the draft revised framework to the SBE and direct staff to commence the second 60-day public review and comment period.
- Public Comments:
- Ayham Dahi
- Clay Elliott
- Jessica Sawko
SMC Chair Foster adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:35 p.m.